for everyone |
The girls school had their back to school blast last night. They are all registered for school now and were able to meet their new teachers. Registration Day is on Friday but since they did it last night they don't need to go on Friday. Their first day of school is Monday....the countdown begins...sigh...
![]() | Sleepover Night | for everyone |
Sammy Jo is having a sleepover tonight. It's the good friend though. We took them to Culver's for supper. It was good, love their custard. :) Have got to get back on my diet now that the holiday is over.
![]() | More 100 Degree Heat | for everyone |
![]() | Happy 4th of July | for everyone |
![]() | Angry Enough To Spit Nails | for everyone |
If you read my previous blog entry then you will understand this one. Last night Sammy Jo's friend called her grandma while I was outside in garden. So when I come in house I get bombarded with this..."A friend of mine came to pick me up to spend the night with her, I had called her Saturday night and asked if I could sleepover at her house Monday night(last night). My grandma told me she was at the house to pick me up(bag packed and over shoulder). I am at a loss of words, I finally ask her, so you want to go, you don't want to stay again tonight? Your mother said that you would be here until Tuesday late afternoon or early evening, is your grandma ok with this? Because I was furious!! I was told oh yea she knows, yada, yada, yada,,,Then she starts telling me how her grandma still doesn't have her car and can I take her back...(I had to go get her Sunday and was told her grandma would be picking her up Tuesday) I told her well if you want to leave yea I take you, cuz by this time I am so hopping mad I am seeing red. I ask do you have all your stuff together, and am told yes she does. So Sammy Jo(in pajamas) and I take her back(All 3 girls had done had their showers for the night, not to mention I had washed this girls clothing and fed her supper) The girl gets out of the car, never says Thannk you, only bye. We start the drive home and Sammy Jo asks me Did we do something wrong the reason she didn't want to stay another night? I tell her no honey we didn't do anything wrong. I then tell Sammy Jo that this is the last straw that if she ever calls again and wants to stay the answer is NO. I am done with this girl. What she did I think is just terrible and I'm not going to put us thru it anymore. I told her that her other friend that comes over a lot is always welcome, she is just like family to us and a true friend. I just don't get how these other people can do what they do... Then when we get home we find she had left her swimsuit, so I made my daughter drive and her and I took it over there because I didn't want them coming back to my house ever, and since the girl just got out of my car and went into house, to make sure her grandma was there.
![]() | Why Do I Always Say Yes? | for everyone |
The phone rang this afternoon, it was Sammy jo's friend. I told her Sammy Jo was in the pool. She asked me if it was possible if she could come spend the night. She said she didn't want to go to her little cousins. I said yes she could come. Then I find out she doesn't have a way here and we have to go get her. Ok so we go get her and I assk her mother how long she is going to be staying. Her mom said she was thinking just the night, but she was acting like it might be longer, she said it was up to me. I said no it was up to her, and then asked her how long she needed her to stay. She said it didn't matter. I'm thinking ??????...So finally I ask Sammy Jo's friend how long she wants to stay, she hunches her shoulders, shyly. I asked again, you want to stay just tonight or 2 nights. She said 2 nights, I said ok and told her mom ok this is Sunday, so she will stay tonight then tomorrow night, Monday. Her mom said ok I asked if someone would pick her up, she said yea and I asked what time, was told it would be sometime in the afternoon on Tuesday. When we got back to my house and the girl gave me her ADHD medicine there was 4 pills in the bag. Hmmmm now I am wondering if she will be here for more than 2 nights.
![]() | More Barter System | for everyone |
We now have 25 lbs of this, its Ice Breakers Gum, Sour, lol. The girls are in 7th heaven.

![]() | The Barter System & Good Neighbors Are Still Alive & Good | for everyone |
Our good neighbor has brought us 188 ears of corn this year. I gave some to my daughter but I still was able to put up in freezer 120 ears.
![]() | Growing Flowers | for everyone |
![]() | Happy Birthday, Mom | for everyone |
Today would have been my mom's 81st birthday. I still miss her so much. Love you always mom.
![]() | Father's Day | for everyone |
My father wasn't a "good" father. I really didn't even know him that well and this day has never meant anything to me when it comes to him. However it has meant something to me for Brian as a stepfather to my daughter and a fantastic grandfather to the girls. So he is the one that I celebrate on this day. :)
![]() | What Do You Want To Vote To Cut? | for everyone |
I just found out about this and think it is a good thing.
![]() | Yard Sales | for everyone |
Yesterday we stopped at a few yard sales. They are having yard sales for 400 miles this weekend. I found the girls some nice shorts for 25 cents each and a brand new pair for $1, still had tags attached. I also picked up brand new poker chips with a rack still wrapped in plastic for $2. The girls and I spent last night playing 5 card stud, lots of fun. I found a heavy duty wooden magazine rack for $5, been looking for one awhile now. One man's junk is another man's treasure :)
![]() | A Long But Nice day | for everyone |
Sammy Jo had a sleepover that started yesterday afternoon. The girls got in the pool before supper. Today they were back in the pool at 9:30 this morning, that is how hot it was. While they were in the pool I started grilling at about 11:45 for the cookout we were having. I had invited Sammy Jo's friend's parents. They are also kinda like our neighbors about a mile down around the corner. Plus my daughter and son in law. I grilled chicken legs and chicken breasts, italian sausages, hamburgers, and hot dogs. We had sides of potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, and baked beans. Plus orange and strawberry jello salads. All store boughten not homemade. We had a very nice day and I didn't eat anything that I wasn't suppose to, but I did probably ate more than I should have....oops....
![]() | Wreck of Death (CORRECTION) | for everyone |
Yesterday afternoon, Brian's friend's 2nd cousin was in a car wreck and died. This boy was 17 years old and about to graduate high school next week. He was traveling at a high rate of speed cuz he was late for something. He ran off the side of the road, overcorrected and lost control, ran off road on other side and as he came back onto the road was hit by a semi-truck on his passenger side door. He was pronounced dead at the scene. It took them 3 hours to cut him out of the car. The passenger door was pushed clear over to the steering wheel. We didn't know the boy, but are still saddened by this. Such a sad, sad occurance.
It was a Ford F-150 pickup truck that hit him, not a semi-truck.
![]() | Leo Cub | for everyone |
I don't really understand what it is all about, but Sammy Jo was invited to become a Leo cub. I know it has something to do with The Lions Club and is sponsered by the local chapter of them. She said she wanted to do it so her mom signed the papers for it. This on top of her being in The Beta Club...Something tells me that I am going to be busy taking her here and there with these clubs next year. This school year is almost over, their last day is the 24th.
![]() | Happy Mother's Day | for everyone |
Just want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day. I miss my mom so today is a bit sad for me.
![]() | Bird Problem Gone ( we hope) | for everyone |
Brian has had to fill in the rafters on both sides of our front porch, due to those Barn Swallow birds. There is no place for them to land and sit or build a nest there now. They really make a muddy mess so I am glad that they appear to be gone now. I only hope they don't try building a nest on top of my porch light now.
![]() | Birds of a Different Feather (UPDATE) | for everyone |
I have found out these birds are Barn Swallows and they only build their nests on/in manmade built structures, hence their name. We have had to fill in the eaves of our front porch because of these birds. My son in law just finished painting the wood Brian filled it in with yesterday, cuz if its not painted then the carpenter bees come and drill holes in it for their nest/hive. If the wood is treated they don't mess with it. If it's not the birds then it's the bees, lol Hope the snakes stay away this year...

![]() | Sugar's Ball | for everyone |

![]() | Garden Planted | for everyone |
Managed to get it planted this morning. 20 tomato plants, 6 cucumber plants, 4 sweet banana plants, and 2 1/2 rows of onions. I'm tired.
![]() | The Annual World's Biggest Fish Fry | for everyone |

It's April and that means it is time for the annual World's Biggest Fish Fry. Starting tomorrow the festivities begin. There will be a carnival and plenty of other activities to do and see. Friday is the parade. The girls will be going to see the parade and then onto the carnival. I will be planting my garden. :)
![]() | Sleepover Tonight | for everyone |
Sammy Jo is having a sleepover tonight. She hasn't had one in a while and next weekend is the annual World's Biggest Fish Fry, and the following week is her friend's bday party, so there will be no sleepovers those weeks. So it's a pizza for their supper tonight and plenty of other snacks. :)
![]() | Spoiled Brat | for everyone |
I have a spoiled brat in my house. She kept me up most of the night. This spoiled brat is Sugar. I don't know what "got" into her yesterday. You have heard the saying "the devil made me do it". I give Sugar "treats" for cats. I give her the hairball treatment ones every other day like the directions say to and on the off days I give her regular treats for cats. She gets 10 of them at a time, same as the hairball treatment ones. The reason I started giving her the regular treats on the off days was because she was driving me nuts begging for the "treats". I always give her the treats at lunchtime. Well yesterday "all day" she kept begging (meowing) for her treats everytime we walked into the kitchen, even after I gave them to her at lunchtime. Sugar meowed so much yesterday she became hoarse and sounded pitiful. I held my ground and did not give in, she had found to eat if she was hungry. The treats are only "treats". Well like I said she is a spoiled brat and I guess she decided that since I wouldn't " give in" she was going to make me suffer, and suffer I did. Sugar kept me awake most of the night by jumping all over my bedroom furniture and my computer desk and printer, knocking things down and making creaking noises. I would get up and make her get down and she would take off running, her game of "tag you're it". Then just as I would crawl back into bed and my head hit the pillow she would decide it was time to use my mattress as a scratching post and I would have to get up again for another game of "tag you're it". She hasn't thrown a tantrum like this in a very long time and I can only hope that it will be the last one ever.
![]() | Redneck Air Conditioning | for everyone |
![]() | New Toy For The Girls | for everyone |

![]() | What a Deal!! | for everyone |
We took some clothes to the Salvation Army today to donate. While we were there Brian found a pair of blue jeans for $2.00. We also found a HP all in one wireless printer for $15.00, in the box. Looks brand new and the paper that was with it was marked 2010 as when it was bought. It still had the price tag on it for $129.00. I can now print from my laptop and my cell phone, so cool :)
![]() | Happy Easter!! | for everyone |
![]() | My Mother's Day Present | for everyone |
![]() | A Long Time Coming | for everyone |
We moved from Illinois to Tennessee in August 1995. I owned a 1954 Chevy pickup truck that we were in the process of restoring at the time. I had really wanted a 53 or older because of the grill but couldn't find one and then found the 54. Which Brian said we could get a grill from an older truck and replace what they call the bull nose on the 54. We had found and bought one. We were not able to bring the truck with us to Tennessee and it was left behind. We have looked for years for one to replace it but to no avail, until this week. Brian brought home the title to it last night when he returned from helping his friend. It seems this man had this truck for the past 20 years and never finished it. His wife wanted it gone. The man was going to trade Brian the truck for Brian's 60 something Olds that he has been puttering with. Brian ended up getting it for nothing because the man's wife told him that he wasn't bringing another one home to sit there like the truck had sat there. I just can't believe it, finally I have an actual 1953 Chevy Pickup truck. It is going to take work of course but it is in very good shape for the year and I have seen some rusted right into the ground. I can't get over how good a shape it is, I'm just so excited!! :)
![]() | The 12 Year Milestone | for everyone |
Happy Birthday Sammy Jo!! You have finally reached the 12 year milestone that means so much more to you, to us than it does to most 12 year olds. It has seemed like it has taken forever, although it really hasn't. I wish you the very best. Love you always!!
![]() | Nose Back To The Grindstone | for everyone |
Yesterday we celebrated Sammy Jo's birthday, which is the 28th. She will turn 12. Daughter took her and friends to a place called Mr. Gatti's. It is a pizza place on the lines of Chuck E. Cheese. They had a blast. Afterwards at home she opened up presents from us and had her cake and ice cream. They talked me into having a very small piece of cake and ice cream. It was sooo good, although I knew I shouldn't go off diet. Then for supper last night. we ended up getting a pizza from Little Caesar's. They just opened up one in driving distance to us. We haven't had this kind of pizza since we moved to Tennessee. We always ate it in Illinois. I had 1 piece. Of course I gained weight which I now have to lose again. My UTI is still bothering me. I have taken all the numbing meds, they were for 2 days. Now that it is out of my system I am feeling a little pain again. My back is hurting, but I don't know if it hurts from all the standing I did the other day or if it's my kidneys. I just want to feel better....
![]() | Wore Out | for everyone |
I made mostaccioli for dinner tonight, I can't have it so I had chicken instead. I also made mostaccioli for my daughter. I baked Sammy Jo's birthday cake since we are celebrating it tomorrow. Daughter will take them to this pizza place that is kinda like Chuckie E. Cheese. We still don't know how many of the kids she invited are going to show up. I swear I don't understand why they can't call and let you know one way or the other. We did have R.S.V.P. on the invitations with phone #. When they get done there we will have cake and ice cream and she will open up presents from family. I don't get cake and ice cream either...waaaa, lol Sammy Jo is having sleepover tonight also. Hopefully I will survive all of this, I sure am tired and hurting right now.
![]() | Trip To Doctor | for everyone |
Yesterday morning I awoke and discovered it appeared I had another bladder infection. By middle day I was thinking I had caught it in time and had flushed it out. Was feeling good last night no pain at all. This morning I awoke and discovered that I still had it and the pain was worse than yesterday morning. I called the doc's office after I realized it was going away at all. They told me to come on in. The doc's office is about 40 minutes away and I tell you I was thinking I wasn't going to make it there without having wet pants. That was the worst 40 minute drive ever. I was in so much pain and had to go to bathroom so bad. I knew I would have to go into cup for the doc. I made it there with dry pants. I checked in and told the lady I had to go really bad and knew they needed it in a cup. She said she would tell the nurse. I had to go really, really bad. I sat in chair what seemed like forever. I went back to lady and told her they either needed to get me back there witha cup or I was going to have to go ahead and use the bathroom. She went and told nurse again. A few minutes later the nurse came and called me, thank goodness. I figured they would have me go back to lobby and wait but they went ahead and put me in a room where I waited for about 30 minutes before doc came in. She told me I had a very bad UTI. She gave me Bactrim again and the pills to numb the pain. She also gave me a script for a lower dosage of some med that I have to take after I am done taking the bactrim for 10 days. This lower dose med I have to take for 30 days, 1 pill at bedtime. Not sure why I keep getting these, ugh.
![]() | The End | for everyone |
Today was the last academic team meet for Sammy Jo. Not just for this school year but forever. They will not have an academic team next year. The school's reason for this is because some of the material is over their grade. Doesn't really make since to me but that was their excuse for ending it. Sammy Jo is a bit upset. She was hoping to be on it again next year. It's a shame, it gave the kids that weren't into sports, band, etc. something to do. They came in 2nd in today's meet and that makes them 2nd for the year.
![]() | Children's Church Program | for everyone |
The girls had their children's church program today in front of the whole church. Their mom went to watch it. The girls had fun being in it. They ate breakfast at church before Sunday school this morning. They were all excited about doing all these new things. I am happy and proud. Sammy Jo had to recite Psalm 112:7-8a and Tabitha had to recite Psalm 46:2 in the program. They both memorized their verses and didn't need cue card help, yay!! Good job!!!
![]() | Happy St. Patrick's Day!! | for everyone |
Wishing everyone, Irish or not a very Happy St. Patrick's Day!! May you all find your pot of gold under the rainbow. :)
![]() | Nice Surprise | for everyone |
I have found out that being on this diet has lowered my blood pressure. I am not sure why, but I am happy that it has. I have always had very low blood pressure up until my knee started giving me problems. It was clear up to 138/89. It is now down to 112/69. I haven't lost all that much weight yet so I am surprised that it has come down like this. I am not sure why but I sure am glad.
![]() | Normal Life | for everyone |
Feeling a bit under the weather this morning. Woke up on and off all night long and each time my throat was worse than the time before. I just got over a cold but I think it has decided to go for round 2. Have laundry to do today. Sammy Jo has a school dance Thursday night and school is out on Friday. Saturday the girls have practice at church for their Children's program. just another day in a normal life.
![]() | Week 4 Weigh In | for everyone |
I feel like a big failure this week. As you know I went off my diet for 1 meal last Friday night. We went to KFC. It was very good but I have paid for that 1 meal dearly, as my weekly weigh in showed the proof of. Not including the weight I had to relose from that 1 delightful meal, I have only lost 0.2 lbs this week which brings my total to 11.2 lbs. Woe is me...
![]() | The Dead Tree | for everyone |
![]() | This and That | for everyone |
Yesterday the girls went skating with their Sunday school class. They haven't been skating since I fell and hurt my shoulder, back in 2007. I was worried about them going without us being there. Broken bones first thing on my mind, with the way Tabitha's elbow broke falling off the 4 wheeler, back in 2008. I gave in and let them go anyway. Tabitha came home with so many bruises, thankfully nothing broken. Sammy Jo on the other hand, fell and hurt her right hand and wrist. Didn't think it was broken, but it is swollen a bit still this morning. She was afraid to go get xrays cuz she thinks she would have to miss school like Tabitha did when her elbow was broken. She has an academic team meet this morning and tomorrow she has a Social Studies contest out of town to be in. Her mom is going to the meet this morning and I told her to look her hand and wrist over, cuz I am concerned that Sammy Jo isn't using it at all. I pray it's not broken.
![]() | Tabitha's 4-H Picture Results | for everyone |
![]() | Tabitha's 4-H County Speech Reading | for everyone |
Last night was Tabitha's 4-H county speech reading. She ended up with a 3rd place ribbon, to go with her 1st place ribbon that she already had received for it. All in all I think she did very well to even be chosen for county.
![]() | Happy Valentine's Day | for everyone |
May you love the day and the day love you. Eat chocolate and smell pretty flowers. Or be like me and just enjoy another day. :)
![]() | First Trip Without | for everyone |
Last night I let the girls go to the small circus that was over in Paris, next town over. It was inside. Sammy Jo's friend's mother called last night and asked if they wanted to go. I had completely forgot about it and my daughter has been working overtime a lot and I had forgot to remind her. The girls wanted to go, so I said yes. This is the friend that has been coming over for sleepovers the last 2 times so I had met the mother and they only live about a mile from us. Nice people. This was the first time that the girls had went anywhere without a family member like that. I was a little nervous but it has to happen sometime. We are the only ones beside family that Sammy Jo's friend has stayed at overnight. If they trust us like that I should do the same and did. The girls had a good time and tomorrow Sammy Jo's friend is coming for another sleepover. Girl's need friends, good friends.
![]() | School Project Number 3 | for everyone |
Samantha's reading class had to read the play " The Phantom Toll Booth". Then they had to do a 2-D or a 3D project from a list of items from the play. It couldn't be smaller than the size of a piece of construction paper. Samantha chose to do the car. Her mother and stepdad helped her make it. Here it is. I think they did a very good job on it. She had to turn it in yesterday.
![]() | School Projects Number 2 | for everyone |
For this month, Tabitha had to take 2 pics and add captions to them. Here they are.
Shh what time is the escape?
Oops parden me, I was playing in the hay.
They are due on the 17th.
![]() | School Projects Number 1 | for everyone |
Tabitha is in 4th gr. this year and that means she had to take 4-H. She had to write a speech last month about "My Favorite.." She chose to write it about Nascar. I helped, her grade was an "A" .Not only is it for 4-H, but it is for an English grade too. She was chosen to go to "county" to read her speech as she got a 1st place ribbon for it. She has to go to "county" on the 13th. Here is her speech.
Have you ever watched a Nascar race? I watch them with my grandpa. They are a lot of fun to see. I have been to watch a Nascar practice at the Indianapolis 500 track.
There are race tracks all over the country. Their schedule starts in February at the Daytona 500 in Florida. It ends at Homestead, Florida in November. The drivers have to qualify to race in each race. The fastest driver gets the number one position called the pole position. The rest of the drivers are set from the fastest to the slowest. There are always 43 cars in a race. Nascar is my favorite sport and my favorite driver is Dale Earnhardt Jr. He drives the number 88 car, and finished in the top 10 in the Championship Chase in 2011. Everyone calls him Little E because his dad Dale Earnhardt Sr., also raced in Nascar.
Like the 4-H motto, Nascar tries to make the best better. They have rules that they follow and they do their best to make the races safe for all the drivers. Nascar does a lot to help charities and most of the drivers try to be role models for children. The best making it better at almost 200 mph. How about you, could you become a Nascar driver?
I thought she did a good job of reading her speech in front of us. She had to pratice it and we had to time her to make sure she was within the time limit of 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.
![]() | An Eye Opening Morning | for everyone |
Brian had a doctor's appt this morning. We got the girls on the school bus and then we headed out. The road was just barely wet from some sprinkles we had early morning. I had only drove about 2 miles from our house, we came to one of the many curves in the road. Coming from the other direction there was a car in the middle of the road. I went to move over since they were hogging the road, and all of a sudden felt like I was on ice. The oil from the road had come to the surface with the little bit of rain. I was sliding sideways and slid right into the ditch. The car stopped and was pointing the other direction and one tire was off the ground. At one point I thought the car was going to roll on its side before it finally stopped. The woman that was in the other car, stopped. She asked if we had a cell phone. I said yes, but it wasn't going to do us any good. I told Brian to ask her if she would give him a ride back to the house (it's in the direction she was going) to get our truck so he could pull the car out of the ditch. She agreed, Brian was back in a few minutes with truck and he managed to pull the car out of ditch. We drove back home and dropped off truck and finished driving to doctor's and still made it on time. The car has no damage to the outside that we can see, if it has any damage it is underneath, but we don't think it has any. I really need new tires, but can't afford them. I think that is why I slid so bad. So now we are at doctor's and I went back out to the car once they called Brian back to a room. The chairs they have kill my legs if I sit in them too long. There I am sitting in the car, when all of a sudden the door locks lock and the car horn starts going off. I'm thinking WTF??? When did my car turn into CHRISTINE??? I unlocked the doors and looked around thinking that maybe someone else's car had the same frequency that mine did. I didn't see anyone anywhere. Then it dawned on me that Brian had the other set of car keys where he had to go get the truck earlier. I told myself that he must have accidently hit the button. Next thing that happens is a big truck pulls into the parking space next to me. A man gets out of the truck and hits my car so fricking hard with his truck door that it rocks my car. I yell at him but of course he just keeps walking like nothing happened. Brian comes out a few minutes later and I tell him to look at the car to see what the man did to it. His truck door put 2 dents (door dinks) into mine. Brian was more than a little upset and I won't say what he did to other man's for the door locking incident, it wasn't that Brian accidently hit the button he did it on purpose, to mess with me...isn't he just so sweet??? !@#$
![]() | !st Academic Team Competition | for everyone |
Sammy Jo had her 1st Academic Team Competition yesterday. They came in 3rd out of 3, not so good...The next one is Feb. 27th...I hope they do better in that one...This one was rough cause one of the students on her team ( 6th gr) moved just 2 weeks before and ended up being on one of the other schools team. Another student on the 8th gr team also moved and ended up on one of the other school teams. The winning school had 35 points, this is the school where the 2 students moved to. The 2nd place school had 29 points and our school had 24 points. There are 2 competitions left, the school with the most points at the end of all 3 wins overall. Our school has won 4 out of the last 5 years competions. Not looking too good so far. Hoping they win the next one.
![]() | Tire + Nail = Flat | for everyone |
![]() | Morris | for everyone |
Morris is one of my daughter's cats. She now has 4. She had 2 cats for several years up until after I brought Sugar home. Daughter went to shelter and brought home a mother and her kitten. Yesterday she took Morris to the vet cuz there is something wrong with his eye. I think that he got scratched by one of the other cats. Daughter did not get good news. They told her that he had an ulcer on his eye and wanted to do surgery yesterday. Problem is, it cost $700, and daughter can't afford that. They gave her eye drops and an antibiotic to put in his eye. Although this treatment might not work and they told her he would have to be put down if it doesn't work. I t didn't sound like there was much of a chance for it to work, I pray it does....
![]() | Rearranging | for everyone |
![]() | Stereos, CD Players, Cat & Dog | for everyone |
We have lived here for 4 years now and Brian still hadn't hooked up our stereo and CD player. I had been after him for ages to do this. Well finally this morning while cleaning I flat out told him to either hook the sh** up or I was going to get rid of it. That it wasn't doing any good just sitting there collecting dust not hooked up. So with a few choice words under his breath he hooked it all up. Sammy Jo was dusting and as it turned out she had turned the volume all the way up on it. Sugar was sitting looking out the front door at Missy, who was eating her food. Brian turned the stereo on to make sure it was hooked up right and OMG, full blast, poor Sugar must have lost 5 of her 9 lives and I thought that Missy surely had a heart attack. Sugar ran one way getting traction and peeling out on the throw rug in front of the door. Missy took off running for the hills in the opposite direction...OMG poor babies, what a sight it was to see, lol.
![]() | A Gift To Myself | for everyone |
Christmas, birthday, and whatever else. I now have myself a laptop computer. I have wanted one for ages. I know I am not going to like the payments, but I like the laptop... :)
![]() | 2011 Ends...2012 Begins | for everyone |
I have had a bad ending to 2011 and a bad start to 2012. Christmas eve I ended up with a bladder infection. Haven't had one of these in over 30 years. I started drinking lots of water, but it didn't help, and the pain got worse. With the holidays, the docs were closed and I wasn't able to get into see one until the 27th. They gave me cipro and told me if I wasn't feeling a whole lot better in 2 days to call back, they would change the meds. Of course I wasn't feeling better at all so I called and they gave me bactrim. Some days I feel like the infection is clearing up and some days it doesn't. I have drank a ton of water. Yesterday and today so far I have not had any pain....have my fingers crossed.
![]() | HO HO HO!!! | for everyone |
Samantha can't contain herself, she keeps giggling and saying "It's almost Christmas time" Tabitha is able to hold it in a little better. I keep telling them that they shouldn't be surprised if all they get is coal. They aren't real bad, they just bicker with each other all the time. I bought some candy that looks like coal, and you can guess what I am going to do with it, lol....Merry Christmas!!!
![]() | Not Now!! | for everyone |
I was fine when I awoke this morning. While making my bed a felt a tinge of pain in my back. As the morning went on the pain got worse. Somehow I pulled a muscle in my back and have been in extreme pain all day. With Christmas around the corner, I have to start baking tomorrow and I hope that this pain will be gone by morning. I haven't done much today but lay down, however I did have to take Sugar to vet for her booster shots this afternoon. I also asked them to look at her incision at the lump that she has had since she was spayed. I took her back to vet 3 days afterwards because of it. They said sometimes that happened, their body fighting the suctures. I had never seen it before or heard of it. Well, boy did I get a surprise when the woman said she had a sucture that would have to be removed!!! I said "a sucture?" Totally confused. I have been looking at Sugar's belly every couple of days at this lump, making sure that it wasn't getting bigger. The woman lifted Sugar up and much to my surprise there was about a 2" sucture sticking out of her incision!! I looked at Brian and he looked at me and we both said that wasn't there yesterday!! I then asked the woman is that what was causing the lump and she told me yes. I asked so now what? She said oh we will just cut it off. ??? I am thinking huh??? So they take Sugar away out of the room. I don't like that, why don't they just do it right there in the room. All the other vets I have used before, did all the stuff like shots, etc. right in the room. We were waiting for Sugar to be brought back to us, when all of a sudden we heard Sugar scream an awful cat scream!! The door opened and the woman brought Sugar back in. I asked, was that her crying? The woman said yes that the doctor made her cry when he gave her the shots. ??? I have never heard a cat scream or cry like that while getting a shot. Brian said she probably screamed when he pulled the sucture out. I am like...pulled it out?? Hell what about what it was attached to inside of her??? She has a little bit of blood on the incision line where the sucture was sticking out. I told Brian..she had better not have any internal bleeding or anything like that!! I am not pleased with my vet right now at all!! Am I over reacting??
![]() | I Don't Understand... | for everyone |
I just spent the last 40 hours with 3 girls in the house. Sammy Jo had a sleepover and I allowed the girl to stay for 2 nights......This girl had never been here before. The girl was suppose to ride home on the bus with Sammy Jo Friday after school. That didn't happen. Sammy Jo told me the girl hurt her finger at school and had went home early and she wasn't going to be able to come for sleepover. So we decided since the plans had been changed that we would take the girls to finish their Christmas shopping Friday night instead of waiting for Saturday night. So we left at 3:30pm and did the shopping and stopped at KFC for supper and we made it home about 5:30pm. I found a note stuck in our door from Sammy Jo's friend asking if she could still come over to PLEASE call her. I found about 10 missed calls on the house phone from her and a voicemail left by her. Sammy Jo's cell phone had about missed calls also from her. I was feeling very bad that we had missed her and all. I called the number that was on the note and a man answered. I explained what was going on the best I could. He said that the girl had just left to go to her dad's. I was still feeling bad, so I called the number that I had for the girl's mother. I explained to her how we had missed her daughter and the phone calls. I asked if there was any way that the girl could still come over. Her mom said sure she would pick her up and bring her out. They arrived around 7:00pm. I was still feeling bad over it all (even though it wasn't our fault really) and that is when I asked if it would be ok for her to stay both nights. (Friday & Saturday) and be picked up Sunday morning at 10:00am. Of course I said if the girl wants to stay that long. Yes, yes was the answer. Everything was going well Friday night (or so I thought) The girls all seemed to be having a great time. At midnight I went to Sammy Jo's room and told them they needed to turn turn out the lights and settle down for the night. Saturday morning comes and everything is going well, girls having fun. Playing the Wii, board games, computer, even helping me make cookies, etc. It was about 4:00pm when Tabitha told me she heard someone knocking. I looked but didn't see anything. Christina was fixing to head out the door and she said "oh someone is here". It was the girl's mother. I was totally surprised and I am sure the look on my face showed it. I don't know what to say or to think. Her mother preceeds to tell me that she had texted her and had begged her mother to come and pick her up, Friday night after midnight!!! The girl had told her mother that her finger was hurting very bad and she wanted to go home home. Well, this was news to me!! The girl had not once said anything to any of us about her finger hurting or that she had texted her mother or that she wanted to go home!! I told her mother this. I was just flabbergasted!!! Her mother told her that she should have told me that her finger was hurting and asked me if I had some tylenol. I told her mother, that it was the 1st I had heard of any of this. That I wasn't expecting her to pick her up until Sunday at 10:00am. I told the girl that if she wasn't having a good time that she should have told me and that I could have called her mom, or if her finger was hurting I could have called her mom to see about giving her something for pain. I also told both her and her mother that I thought she was having a good time. The girl told me that she was having a good time, she asked her mother if she could go ahead and stay here, that her finger was better. Her mother allowed her too. Which was fine with me, I was liking the girl and Sammy jo was having a better time with this girl than the other one that had been here so many times before. Although I was very upset about all this other stuff. Anyway the girl stayed and I hope she honestly had a good time and that she comes again sometime. There are things that I am confused about though. Friday night the girl seemed just fine and I could have swore that she was having a blast. All day Saturday I could have swore she was having a blast. I found out Saturday from the girl that she has ADHD and she said that her mother didn't give her, her medicine. Wish her mother had told me this!!! The girls had been drinking Coke and this girl was bouncing off the walls, I have never seen anything that bad before. I told her that I was cutting her off the Coke. Tabitha isn't allowed to have caffeine, cuz she gets out of control, but never like this girl was!!! After I took the Coke away from her, she calmed down a lot, but she was still a lot to deal with. I don't understand why the girl did what she did on Friday night without saying a word to any of us and I don't understand why we weren't told about her ADHD especially since her mother hadn't gave her the medicine. Talk about blindsiding someone!! Oh and the reason that her mother never came to pick her up Friday night when she texted her after midnight was because her mother was at the hospital ER with the girl's aunt and was unable to come. So I guess if that hadn't been going on she would have been at my door in the middle of the night knocking. With me already asleep and not knowing what was going on. I don't understand.... the other girl that Sammy Jo has come over, her mother always arrives late to bring her and to pick her up....I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!! Maybe I am the weird one?????
![]() | You Were Doing What? | for everyone |
We live on a country road that has barely been paved. However there is a fair share of traffic on it. People use this road as a shortcut. I have posted pics of my Christmas decorations and you can see that I have a 9ft reindeer in my yard. Yesterday there was a work truck with 3 men in it that drove by our house, slow. We could see that the driver had his whole head stuck out the window looking at our decorations. We could also see the other two men's heads stretching over one another so they could get a look. OMG it was so funny! I told Brian that the driver had better look where he was going before he wrecked his truck. We live right on a curve and I thought this man was going to miss the curve and drive off the road, or worse if another vehicle was to come around the curve from the opposite direction. Hopefully no one will have an accident looking at our decorations, but can you imagine the conversation if they did? You were doing what? You were looking at a giant reindeer? LMAO!! Look but don't crash people!!
![]() | The Moon | for everyone |
![]() | Sammy Jo | for everyone |
![]() | Catch Up | for everyone |
I haven't had the time to be on the computer in a few days so will try to catch up here. As I wrote previously, the high school football team had to travel to Cookeville on Friday. They were playing the state finals I have come to find out. I guess high school has different divisions, anyway the Henry County Patriots won and have the big trophy!! Also on Friday, I took Sugar to the vet to be spayed and have her shots. She is doing better today, she walked like she was drunk when she came home Friday afternoon. They glued her back together, so no sutures to take out. All her tests came back negative, yay!! Have to take her back to get booster of 2 of the shots on the 23rd. Then she will be fine for a full year. Tabitha has a sinus infection, she went to doctor yesterday morning and is taking meds. Then of course Sammy Jo is now also sick, with what I am pretty sure will be a sinus infection soon if its not already. She will be going to doctor this afternoon as soon as they open. It has started to rain here again and will continue raining until Wednesday sometime. Flooding could be possible in a lot of areas. As for me, I was on my feet too much Friday as I had to finish Christmas shopping. With the school letting out early I had that to do before I had to return home to meet the bus. Sammy Jo went with her mom to pick up her glasses. She had to have a pair, her eyesight wasn't what it should be. She picked out a purple pair, of course. She looks pretty good in them, and she can see now, yay!! While they were picking up those, we went to finish the errands and when they were thru we picked up Sammy Jo so her mom could get some sleep, she had to work all weekend. We finished up more errands and then had to go food shopping. Finished that and brought it home, unpacked car and put away. Daughter comes in and wants Brian to go look at some used car they are thinking of buying. So he takes off with her and I have to take off with the girls to go pick up Sugar at the vet. By the time we get back with Sugar, Brian is already back.... I had a discussion with lady at vet over price she was trying to charge me, $40.00 more than was right. She fixed it...Got Sugar settled and we went out to get a bite for supper. Saturday comes and I have to wrap presents, I didn't even get 1 present wrapped, ran out of tape. Realized I hadn't bought Brian's b-day or Christmas gifts for the girls to give him. So out the door we go...I hate buying for him..he doesn't like much of anything and is picky about his shirts, etc. We ended up giving him a 10lb sledge hammer with a very long handle for his b-day and we gave it to him do you wrap that? We didn't!! Managed to wrap the Christmas stuff but it wasn't easy. Anyway, after all the wrapping and laundry I had to do yesterday, I was in bad shape last night. I hurt in places that I didn't know existed..I am better today, but still have places that hurt. I'm not doing much of anything today that is for sure.
![]() | Freezing Fog | for everyone |
This morning we had what they call freezing fog. It makes for dangerous driving on bridges and raised highways. In Nashville this had a terrible outcome. At 7:30 A.M. they had a massive car pileup on a raised road/bridge. They started out saying it was a 40 car pileup, all thru the day the number rose, 46, 50, 55, etc. On the news tonight they said that there was 179 cars involved. A school bus was one of them. One 28 year old man lost his life, when he hit the back of a semi-truck and half of his car went under it. He was just married last month. I say a prayer for his family. 8 others were injured.
![]() | Living Wills and Power of Attorneys | for everyone |
We have been talking a lot lately about how if something was to happen to us that we wouldn't want to live on machines. This has been something that we have always said but with our son-in-law's brother in a coma like he is, it's really come to be a topic. So I did a search online this morning for Living Will info. I came across a website that has all the forms to print off. I printed off the forms for a Living Will and also the forms for Power of Attorney for Healthcare. As soon as we can find 2 people willing to be our witness' that are not related to us we shall fill them out. I made sure I read all the legal info that the website offered also on how they had to be completed correctly. It seems that you must also have the time, complete with the time zone, besides just the date on them. I wasn't aware of that so I am glad the website had it there.
![]() | Dixie Alley | for everyone |
Everyone has heard of tornado alley. This morning I heard that there is a new is called Dixie Alley. It is an extension of tornado alley. I live in it. They were explaining why Tennessee has so many "winter" tornadoes. They are caused from the warm moist Gulf air that sweeps thru here during the winter months. They were showing a graph of how many tornadoes have happened in each of the 12 months. Although we get most of them in March, April, & May, we have had tornadoes in all 12 months. I have become to call this time of the year year our "rainy" season. Seems like it rains so much this time of the year. We also have another rainy season around March. We just had over 4" of rain last week and it started raining again in the middle of the night and not expecting it to stop until around Tuesday. Total rainfall possible again of over 4". add that to last weeks total and that puts us in a flash flood watch until Tuesday. Next rain expected will be next much for getting my Christmas decorations up....
![]() | Holy Terror | for everyone |
I had forgotten how much energy a kitten can have. How they like to run, jump, attack anything that moves. Sugar is keeping us all on our toes. Overall she is doing pretty well. After being in a cage for 2 months I suppose she deserves to run wild a little bit. However, like a child she must learn what she can and can't do. The game is on, lol...
![]() | Sugar | for everyone |
I would like to indroduce Sugar. Our new addition to our family. Went to animal shelter yesterday to "just" look at the dogs and cats. They had so many of both. Puppies, dogs, kittens, cats. We were leaving but I asked about "Sugar" on the way out. She was so lovable when we were looking. The man at the shelter took her out of the cage for me to hold her. He asked me if I wanted her. I said I didn't know, but she was lovable. He said I'll let you have her for free. I said For free? He said yea he would waive the adoption fee if I wanted her and took her today. I told him to let me check with Brian, who had already went out the door before I asked about her. Brian came back in and he said it was up to me. I told him the man said we could have her for free. He said for free? I said yea he said he would waive the fee. So I decided that I had to have "Sugar" and we took her. The man guessed that she is around 4 to 6 months old. When the girls came home from school and seen her they fell in love with her too. I told them her name was Sugar. Sammy Jo said now we needed another one and we could name it Spice. She didn't end there, she said and another one named And Everything Nice. I told her no I didn't think so. LOL
After Sugar snooped around and got used to her new home, she turned into a holy terror...I think I named her too shes still Sugar.
![]() | More Sorrow Updated | for everyone |
I have just found out that my son-in-law's father has had a stroke. I don't know any further info as him and daughter just found out themselves. First his brother and now his father. God bless their family.
Found out today that the stroke was caused from a blood clot due to laying around too much. He was out of pain meds and hurting too bad to walk. His brother is reported to be off the breathing machine again and (maybe has opened eyes but not total) could just be a twitch. Also the same for the (squeeze) of his hand.
![]() | Tuffee | for everyone |
![]() | Kyle Busch | for everyone |
During the Nascar truck race, Kyle Busch and Ron Hornaday were racing side by side, beating and banging, you know, racing. It was on lap 14 when they both slid up the track and smacked the wall due to the "racing". Nascar officials threw the yellow flag and the caution was out for this incident. Then the unthinkable happened!! Kyle Busch drove up on the back of Ron Hornaday and was really pushing him hard, he wouldn't stop, kept pushing him until he finally gave him a pitman manuver, which turned Ron Hornaday into the wall hard!! Kyle Busch also went into the wall. Kyle Busch ruined Ron Hornaday's chances of winning the championship for the trucks. Nascar pulled Kyle Busch from the rest of the truck race, he was not allowed to finish. Nascar went further yesterday morning and punished Kyle Busch for the remainder of the racing weekend. He was not allowed to race in the Nationwide series race yesterday and will not be allowed to race in today's Sprint cup race. Rightfully so!!! In my opinion he should be banned from all Nascar events forever!! It is bad enough to intentionally wreck someone during a race while the green flag is out, but to do it under caution is just unspeakable!!! He is a selfish crybaby that wrecks anyone who happens to piss him off. Of course he never thinks that he is in the wrong for anything. Shame on you Kyle Busch!!
![]() | Homework | for everyone |
I found this article to be interesting since I had said something before about all the homework the girls have to do every night. You can find it here at this link.
![]() | 100 Years | for everyone |
Happy 100th Chevrolet!!!
![]() | One Moment To The Next | for everyone |
With a heavy heart I write. My son-in-law's brother had an accident early Sunday morning in KY. From what I am told he was riding a scooter around 1AM and hit a pedestrian. He really shouldn't have been there in the first place. The headlight on the scooter was not working. Also he didn't have a driver's license. I have been told that in KY you don't have to have one to ride a scooter, but I don't see why you wouldn't have to have one. He wasn't wearing a helmet either. KY doesn't have that law. They airlifted him to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville and had to do surgery to reduce swelling on his brain. My daughter and son-in-law got called early Sunday morning, they needed either a parent or a sibling to give permission for the surgery. So they drove there and arrived at 5:30AM. His mother finally arrived last night, she flew in from Iowa. He was not conscience when they found him and he has not woken up. Tonight my daughter and son-in-law arrived from being in Nashville all day and said that he isn't going to wake up. The way I understand it they did some kind of reflex test and he basically failed it. He is on a breathing machine and they are reducing the amount slowly to see if he will breathe on his own. My son-in-law said the best case scenario is that he would end up in a nursing home for the rest of his life. So tragic, he is only 29. His name is Raymond. I never had the pleasure of meeting him. I feel so bad for my son-in-law. How many times can you say I'm so sorry?
![]() | Missy's Bowl | for everyone |
Missy has taken her bowl off somewhere and we can't seem to find it. We have searched all afternoon for it to no avail. She always has taken it off the front porch and carried it out to the grass, usually just in the front yard. There were times when she did take it to the backyard, but we have always found it. Not today, lol it seems to have vanished. We have told her to go get her bowl and she just looks at us funny. I even took her bag of scraps that we mix into her dog food out and let her sniff it and then told her to go get her bowl. No luck just that funny look. Well I gave her food to her in one of my cereal bowls tonight and when she finished I brought it back in the house. Maybe her bowl will show up tomorrow?
![]() | Poverty & Politics | for everyone |
99% of the American people don't have money or much of it. There is 1% that have almost all the money in the country. It's been that way for a long time I think. People in this country are mad and they have every right to be. Jobs by the millions have left this country and are continuing to leave. The jobs that are being created are no where near enough to what we have lost, and the people who could do something about that don't seem to care. I cringe every time I have to buy a product that says Made in China, etc. but I have no choice cuz it's all made somewhere other than the USA. Most of the jobs in this country don't pay enough to get the people above the poverty line. Before my knee gave out and I had my job at the hotel I didn't make enough to be above it either. I started working there in July 2005. My starting wage was $6.00 per hour, which was actually more than the federal minimal wage. I worked there until Dec. 2010 at which time I was making $8.00, which was still more than the federal minimal wage. My job was considered to be a full time job, but I didn't get to work a 40 hour week most weeks. When I first started there I was working a lot of hours. At times I would even have overtime. It didn't stay that way though and soon I was working around 30 hours or less, mostly less. We were also expected to do more work in those lesser hours. We would lose employees and instead of hiring to replace them they would just pile that work onto us. There were days when I had 17 rooms to clean when I should have had only 12 to do. That was on top of the limo cleaning and the convention centers cleaning we had to do. All of that and we were expected to get done by 2:00, we started at 8:00. In 2005 when I started there were days when we didn't get done until 7:00pm. Sometime in late 2006 it changed and we were hounded to get finished by 2:00. It killed me, as its not easy work and I believe that is why my knee has failed me. Now I have to fight the government for Social Security. I heard on the news that a lot of employees of the State of Tennessee also don't make enough money to be above the poverty line and some of them are getting food stamps. Some are eligible but don't apply cuz they are too embarrassed. Anyway I guess my point is this...I am tired of hearing all these people that must be in that 1% saying that people who are unemployed have gotten comfortable with their situation. In other words they are saying that people aren't working cuz they don't want to. In reality it's more like they can't find a job cuz there isn't any to find!!! You hear all the time about places like Wal-Mart hiring and on the day they take apps there are 1000's of people waiting in line to apply!! Oh yea, they don't want a job, do they?? Hell yea they want a job, any job. Just like me when I took the job at the hotel. Then this morning I seen that guy Cain that is running in the election. Him and his 9-9-9...From what I understood of him explaining this, I have come to the conclusion that he's just plain nuts!! According to his plan, people that receive Social Security would have to pay 9% tax where as now most do not pay any tax on it. Yea that makes sense, NOT!!! Yea lets make someone who only has a yearly income of about $10,000 pay $900.00 of it in tax!!! Then he's got the plan of this 9% state sales tax. ??? Not totally sure what that all entails, but here in our county we already pay 9.25% sales tax on most everything. It use to be on everything but now food is at 7.25%. Then he was also saying something about a 9% state tax...this is why I am not sure as I said above....Well here in Tennessee we don't have a state income tax, but then we would have a 9% one?? looks to me like his plan is just going to make the poor pay more. Then of course I have this eery feeling that 9-9-9 is just way to close to 6-6-6....chilly bumps all over!!! What if any are your thoughts on all of this? ....Do you understand any of this? Would have to hear.
![]() | Mom | for everyone |
Love and miss you always.
R.I.P. 10/9/09
![]() | Local Car Show | for everyone |
Saturday we went to a local car show that is held in a little town not too far from us. They have a festival every year on the first Saturday of October. When we had the '67 Chevelle we would enter it into the show and Sammy Jo had a wagon that Brian and her fixed up and she would enter that. The '67 is long gone and Sammy Jo has gotten too old to enter her wagon, but we still go. When I was working at the hotel I wasn't able to but the rest of them would go. So I was very disappointed this year when there wasn't very many cars there and it was cold and windy. I did see a '56 T-bird painted a color I had never seen before. It was very pretty and it had me wishing I hadn't forgotten my camera. I asked the man who owned it what the color was. He told me it was called Fiesta Red. I was surprised by the "red" because I was thinking more of a "salmon". I told him that he had a beautiful car and I really liked the color. He smiled and said thank you. he also told me that it was the original color of the car and that he had owned it since '59. How great is that? :)
![]() | Sammy Jo's Diorama | for everyone |
![]() | Steamy | for everyone |
I took this picture on the last hot day we had, the temps had been in the 100's. Then the rain came.
![]() | Happy Birthday Tabitha | for everyone |
9 years ago today this bundle of joy came into our lives. She weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 20 1/2" long. Poor baby was so bald, lol. I didn't think she would ever get any hair and she didn't get much for over a year. Now her hair is so thick. Happy Birthday Tabitha Ann!!!
![]() | Long Story | for everyone |
Brian has been sick with a cold that wouldn't go away. It would get a little better, then get worse again. So after about a month of this, I said enough I am taking you to doctor. So this morning, I call docs office and get him an appt. for 8:45 today. After spending 1 1/2 hours there, we are ready to leave. Doc has told him he has sinus and ear infection. They don't give you a paper prescription here anymore, they do it electronically. So with his doctor being 30 minutes away, the meds are always there by the time we get there, no problem. That is until today. We drove the 30 minutes and the meds were not there yet. There was this blonde young woman behind the counter. She wasn't very nice and I would even call her rude. We had never seen her there before. Her tone was on the nasty side. She asked if she could help us and I told her that the doc office called in Brian's meds. She asks for his bday and his name, writes it down as I spell it. She looks on computer and tells me it's not there. She then preceeds to tell me that it could take up to 72 hours if they did it electronically. ????? This has be very confused. I told her that we have never had to wait that long, by the time we drive the 30 minutes it's always here. She tells me that if it doesn't get there in 30 minutes then she will call the doc office and then she asks for the docs name. I tell her and we go sit down. 45 minutes later she asked Brian to spell his name again. Almost 1 hour has passed, she looks at me and tells me that it still hasn't come. I ask her, well did you call them? She preceeds to tell me that no she didn't call because I didn't tell her the docs name or give her the phone number. Ok, this is where I lost it!!! I told her Oh yes I did tell her the docs name and even told her what town it was in!!! I also told her, if you need the number I can give it to!! You never asked me for a number!! I rattled the number off to her. She didn't write it down and I never seen her pick up the phone to call. A few minutes passed and she looked at me again and said it's here now, it will be ready in a few minutes. That was the last of the blonde woman we seen. When the meds were ready some other woman rang us up. I wanted to rip the blonde's throat out!!! We have never had a problem with this drugstore before and really don't know why we did today. I don't know who pissed in the blonde's Cheerios this morning, but it wasn't me!!!
![]() | 10 Years Later | for everyone |
I awoke this morning to having no power. I found it to be unnerving considering what today is. I called the elec. company and the power was restored shortly. I missed the beginning of the 9/11 memorial service on T.V. but once the power was on, I sat and watched them read the names. I cried 10 years ago and I cried today. They aren't showing all the names being read on T.V. but if they did I would have sat and listened to every last one. I think they did a beautiful job on the memorial and I hope it brings some peace to everyone that lost someone that awful evil day. Heaven was a busy place that day, a decade ago.
The Lost Souls of
![]() | The Glow of Corn | for everyone |
![]() | School Jackets | for everyone |
Sammy Jo brought home an order form for a school jacket yesterday. My how times change! When I went to school only the "jocks" had school jackets and that was in high school. The school jackets are being offered to all sports, clubs, cheerleading and the Academic Team. Sammy Jo is in the Academic Team so that is why she is being offered a school jacket. She was put into this class, she had no choice but she seems to like it so far. As for the school jacket she does want one and will be getting one. She also brought home an Academic Team pin. It is a very nice looking pin with red, white & blue colors. She is of course all excited over all of it. Poor child was so worried that the jacket was too expensive and she wouldn't be able to have one. Considering she has never been interested in joining sports, etc. and that she gets good grades I think she deserves $107.00 school jacket.
![]() | Trade And Barter | for everyone |
The trade and barter system is great. Brian has been helping a friend of his with his car. His friend thought he was going to be able to get 2 used computers from his work, they had just put in new ones. The old ones were only 2 years old. His friend works for a guy that gives him stuff all the time. Well yesterday they went to pick up the old computers and hit a snag. The man that his friend works for, his wife had moved the computers from where Brian's friend had put them. So he didn't dare take them. So instead he went to the pawn store and was able to buy a complete computer system minus the speakers plus an extra tower. All the pieces aren't the same brand, but hey it works. The 2 towers are 2 years old and have windows 7 in them, GREAT!! One is an E Machine and the other is a Dell. The monitor and the keyboard are Compaq. The mouse is an Acer optical. I took the Dell tower and my HP monitor worked with it, as did my printer, mouse and speakers. My HP keyboard wouldn't work with it though. Sammy Jo got the E Machine tower and then her HP monitor wouldn't work with it. So she also got the Compaq monitor which would work with the E Machine tower. Then her HP speakers wouldn't work with it. So Tabitha got my old HP tower, my old HP keyboard, Sammy Jo's old HP monitor, the Acer mouse, and Sammy Jo's old speakers. Tabitha hasn't had her own computer before and now she does. It is old and has Windows XP but hopefully will last long enough that we can come up with newer tower that has Windows 7. Anyway Tabitha is SO happy that she now has her own. Christina ran to store for a longer ethernet cable than the spares we had so Tabitha could get hooked up, and a set of speakers that would work with Sammy Jo's. Now Sammy Jo is happy once again to have her own computer and I am SO happy cuz now all 3 of us don't have to share 1 computer. This morning Brian comes up with a thought. He is wondering if Sammy Jo's printer that she had that stopped working a while back might just work on new computer. So he goes outside to the garage where he had put it, brings it in and we hook it up and I'll be, IT WORKS!! When it was hooked up on her old computer it just locked up the computer one day and we couldn't get it to work. So we had taken it off. We can't be anymore happy right now. It's marvelous!!
![]() | Already Homeworked Out | for everyone |
Not going to have any hair left by the end of the school year....Tabitha has been having tons of homework...last night took 3 and a half hours for her to get it done with my help. I really wish that they had held her back a few years ago. I can't believe that they didn't. She has problems reading and her spelling is awful. Unbelievable that she has made it to the 4th grade. I don't understand how. Yes she did get passing grades but still, the child isn't reading or spelling at a 4th grade level. Maybe not even a 2nd grade level. There are simple words that she can't spell right. I also think she has a problem retaining info. I have brought this up to her mom, but she always tells me that the teachers say she is doing well in school. Last year they told her that Tabitha was the best student in her class. OMG!!! I hate to see how bad the others are then! This is not a joke, I am serious and I don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions??
![]() | All Tomatoed Out | for everyone |
Yesterday I went out to the garden and picked all the green tomatoes and the cukes. I told my daughter to take any that she wanted and to take the rest of them to work and give them away. She doesn't like green tomatoes, neither do I, so she took all of those and most of the cukes to work. Some of the cukes have been growing sooo big, they almost look like squash. My daughter's boss asked her if the cukes were on steroids, lol. The food was all taken and they sent their thanks. I'm just glad to have been able to give, and frankly I am just glad that they are gone cuz I am all tomatoed out, that is until winter sets in and I start craving a tomato sandwich. Not sure if I will plant anything next year or not. I am not able to weed the garden properly and all the other work a garden entails. If I do plant a garden next year I know it wont have 30 tomato plants in it!!
![]() | Wanted....Tomatoes | for everyone |
Yesterday afternoon a car pulled into our driveway and a woman walked up to the door. I opened the door and she introduced herself and told me she lived back up the road aways from us. She was wondering if I might sell her a couple of tomatoes from my garden. It seems she wanted to make a nice salad for her supper. With a wave of my hand I told her no, just take what you want. She asked are you sure, I will pay you for them. Again I said no go ahead and take what you want and if you don't find any that you want out there come back to the door cuz I had a bunch in the house in my windows and I had more tomatoes then I knew what to do with. The woman thanked me and went out to the garden and picked her a couple of tomatoes and off she went. I was happy to have been able to help. My daughter works with a woman who has 2 children and not a lot of money since for some reason her ex isn't made to pay child support. My daughter has come to notice when the woman is short on money for drinks at work and food. So my daughter took her a bunch of tomatoes and some watermelon the other day and the next night that is what the woman brought for her lunch. Last night our neighbor brought us another half of a watermelon and we had no room for it and the day before we had gave my daughter a whole one so she didn't have room either. I asked my daughter if she wanted to take it to that same woman she works with, she said yea she would so I said take it to her. Our neighbor has blessed us with so much watermelon and cantalope this year that not only has he helped to feed us(Brian, the girls, daughter, son-in-law, & myself) but also I was able to give some to my brother & his 2 boys. And now this woman and her 2 children. Plus with what veggies I grew in my garden, we have all been eating nice & healthy. Also can't forget all the corn our neighbor gave us that I put up in the freezer for the winter. That man sure does have a green thumb and a heart as big as Texas!!
![]() | Upset | for everyone |
My previous blog entry was about the New Balance shoe company and free trade link. I have worn New Balance shoes since I went to work at hotel. Even though I no longer able to work I still have a pair that I wear. I started buying them cuz they didn't make blisters on my feet (the only shoes that didn't) and cuz they were made in the USA. Well I don't know when exactly the shoes that I was buying stopped being made in the USA, but at some point they did. As I went to put my shoes on this morning I looked at the tag, not really sure why, and my heart fell. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It said "MADE IN CHINA" I grabbed my old pair that I now use in garden and looked at that tag. Found the same thing "MADE IN CHINA". Now I know that when I first started buying these shoes they said "MADE IN USA". That was one of the reasons I went ahead and paid $40.00 for them, which I hated doing, but since they were made here I paid it. Somewhere along the line in the past 5 years these shoes went from being made here to being "MADE IN CHINA". What a shocker this was for me to find this out. I do know that New Balance still makes shoes here but apparently not as many as they once did, and after reading that story yesterday, soon none will be!! I am not only shocked but I am pissed off that I was paying $40.00 for shoes that were "MADE IN CHINA"!!!
![]() | This Is What Is Wrong With Our Country | for everyone |
We are losing jobs everyday!!
![]() | Tomato Sandwich & How Hot & Muggy Was It Actually?? | for everyone |
Yummy tomato sandwich, I could eat them all day.
8:30 pm last night I took these pictures. It was so muggy that even inside with the a/c on we were sweating.
Our windows were soaking wet on the outside, as I hope you can make out in this pic.
It was so foggy out that we couldn't see down the road or even across the road. It was very hard to breathe just standing there taking these pics. The weatherman said last night that we would be getting some drier air in, which means our temps are going back up close to 100. lol yea ok.
![]() | 2nd Crop | for everyone |
My daughter helped me to get them planted today. I planted carrots, beets & radishes. If it grows it grows if not I'm out $3.00.
![]() | One Big Boy!! | for everyone |
This huge tomato is out of my garden, had to pick it cuz it was breaking the plant it was growing on. I tried to show how big it is against my hand.
![]() | Recycled | for everyone |
We went to the dollar store today to buy some more bungee cords to help hold our tomato plants together & up off the ground, as the baskets never seem to be big enough for the job. After we had found the bungee cords, Brian asked what other kind of stuff do they have in here? I asked him what kind of stuff are you talking about? He said I don't know, just stuff. I said well they have some garden stuff over here. He said oh yea what do they have. So we were walking and looking at the garden stuff, when he seen the birdfeeders. He said well these would be nice to have if the birds didn't poop all over everything. (He hates that) I said yea I would like to have one. I told him well you have to put it away from stuff so they don't poop on your stuff. All of a sudden a lightbulb came on in his head and he says to me..I wonder if I could make one..I said yea they can be made...he says I wonder if I can make one out of that old bug light we have that don't work anymore. I said I suppose it work. He says he can use an old cake pan for the this afternoon he had the birdfeeder finished and birdfeed in it (picture up above).....My daughter came over and asked what was that in the backyard, as she looked out the window...I told her Brian was making a birdfeeder...She said he's letting you have a birdfeeder? (I told you he hates the poop)....I said it was his idea, she gave me that look, you're kidding right? I said his idea, lol I hope some birds come and I'm able to get pics.
![]() | Home Remedy | for everyone |
My sister called me last week to tell me about a home remedy that she had seen in a doctor's column in a newspaper. A woman had wrote in about her husband that has osteoarthritis. She wanted to know if there was anything that she could tell her husband to do to help his situation. The doctor's response was this..Mix 8 oz. of 100% grape juice with 1 -2 T. of Certo pectin and drink it 3 days a day. When his pain starts to get better reduce the pectin to 1-2 t. in same amount of grape juice. My sister told me that she had went and bought her some and already had 4 doses of it and her pain was a lot better. She said that I should try it. So when I went to the store on Friday I bought the items and as of right now I have had 6 doses. My shoulder feels a little better and I might go as far as saying that my back feels a little better also. As for my knee, no such luck as of yet, but I am hopeful that it will in time. I did a bit of research about this home remedy on the internet, seems it has been around since the 1940's. I also seen that there were a lot of people that were doing it and swearing by it. I read that there were other health benefits to taking it. Since I don't take anything at all for the pain I have due to high liver enzymes I figure I will keep trying this and hoping for the best. Even it helps some its better than none.
![]() | How Sweet It Is | for everyone |
Long silky hair blows in the wind. The rustling noise you hear when the green curves sway side to side, whispers in the ears. Perky tassels everywhere. So tall and thin, yet so strong, but sweet. Heat and sweat feels the air. Pulling gently to see whats beneath. Boiling point has been reached. Dripping juices flow as your mouth enjoys the tenderness. Such sweetness is devoured.
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An ode to corn....what did you think I was talking about???
![]() | The Biggest | for everyone |
Our neighbor came yesterday to disc my green beans and squash under since they have played out. In about a week I will plant some radishes, beets and carrots. I am going to see what I can get from them if anything. Later when it cools off I want to try lettuce. The lettuce I grew in the box was a waste due to the extreme heat that we had early in June, it all died, so didn't have lettuce at all. I have never tried to grow 2 crops, although I have been told you can do it down here. So we shall see if I can or not.
![]() | Obese Children | for everyone |
I hear talk about how the children in this country are becoming more and more obese. They say this is happening because of food choices. They want McDonald's and the others like them to have more healthy food choices for the children. I tend to disagree with that. I don't believe that it's so much the food choice as it is no exercise. I don't know about all schools, but here the schools don't have gym class like I had gym class when I went to school. I had gym class from 5th to 12th grade, every day just like I had math, science, history, etc. I had to change into my gym clothes and shoes. We did exercises everyday and we also played all the sport games. I also had to take written tests on the rules of each sport. These tests were graded. I was also graded on dressing for gym. Points were lost if you didn't. I was graded on how well I participated in playing the sports too. The school that my granddaughters go to do not. They have gym 2 or 3 times a week. They don't have gym clothes only have to have gym shoes. My granddaughters eat good healthy food most of the time. They hardly ever eat junk food. A soda is a very rare drink for them. They drink kool aid with half the sugar it calls for, milk or water. Candy is something they get very little of also. The doctor says that they aren't overweight for their body build. One is 11 years and 5'1 and weighs 110.5 the other is 8 years and 5' and weighs 112. They both have bellies on them like beer bellies. Last year a kid in one of their classes said that she was fat. They do look fat I agree cuz of their bellies and I have started to worry about this. I think it is because they don't get enough exercise. They have been swimming but it doesn't seem to be helping. This morning I tried to make them exercise like I had to when I was in gym class. One of them did pretty well but the other one seems to be so awkard that she was having difficulty even doing jumping jacks. She was having a hard time doing any of them. Touching toes, (both standing and sitting positions) sit-ups, etc. I mean she was to the point of crying. I don't understand, I thought everyone could do these types of excercise. I only had them do 10 of them. Now I am left wondering if this is something serious with her as she was complaining that her knees were hurting. I am all for learning your ABC's and the 3R's, etc. but I think not having gym class and making the children do exercises is being harmful to their health. What do you think?
![]() | Home Grown | for everyone |
![]() | On The Rise Again | for everyone |
I swear the gas prices are just like a rollercoaster. They go up...higher and higher...they come down just a bit...then they go higher and even higher again....what happened to the gas price suppose to come down cuz the President released some of our oil reserves? They said it would be down .50 cents. I haven't seen it. The price of gas here this morning was $3.54 a gallon. I keep hearing how unemployment rates are going down...would like to know what numbers they look at for that...must be just the new people applying for unemployment benefits....well of course that number is going down...cuz there are so many people without a job and have already run out of benefits and still have no job...seems to me that should read as 1+1=2 which equals in the end millions of people with no job, no home, no food, no nothing....oh but they keep saying that there have been thousands of jobs added into our economy....oh yea that really makes up for the millions lost, right?.....Those jobs don't even make a dent...and furthermore they aren't the same kind of jobs that there were and most of the millions of people who need a job can't get any of the few thousands new jobs cuz they aren't qualified...why? cuz they aren't manufacturing jobs they are office jobs..and most of them are for young college grads...So this up and down of the unemployment rate seems to me to be just up, up and up....there are millions of people who lost their job and they are not spring chickens...they worked for many, many years doing the same job...then one day it was just gone...and many of these jobs were not high paying great jobs either, so it's not like they were able to save a lot of money or had pensions....and now comes this great government (gagging as I type) of ours who want to take away what little Social Security benefits that these people paid into for YEARS!!! OMG...they need to be smacked in the head until they get some sense knocked into them, if thats even possible!! I think they should start with their own salaries and start slashing them..cuz they sure and the hell aren't earning them!!!...After that they could start in on getting rid of all the nonsense projects that the gov spends money studying shrimp on a treadmill and the pickle thing!!!! There are more I just can't remember them....I don't hold much memory on stupid shit!!!!! They say you can't fix stupid, well they should really give it a try!!!! Oh for pete's sake!!!!
![]() | Family History | for everyone |
I recently got in touch with one of my nieces that I haven't seen or talked to in many years. She has been working to find out about our side of the family history. She gave me this link which I found very interesting, its a link to a Hatcher family tree that we seem to belong to. Surprised the heck out of me to find out that on my mom's dad side of the family can be traced back to a William Hatcher that came from England. I also found out that they had settled in VA. and that they were tobacco farmers. There are different Hatcher families and we belong to what they call the HenricoCO,VA Hatchers which they say are the biggest of the 4 Hatcher family trees. My niece told me that this website doesn't put anything on it until it gets verified so I know that it what I see is true. There is a picture of my mom's grave and also one of my grandfather's grave. I was able to see mom's headstone for the first time. It wasn't up at the time of her funeral. Amazing the internet.... Although my mom grew up very poor, it seems that her ancestors were far from poor. Funny how things like that happen....
![]() | Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty | for everyone |
When I first heard of this little girl, Caylee gone missing, I thought like most people that the mother either killed her or knew what had happened to her. I seen all the news stories about it. Then the court trial started. I kept up with it the best I could, reading the news and seeing it on the TV. The more I seen, the more I had my doubts that the mother killed her. I told Brian that she wasn't going to be found guilty. He argued with me and said yes she would be found guilty. He said shes going to jail. I kept telling him no she won't. People that abuse other people somehow have a way of making the person that they are abusing do what they want. It's a fact, any pychologist will tell you the same. Now I don't know if Casey's father really did abuse her, but I know that there is something strange about that family. I knew it from the very beginning. There was just things that didn't add up for me. One of the biggest things was they kept saying that the reason Casey killed her little girl was because she didn't want to be a mother, she wanted to be free and go party. Well it seemed to me that if she didn't want to be a mother and wanted to be free and party, that she could have easily done this by just leaving her daughter with her parents. They like so totally spoiled the little girl. All you have to do is take one look at the video that they showed of her room to know that. I know that almost everyone thinks she is guilty, I maybe the only one who doesn't, besides the jury. I didn't always think that way like I said. I started looking at the evidence instead of just going along with everyone else saying shes guilty. If I am wrong and she did this horrible deed then she will one day meet her maker and have to pay for her sin.
![]() | You Never Know | for everyone |
With the bad ecomony you just never know what or who might happen upon ya. There have been times when I have been alone, or just me and the girls out here in the boonies. We do have Missy, but she is an outside dog and you just never know what could happen. I have been telling myself for a while now that I need to learn how to shoot our 22 rifle. So the other day we picked up some paper targets and today I shot it. The above picture is of my 2nd target, I did better than the first time. Need to see about some different ammo though, cuz the ones we have are for getting those tough groundhogs. They tear the paper targets up.
![]() | 4th of July | for everyone |
Happy 4th of July weekend!
![]() | Wedding Pic | for everyone |
![]() | Happy Birthday | for everyone |
Today is your birthday. Love and miss you mom. RIP
![]() | Standing Proud | for everyone |
"Standing Proud" is the name of this puzzle. We finished it today at 12:00, right before lunch. We started it Monday. It is a 27 x 20 puzzle with 1000 pieces. I admit that there were times when I wanted to quit but kept pressing on anyway. We have to find a frame that it will fit into, because we want to keep it. Brian, the girls and myself worked on it. Here it is in all of its glory.
![]() | Rain In Forecast All Week | for everyone |
Ok it seems that if we aren't burning up with high temps and no rain, then we have rain everyday!! What ever happenend to a little of this and a little of that? Had thunderstorms again yesterday with a whole lot of rain. Cloudy again today with chance of more thunderstorms. Garden is one heck of a muddy place.
![]() | Ahhhhh Relief | for everyone |
Last night we had some rain and with that cooler temps. It actually made it into the 60's over night. Although what we got was more thunder than anything, we only got 2/10ths of rain. That is the first rain we have had in I don't know how long. I am glad that we didn't have a windstorm, my garden would have been damaged. I swear I could hear the plants in my garden yelling WOOHOO YIPPEE KAYAY!!!! while their leaves were soaking up the precious raindrops. LOL
![]() | 14th Day Of 90's | for everyone |
Today is the 14th day of our temps hitting the 90's. The thermometer on my front porch in the shade on the northside of the house is reading 90 degrees at 3:50 pm. Last night's weather forecast said we were going to be cooling down by tomorrow to a temp of 89. Gonna have to get our winter coats back out! Geez!!!
I bought 4 more tomato plants and planted them today...had to replace some due to death from heat I think.
![]() | Still Hot!! | for everyone |
Our temp last night at 10:00 was still 80 degrees and the humidity was buried.
![]() | Hot!! | for everyone |
![]() | Memorial Day 2011 | for everyone |
Take time today while enjoying your cookouts to remember all those who fought for the freedoms we have in our lives.
![]() | A Trip To Wal-Mart | for everyone |
For several days they had been telling us that we would get some of the most severe weather so far this year on Wednesday (yesterday). All day long yesterday they kept telling us and showing us how bad the storms would be and how they were forming. Told us to be on our toes for even pop up thunderstorms because they could turn into a tornado with the ripe conditions we had. They showed us how the National Weather Service had us in the biggest threat area for last night, what they call a PDS, which stands for a Particularly Dangerous Situation. We were told that the storms would arrive here about 7 pm. Then in the late afternoon they put us under a tornado watch until 10 pm. We kept a watchful eye on the weather channels. Checking this one then that one all day long. The storms were getting closer. I had been argueing with Brian all afternoon, I said we needed to leave and take shelter in a safer place. I even looked online for public shelters in our county. There was several churches and a couple of schools. I knew Brian wouldn't want to leave at all and he wouldn't want to go to any of these shelters. So I thought we could go to Wal-Mart, at least we wouldn't be in a mobile home. Well of course he didn't want to go there either, he just plain didn't want to leave but I stuck to my guns and finally he agreed to leave with us to go to Wal-Mart. So we kept watching the storms. I didn't want to wait until they issued a tornado warning to leave, by that time it's too late. So I went by what they had told us by the time, 7 pm. Plus we were watching the weather channels showing the radar. Once the storms come across the Mississippi River they usually get to us in a hurry. They said these storms were moving at a fast pace. So I decided that we would leave at 6:30pm. It takes about 20-25 minutes to get to Wal-Mart. We made it to Wal-Mart and nothing was happening yet so we stayed in the car in the parking lot listening to the radio. When they announced that the storms had made it across the Mississippi River to the first counties in TN I decided we should go ahead and go in. So we went in and window shopped (I did need a loaf of bread). We decided to leave when they expanded the tornado watch until 4am. Brian didn't want to go in the first place and he was being a very big pain in my a**. It was 9pm as we tried to leave, when the storm actually hit. Brian kept trying to get us to go out the doors but I wouldn't. The lights in Wal-Mart started to flicker. It was pouring, the wind was blowing the rain sideways, the lightening made it look like daylight out. I refused to go to the car, we stayed. Then they came over the PA system and told all of us to go to the back of the store, which we did. You don't have to tell me twice! So we all went back there and waited. It was about 20 minutes maybe when they told us it was ok we could go. So we all walked back to the front. We tried several times to leave but the rain was still coming down and the wind was still blowing like crazy. We stayed a little bit longer. Finally, rain let up and actually stopped and we left and got into car. Sat there listening to radio for a few minutes, it was still lightening. I finally said ok we would go home, although I really didn't want to yet. As we were leaving I almost ran into a shopping cart rack that had been blown into the aisle where you drive, they were everywhere and I had to dodge them. Trees were down and so were some power lines so half of the town had lost power. I made it out of town having to dodge tree limbs and the like. Driving homewards we could see the police blue light flashing down the road. As we approached we were wondering if we were going to make it home or not. There was a tree and power lines down. The police were directing traffic and we had to drive half off the road and half over the tree, but we made it through. When we made it home everything was ok. The power had been out but was on when we got home. It was a strange trip to Wal-Mart. I have never been there when it wasn't crowded with people until last night. It looked like a ghost town, so very quite, never heard it that quite before. The aisles empty of people. Of course since we didn't get hit bad, it's going to be hell to get Brian to leave again like that. (sigh).......
![]() | Scared Sh*tless | for everyone |
Yesterday evening we were waiting for a storm to come through. We knew it was almost here and the weatherman had said that nothing was going to be real severe with it. It started raining before the wind arrived. Then all of a sudden our back door was ripped wipe open and blown shut very quickly. We all jumped and looked at each other, like what in the world? Even Brian jumped. In that split second I thought OMG a tornado!! It wasn't thankfully. Brian said I guess the door wasn't locked. I told him I locked it a while ago when I walked by it. Brian said well it must not have been shut all the way then. The girls had went out it earlier to ride their 4-wheelers. The wind that arrived with the storm had ripped the door wide open and then slammed it shut. Brian got up to have a look and said "Yup tore that door up" As you may know I live in a mobile home. It's a 16' x80', buts its still just a mobile home. Trailer most people call them. If you know anything about mobile homes, then you know that most of them have the back door connected at the top with one of those chain thingies. Well thanks to the wind our chain thingy was ripped right out of the doorframe and it broke the trim piece. Brian has to put new screws in it to get it the chain thingy back connected. So tired of storms what a spring it has been....
![]() | Update..Rain On Easter.. Week 4 | for everyone |
Well here we are at Sunday #4 and it pains me to say "yes it rained". Yesterday morning in the wee early hours it sprinkled on us. Then again last night right before midnight it started storming. Lots of rain and it continued on all night long. We lost power right off the bat and it was out until 5:30 this morning. We have damage to the roof of our garage. Shingles blew off. Thankfully its the garage and not the house. We also have some tree branches down in all sizes and half an evergreen tree down. Down the back hill there are several big trees down. This storm was the same storm that produced the tornado in Joplin, MO yesterday evening. It had lost a lot of it's power before it arrived here and I am very thankful for that. Yes we have some damage but oh how it could of been so much worse. My prayers and thoughts are with the people of Joplin, MO. They are expecting more bad weather today and we are expecting more here around midnight once again. Is it ever going to stop......
![]() | Computer Crash | for everyone |
The other day I crashed my computer. I wiped it out and did a total full system restore. Reason being, after I clicked on a link on Facebook that I thought was for one of the games I play on there, was pretty sure it gave me a virus. I ran a scan and all it came up with was a bunch of the cookie crap, nothing serious looking. Even though the scan didn't say I had a virus I thought something was wrong. My computer was so slow that it wouldn't run so I crashed it. Then I used my backup discs to restore it to the point where it was when I bought it. Woe is me....boy if that wasn't a chore. Very time consuming and nerve racking. The backup discs went in just fine..the problem was after that. My computer is an old one in todays tech world. I run Windows XP, which I just found out they will no longer be doing any updates for soon. So I hopefully can get the new Windows 7 at some point in time. Anyhow, because of that little problem when I put in the backup discs the auto update program didn't fully update my computer with all the updates it has received over the years. I never realized how many that was until I had to download and install them all myself. I lost count at the 200 mark. I also had trouble getting the newest version of IE which is what I had before I brilliantly crashed my computer! I fianlly did manage to get it back and working right, but not before I cussed like a sailor for hours. Then there was the problem of me not being able to find the disc for my digital camera so I could put that back in. Oh I was furious with myself, couldn't find it, couldn't believe I had lost it, couldn't believe it wasn't with all my other discs!! Cussed like a sailor again and got to the point where I was so angry that I actually ripped the front of my desk drawer right off. Brian was kind enough to put it back on with a few screws. I also had to update the flash player and this thing and that thing!! I also didn't even try to put every thing I had on my computer on a disc, I didn't have enough so I saved some of the family pics and everything else that I hadn't already had on a disc was lost. I lost a lot of stuff. I lost my entire music collection. That kinda hurt. Some of it I just didn't care about anymore. Sometimes I just don't care much about computer stuff like I used to. There was a time in my life where I thought I couldn't live without a computer in my life. That time has gone and although I do sometimes enjoy the computer sometimes it doesn't matter to me. I was more worried about the crash because the girls need the computer for some school stuff and Sammy Jo's computer is not working. Rethinking getting it fixed now that we know about the Windows XP not going to be getting updated anymore soon. Thinking we will have to get a whole new tower what already comes with Windows 7 in it. Nothing ever stays the same...just look at the iPhones...3 then 4 and now I hear whispers of a 5. Have to love that new program that Best Buy has now called the "buy back" it makes a whole lot of sense.
![]() | Update.. Rain On Easter Week 3 | for everyone |
This the 3rd Sunday after Easter Sunday I must report that we again have had sprinkles so far today. I had to run into town to the dollar store this morning and alas it sprinkled on me. So here is the 3rd Sunday in a row since Easter that we have had some kind of rain. Will it continue to hold true for the next 4 Sundays? Only time will tell. To be continued......
![]() | Insides Of A Computer | for everyone |
The last 2 days we have been trying to find out what is wrong with Sammy Jo's computer. I had never seen the insides of a computer until the other day. Brian decided to take Sammy Jo's apart to see if he could figure out why it wouldn't turn on. One day it was working just fine then the next day when she went to turn it on, it didn't. We have 2 hp desktops, they are exactly the same. They are in todays tech world, old. So out came the screwdriver and before long there were the insides of the computer. Circuit boards, the burner & drives, the power supply, a wire harness, and of course the hard drive. As I mentioned my computer is exactly the same, so before long there was also the insides of my computer. Brian took mine apart also. He took my power supply out and put it into Sammy Jo's computer to see if hers would turn on. It did, but....instead of the computer coming up to the desktop screen, it came up with a black screen that said "DISK BOOT FAILURE.. DISK NOT FOUND...INSERT DISK AND PRESS ENTER" Well shoot that can't be good I thought. So then Brian goes back to my computer and removes my hard drive and puts Sammy Jo's into my computer. I was very nervous by this time. Brian has never worked on a computer and really knows nothing about them. With Sammy Jo's hard drive in my computer it came up with the same black screen saying the exact same thing. Now for the really scary part...Brian puts my hard drive back into my computer and it came up with the same black screen saying the exact same thing!! Ok, now I am sick, so sick, my stomach is in my throat. What has he done??? I discover that he has the wrong plug plugged into the hard drive...there are 2 a master and a slave and he has the slave plugged in. The slave plug is for an extra hard drive, I only have 1. So he changes the plugs around and we try again. Thankfully, my computer comes back up and I hadn't lost all my stuff. Brian was also breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn't tore my computer up, lol. Then Brian takes my hard drive back out and puts it in Sammy Jo's computer along with my power supply and all my stuff is now on Sammy jo's computer and her computer is working fine. Brian puts all my stuff back into my computer. So now I get to thinking that somehow Sammy Jo's hard drive got wiped. So I had Brian take my power supply back out of mine and put in hers. I get the backup disks out and start to do a full system recovery. Well I didn't get very far, as it stopped and told me that it can't continue because it can't find the hard drive partition. I try several more times before I finally give up. We stopped at a computer repair shop and the man told Brian that hard drives don't go bad....excuse me? I have heard lots of people tell me that their hard drive went out and they had to get a new one. Anyway, he didn't have one, would have to order one. My daughter is going to check out another place to see if they have them in stock or not. Brian seems to think that something happened to the hard drive and that is what took out the power supply. All I know is that it needs both parts. As soon as we get them Brian will install them and I shall have to run the backup disks.
![]() | New Update Week 2 | for everyone |
I'm a little late getting this posted, but this past Sunday it did manage to sprinkle in the wee early morning hours. The rest of day was dry, but I have to say that it did rain on Sunday. Another Sunday is fast approaching.....will it or won't it? be continued.......
![]() | School Pics Of The Girls | for everyone |
![]() | Update... Rain on Easter Blog | for everyone |
Well so far the "Rain on Easter Sunday rain for 7 Sundays after" has held up. First Sunday after and we have had rain and lots of it. To be continued....
![]() | Tornadoes | for everyone |
We made it thru another round of severe storms and tornado warnings. I dread storms, we live in a mobile home and you are suppose to get out of them in a tornado warning. We really have no place to go so we just stay and pray. I would love to have a storm shelter built in my backyard so we could be below the ground. We lost power 2 nights in a row for over 8 hours. I hate it when we lose power cuz I don't have a radio to tell us if there are tornadoes coming, etc. Once we lose power we lose all contact with the outside world. I keep telling myself that we need to get a weather radio but it never seems to happen. The other night I remembered that I could go on Facebook with my cell phone. I have the West Tennessee Online Weather on my page and they put out warnings,etc. there. So I kept using that to get updates as to what was happening. The rains were torrential, so bad that the floorboard of my car has standing water in it. My daughter's place of work was closed for 2 days due to no power. They still had no power last night but she was one of a few people that went to work on a generator. My brother came yesterday to get water from us cuz he had been without power for 2 days. I don't know if he has it now or not. The wind was just as bad, but it all could have been a lot worse. Parts of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama took the full wrath of mother nature this time around. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people in all of the states that in just seconds lost their loved ones, their homes, and lost just a sense of normalcy. Whole towns are gone. Tornadoes, especially the big ones, leave places looking like they were bombed. Tornadoes are nasty and don't give you much advanced warnings. Sometimes no warning at all since they can appear so fast. I once seen a piece of straw stuck into a tree from a tornado. However amazing that may seem it shows just how awful a tornado can be.....
![]() | Fact or Old Wive's Tale? | for everyone |
I was always told growing up that if it rained on Easter Sunday then it would rain for the next 7 Sundays. Well it rained here today, of course, that is all it seems to do here anymore. So I have decided to keep track of the next 7 Sundays (if I need to go that far) to see if it rains. I hope it's just an old wive's tale.....
![]() | Games | for everyone |
Baseball, football, tennis, etc. are just games. There are many games on the internet also. Too many to mention actually. I admit that some games are also the player's jobs, but they are all still just a game. I enjoy watching some of them. I enjoy playing some internet ones, but I always remember that they are just games. The reason I write of this is because of the recent beating of a man at a Dodgers vs. Giants baseball game. This man wore a Giants jersey into the Dodgers stadium and for that he was beat into a coma!! Couple of weeks ago, a tennis player hit the ball into the stands at a crying child!! There are probably more incidents like these that have happened. It's shameful!! It reminds of the old western days when you could get shot for cheating at poker!! Oh, and don't think that the internet games are any safer. You would think that a game named "Fairyland" wouldn't have any nasty people that you would have to deal with. Oh, how wrong to think that. There are people who play this game, who are as bad as the men that beat up the Giants fan. They just can't physically touch you. They can however leave you nasty messages about how horrible you are just because you went into someone's garden and watered a plant. They say horrible things in these messages. Most of these people who play this game are adults, if you can actually call them that. I have not received one of these horrible messages myself, but I have seen plenty of them left for other people. It's a game!! Just a freaking game!! In the news you are always hearing about all of the cyberbulling that happens to the point that children commit suicide!! I have a feeling that the parents of these cyberbullies are the ones who leave horrible messages or of the men that beat up the Giants fan, etc. What has the world come to when you're too afraid to attend a baseball or tennis game or even play a game like Fairyland?.....
![]() | Outside Work | for everyone |
This morning I managed to go outside and clean out the little flower bed I have. The flowers in it I planted in the fall of 2009 and they came up last spring. I wasn't happy with most of them. I had ordered them from a woman that I had worked with at the hotel. Her son was selling stuff for school. This spring only a few plants came up and bloomed and most didn't have blooms very long, except for the ones in the picture I posted in "photos". They came up really good this year, better than last year. Anyway after I cleaned out all the junk, I planted some new flower bulbs. I hope I have better luck with these.
![]() | A Mouse And A Bunny | for everyone |
My computer mouse finally gave up and I had to buy a new one Friday night. A few years back it started acting up and I went and bought a new one. One of those wireless ones. My computer didn't like it apparently and I had to return it back to the store. I just kept fighting with my original one until it finally said " no more". This time I bought a wired one and it works fine.
As for the bunny part of this blog, we took the girls to see HOP the movie Saturday night. The place was packed and I was glad that we had left so early and were able to get our pick of seats. The movie is adorable and funny. We all liked it very much. Has made me think twice about eating jellybeans though.....
![]() | 11 Years Ago Today | for everyone |
![]() | WWW.WHERESGEORGE.COM | for everyone |
Yesterday I received a $1 in my change while I was running errands, that had wrote on it. It also had currancy tracking study wrote on it. So I got curious and I went to the website and it asked for the serial # of the bill. It also asked where I got the bill and what condition it was in and if I had possession of it at the time. I typed all the info in and submitted it. A page comes up and tells where the bill has been. The one and only entry of this bill was made back in Feb. and it said it was in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. It then tells you how many miles it has made in however many days, etc. I found it to be interesting. I had gotten the bill in Murray, Kentucky in some change that I had received and had brought it back to Tennessee. I didn't think to type in that I had gotten it in Kentucky when I was answering the question where I got it at. I only typed in that I had gotten it in some change. If I ever see another one of these bills I will do a better job of answering. I have now sent the $1 onwards by spending it at Wal-Mart. Have you ever seen any bills with this on it?
![]() | Update On 4-H Contests | for everyone |
The photo of the horse which was one of the 1st place ones that were sent on to "county" received a 3rd place "county award ribbon". The biscuits that she baked and took to school today, received a 2nd place ribbon. I am really surprised that her biscuits got a 2nd place. I have never been good at baking biscuits. Well that was the end of 4-H for the year. Next school year she will have to do 4-H again, so I am told, every year they say. They are now officially on spring break for the next week. When they go back their school day will be 30 minutes longer each day until April 15th. This is so they can make up snow days. They already lost all the other days they were suppose to have off. I would have much rather them to have went to school during spring break. Seemed to make more sense to me. They had to make up 5 days...spring break is 5 days....but the teachers voted and they chose to go to school on President's Day, a Professional Developmental Day, Parent-Teacher Conference Day, Good Friday, and to go 30 more minutes a day from March 28th - April 15th.
![]() | Biscuits Before And After Pictures | for everyone |
Here are pictures of Sammy Jo's biscuits before and after baking. The project was to make biscuits from scratch and choose 3 of them that were similiar in size and browning. She has to take them to school tomorrow. Will let you know how it turns out as soon as I know.
![]() | Sammy Jo's 4-H Photography Project | for everyone |
Excuse me, bathtime!
Saddle me up, lets ride!
The project was to use a camera and take 2 pictures of animals and title them. Here are the 2 that Sammy Jo did. The top picture got a 2nd place. The bottom picture got a 1st place and was one of the ones chosen to go to "county". The results of that are still unknown. I think she did a great job!! The next project which is due this Friday is to make biscuits. I shall let you know how it goes....
![]() | The 4-H Speech | for everyone |
As promised, today I shall write of Sammy Jo's 4-H speech. They are made to write a speech that is not only for 4-H but it is also a part of their English grade. They are given a topic to write about. The 5th grade topic was your hero or role model. They also had to mention 4-H in it. Sammy Jo picked her grandpa (Brian) Here is her speech.
I have a hero and that hero is my grandfather. He is fun to be around, and he has taught me to do fun things.
My grandfather taught me how to ride a four wheeler. Four wheelers are a lot of fun to ride. We ride them all over, in our yard, down the county road and in the field. My grandfather taught me how to watch out for cars and to get out of their way while riding them. He also taught me how important it is to get back on and ride again, after I crashed. My first time riding, I ran into the garage, but my grandfather convinced me to try again and I am glad he did. He has also taught me how to steer the riding lawn mower, but he hasn't taught me how to operate it to mow the grass yet. I have fun driving it around the yard. My grandfather taught me how to swim also. He has taught me how to jump the right way into a swimming pool too. We have lots of fun in the swimming pool in the summer. My grandfather makes the water in the pool into a whirlpool and we go around and around. Sometimes he makes giant waves for us to bob around on. He has also taught me water safety. My grandfather told me that he will teach me how to drive a car. I can't wait to learn how to drive this, but he says that I have to wait until I get older.
I asked my grandfather his opinion of 4-H and of this speech. He told me that he couldn't give me an opinion on 4-H because he never had to do it. He did however tell me that I would do just fine on my speech. I really love my grandfather a lot!
Sammy Jo got a 100% on her speech for her English grade and she got a 2nd place in the 4-H She was one of the ones chosen to read her speech in front of the whole 5th grade. I am very proud of her! Tomorrow I shall write of her next project which was photography.....
![]() | The 4-H Experience | for everyone |
I am sure that you have heard of 4-H. Growing up in Illinois we had 4-H but we were not forced to take it in school, so I never did. Last year Sammy Jo was in 4th grade and papers came home about 4-H, she said she didn't want to do it. So I sent a note to school telling them that if it wasn't required for Sammy Jo to do 4-H that she didn't want to participate in it. So last year she didn't do it. Although she did have to still write a speech because they combine 4-H with their English grade. Come to find out she was the only student in 4th grade that didn't do it. This year she is in 5th grade and once again the papers came home and we found out that it was mandatory for all students to participate in 4-H. So after a bunch of moaning and groaning on both of our parts, we settled in for the long haul. Her first 4-H project was to make a poster. It had to be a certain size and had to basically promote 4-H. The projects get judged and ribbons are given. Then out of the 1st place projects 5 are chosen to go to "county" Sammy Jo got a 2nd place on her poster. The 2nd project came due. It was to make 2 crafts. They had to be handmade and could only be made out of recyclable items. So her mom and stepdad helped her with these. They made a pencil box and a 3 shelf window box thing out of wood. Used stencils for a few pictures on the sides, cute. Sammy Jo got 1st place on both, but neither of them was chosen to go to "county". Tomorrow I shall tell of the next project, which was a speech.....
![]() | No Puppies For Missy | for everyone |
Sorry its been a while AGAIN since I have been here. Tabitha brought home a stomach bug that both Sammy Jo and myself ended up with. Of course I was the one that ended up having it the worse and for the longest. I think I actually got it twice, once from Tabitha and then again from Sammy Jo. Anyway I was sicker than a dog for a long period of time. Just as I was getting back to 100% from that, Tabitha brought home a cold, which Sammy Jo ended up with worse than Tabitha and now I have also gotten it and will expect it to be with me for a few weeks if not a month!! Not to mention the doctor appointment that Social Security sent me to. Oh boy, the pain that produced!! The weather is not helping matters as it has been raining like forever it seems. Yesterday we did have a nice day of 70's and sun. Today its back to rain. So anyway, to catch you up with Missy, we had to tie her up as you all know when she went into heat. After she came out of heat, we had thought about waiting to see if she had mated and was with puppies, but changed our minds. When I called the vet to find out what the fee for spaying was, they had a "special" for the month of March. It wasn't much $ off but every little bit helps. They said they could get her in on March 2nd. So we had her spayed, they used sutures and had to take her back Friday to have those removed. That is those that Missy hadn't already removed herself. We had to keep her tied up until the sutures were removed. She is a happy camper was again now that she has her freedom back.
![]() | I Must Be From Another Planet | for everyone |
On the noon news today they had a segment about a consignment shop. The owner was talking to the reporter about all the items they had for sale. They were showing shoes and purses. They had a pair of designer shoes that had never been worn that originally retailed for $800. They were selling them for $100. There was also a pair of designer flip flops they were selling for $45. On and on they went. I can't imagine paying $800 for a pair of shoes and wear them let alone never wear them! Same goes for the flip flops. I just don't understand how people can spend like that. I don't have money to spend like that and even if I was a millionaire I would never waste it like that. I am basically speechless that people actually spend this kind of money on items like these. That includes the price that the consignment shop was selling them for! $100 for a used pair of shoes, unbelievable! All of this because they are from a designer? I know I am poor and all, but I am honestly thinking that I must be from another planet also.
![]() | Barks in the Night | for everyone |
Brian and I were awakened by dog barking about 1:30am. It was not our dog Missy doing the barking. The bark was coming from the neighbor's dog. He was in our backyard with Missy. Now Missy is a blue heeler, and she is a decent sized dog. The neighbor's dog is a little slip of a dog. Just as cute as cute can be. Grayish black little fuzz ball. It has the cutest eyes I have ever seen. They look like black buttons. I think that maybe it is or has some terrier in it. The barking wasn't much and it soon ended and we went back to sleep. This morning we looked out the back door to check on Missy and here this little fuzz ball is curled up outside of Missy's doghouse. Missy was in her doghouse. Apparently Missy didn't want to share her house. Soon after the girls got on the school bus, the neighbor arrived to pick up his dog. It seems that Missy left home last night about 10:30 and went to play with little fuzz ball. Then when Missy decided to come back home, little fuzz ball came with her. We have also discovered that Missy is not spayed, finally found out the old fashioned way. She went into heat. It will be a year in late April when she arrived in the field across the road and became our dog. When we took her to the vet back then, they said they didn't know if she had been spayed or not. Told us to wait 6 months to see if she would go into heat. She never did, that is until now, lol. The little fuzz ball is a male but is just a pup. Not sure if he is mature enough yet. Not to mention how little he is, but I suppose anything is possible. There hasn't been any dogs hanging around, but apparently she has been leaving home at night. So I don't know if she has mated. Time will tell.
![]() | Flip phone...what's that? | for everyone |
Technology, not always good for everyone. Brian's cell phone is a very simple phone to use. No camera, etc. He doesn't want all the bells and whistles. He would never use them. The problem is that it is a very old phone, in todays tech world that is. They get to a point where they just don't work as well as they did over the years. So I finally get him talked into upgrading his phone. That was a joke, as we could only find one flip phone in the brand we wanted, an LG. We have trouble with other brands not working out here where we live. I read the reviews on it and was not impressed. We decided to upgrade SJ's cell phone to one like mine and Brian would take SJ's flip phone. He already knows what it looks like and feels like, etc. Although it has more bells and whistles than he wants, its close to what he had. I called our cell phone service provider to make the trade and upgrade. I thought I would go ahead and ask the woman if they might have something more suitable for him that I wasn't seeing online. She was trying her best to help me by looking thru a list of 127 "retired" phone models. Once I found out what she was doing and how many there was, I just told her we would just do the trade and upgrade. Which she happily helped me do. I did mention to her how ridiculous it is that they don't make just plain simple cell phones for people who don't want all the techy stuff. As I could see while looking for one, that EVERYTHING is going to the touch screen phones. I am not all that techy myself. I use a computer and I have a cell phone. I text on my cell more than I talk on it because of my daughter. Thats about as far as I do techy. I can use cell to get on Multiply, but I have only done it once just to see if I could. I see no real reason why I would need to myself. I read an article the other day about how the touch phones were out selling home computers for the first time. The woman that was helping me said that their site had crashed twice this past week due to the fact of the heavy volume for the iPhone that Verizon now has to sell. To think that someday the computer will be a thing of the past....
![]() | Chocolate Cake | for everyone |
This chocolate cake is the very first cake that my granddaughter SJ has made by herself. I supervised. She did a very good job. I am so proud of her!!
![]() | The Sun Can Be Deceiving | for everyone |
Last night our temp was 0 degrees and there was a wind chill advisory out until 9am this morning. The sun is shining bright, but we still have very cold conditions. I sit here and look out the window and all I see is white. It is blinding to my eyes. I think back to when I was a young child. The cold never seemed to bother me much and I loved to play in the snow. How time changes a person. Sometimes without realizing it until.....BOOM!.. your old. Then you wonder where your life went. This is how I feel sometimes. Just 9 years ago I was turning somersaults in the floor with my grandaughter. 2 months ago I was working a very physical job and then one day ....BOOM!..knee hurt so bad couldn't walk and could barely stand. I knew my knee was hurting for a long time before this day. I had even started walking with a limp. Was unable to squat down anymore and just the thought of having to get down on my hands and knees would bring tears to my eyes. Not to mention the pain I was having in my thumbs and my back. I kept working until I just couldn't anymore. So I suppose I wasn't always a "happy camper" at work. I admit that it hurts to know that people thought I was just "being a b*tch". Instead of assuming these thoughts about me they should have taken the time to talk to me. Southern hospitality is a hard thing to find in the area I live or maybe its just as deceiving as the sun.
![]() | More Snow | for everyone |
Thankfully we only got 2" of snow today. They said we were going to get up to 4". Tomorrow is another snow day for the school. I am seriously wondering if they will have school for the rest of the week. There still hasn't been a plow down our road. This doesn't surprise me since I have only seen one on our road twice in previous years and that was after the county deputy sheriff moved in down the road behind us. Apparently this year he is on his own, no plow and no salt on this road so far. I took a picture of the icicles on our front porch. Biggest ones I have seen since I left Illinois!! :)
![]() | It's Been A While | for everyone |
It's been a long time since I have done anything here on multiply. A lot of things have happened since I was last here. I am not sure that I will stay. I haven't been on here because I didn't have enough time in my life and because I feel that I have nothing special or important to say. Well I am no longer working due to health issues so the time problem is no longer there. I shall see as time goes on if I think I should stay here. The background picture is of yesterday's snow.
![]() | Undercover Boss | for everyone |
I am excited to watch this show tonight. It is about the boss going undercover at some hotel. Can't wait to see it!! I wonder how good he will do at cleaning rooms???
![]() | What gives? | for everyone |
I am having a hard time understanding why that woman put acid on her own face and then said that some other woman did it. Good grief!!!
New York City and tornadoes, WOW!!!
![]() | Boss Hogs | for everyone |
Not looking forward to this coming weekend. I have to work it and there will be an event in town called Boss Hogs. These are bikes with V-8's on them. Haven't heard if we will be full or not but I am sure we will get a lot of them. They have been having this event every year for some time now. Also there is going to be a demolition derby Saturday night. We would like to go, don't know if we are yet though.
![]() | 9/11/10 | for everyone |
It has been 9 years and I still remember. I will never forget the senseless deaths. I wish someone could tell me why so many hate us. (Americans) They call us pigs and other names, they burn our flag and stomp on it. I do not understand all this hate. Someone please tell me what have we done that is so bad that they treat us this way. :(
![]() | The Kindness of Friends | for everyone |
I came home from work today and found a wooden swing hanging from the ceiling of the front porch. We were planning on buying one once the porch was completely finished. So I was a bit confused when I seen it hanging there. As I knew we hadn't boughten one yet. I asked Brain where the swing came from. He said that it had came from the same guy that had given us that roll of roof paper. (Brian's friend's brother) As it turns out his boss was doing some work for a woman and she wanted a swing. Once she seen the swing, she didn't like it and didn't want it. So his boss told him to take it and burn it. (he was mad that the woman didn't want it) So he put it in the back of his truck and waited a few days, thinking that his boss would want it back. (He didn't) Then he thought of us and our front porch we are building and that maybe we would like it. (We did) He even helped Brian put it up. He didn't take any money for it and I am talking about a brand new $100 wooden swing!!! It needs to be painted of course, its raw wood, so it doesn't get ruined by the weather. I am so overwhelmed by all of this kindness that has been bestowed upon us recently. I don't know how I will ever be able to repay them for everything they have done. I believe in angels and feel like I have several of them watching over me right now. :)
![]() | The Kindness of Neighbors | for everyone |
We have been trying to build a front porch now since springtime. We were doing pretty good with it until it came time to shingle the roof. We had been buying the building supplies a little at time. Use them up and go buy the next supplies we were going to need. The roof was ready for shingles and we bought the roof paper. Brian had just finished laying it all on the roof and about 10 minutes later a thunderstorm came up and of course it had to have wind with it, blew the roof paper off and tore it all up. So that was money wasted. Then came the hot weather, and it was just too hot to be on the roof. So our porch sat there in limbo. We went and priced shingles and found out that it was going to cost double of what we had figured it was going to. Another set back. Then one of our neighbors asked Brian if he wanted some shingles that belonged to his mother. Neighbor said he thought they were almost the same color as our roof. Seems his mother had her roof shingled a few years back and the man that did it had ordered more shingles then was needed and they never got around to taking them back to the store. Brian said he would look at them. They were the exact color of our roof!!! There was also 8 bundles of them. The exact amount we needed!!! Brian asked how much they wanted for them. They said they didn't want anything for them!!! WOW I couldn't believe it!! They said just be a good neighbor. So then all we had to buy was the roof paper again. Well, Brian's friend's brother told Brian that he had a roll of the roof paper we could have!!! Unbelievable!!! I feel so blessed. So yesterday Brian started to shingle the porch roof. It has cooled down a lot, but it is still getting into low 90's. He shingled all day. He had to keep coming down because of the heat, so he didn't get it finished. He is back up there this morning hoping to get it finished before the real heat of the day. Once the roof is done, then comes the floor, railings and a porch swing!! Then we have to start on building a room onto the back door. After that a back deck, front sidewalk and some landscaping.... Oh my, we have our work cut out for us. It only takes hard work and a whole lot of money. A little at a time....
![]() | Traveling Tip | for everyone |
If you have seen any news at all lately, you most likely have already heard about the dreaded bed bugs that seem to be overtaking our country, state by state. With the job that I have, this is always on my mind. I have taken it upon myself to check the mattresses in my rooms at work. I do not want these creepy crawlers at my house for sure. To check a mattress, you look for dark, black looking spots along the edges of the mattress. Thankfully I have not found any. For anyone traveling and staying at any kind of hotel/motel/bed & breakfast etc. you should yourself check the beds before you stay there. Go in the room with no luggage, no personal belongings at all and check the mattress for the dark black spots at the edges. If you see anything, LEAVE at once!!! These bugs are very hard to get rid of, they are getting immuned to the chemicals that are used for extermination. Please do not let the cleanliness of a place fool you into thinking that they couldn't possible have bed bugs cuz they are being found in a lot of very nice hotels, etc. Do yourself a big favor and just do the check for yourself!!!
![]() | One Hot Summer | for everyone |
Yesterday marked 32 straight days of 90+ temps in Nashville according to the news. Out here where I am, I believe it has been a lot more than that. Today was suppose to be 87, but I think it was higher than that here. We also haven't had much rain since spring. Today we got a little more than we have been getting, but still not all that much. The other side of the state however is flooded once again. All the rain did here was make it very humid. I was having a hard time breathing at work again due to the humidity. The forecast for the rest of the week is temps in the 90's with possibilities of rain almost every day. How lovely, lol
![]() | My New Son-In-Law | for everyone |
![]() | Back To School | for everyone |
The girls go back to school tomorrow, first day, half day. They are at school tonight for a back to school blast. 5th & 3rd grades this year. I hate the fact that school starts so early. The fair comes to town next week. It is just so hot here, made 103 today with heat index 105-110. Tomorrow the heat index is suppose to be 115-120. My temp. gauge for outside temps in the dash of my car read 120 today when I got into it after work. Never fell below 104 on way home. Oh what a summer!!!
![]() | Season 5 | for everyone |
![]() | Things People Do With No Health Insurance | for everyone |
![]() | Grass Not Always Greener | for everyone |
A weight seems to have been lifted from my shoulders. After sitting down and making a list of pros and cons concerning a job change that I had been thinking about. Found out I had to much to lose and will just stay right where I am at. No job is perfect, but at least I know what the one I have is all about and after weighing it all up, have decided ...hey its not that bad after all!!! :)
![]() | Vacation Over | for everyone |
Wow that 10 days went by super fast. Tomorrow is the dreaded 1st day back to work. I dread it, oh how I dread it. Think I would just about want to do anything else in the world. Those pesky things called bills say I have to go back though. I also have no more vacation days left, until Jan. DRAT!!!
![]() | Aches & Pains & Storms | for everyone |
My shoulder is feeling better, still sore if I move it the wrong way. I try not to do that!! We have thunderstorms moving in and hoping they don't get too rough. One day left of my vacation, how time flies.
![]() | Little Girl Found!!! | for everyone |
I am so happy that the little girl from MO that was abducted has been found...ALIVE!!! So very happy for her family and her!!!
![]() | Happy 4th Of July | for everyone |
Hope eveyone is enjoying the day.
![]() | In The Movies | for everyone |
If you remember a while back I mentioned something about a commercial being filmed at the hotel. Where they had all of us in groups doing something. Well it's official, I'm on the big screen, lol. Locally anyway. They have started showing the commercial at the local movie theater. They didn't cut any of us from it as I had hoped my part would be cut. I myself haven't been to the movies to see it but a co-worker has and did.
![]() | Mother's Birthday & Miss Hootie's Death | for everyone |

![]() | Summer | for everyone |
Yes, it is true that I wanted summer to come so very badly. Well who wouldn't? It was such a cold winter and it seemed like it lasted forever!! Much of spring didn't seem like spring, just seemed like more winter. Then good ole mother nature turned up the burner, higher & higher it went. Seems like she got it stuck on high. I really don't mind the hot weather, but I would prefer to have some breaks in the extreme heat, & does it have to be so humid? All you have to do is just step outside and you start to sweat, your hair just drips & drips. I am not sure how many days of high 90's we have had so far, but they say we will continue to keep getting them thru the end of the month. Our garden can't take much more I am afraid. We water it every night, can't tell it the next day though. I was so hoping for a good turn out in the garden this year, don't think its going to happen. :(
![]() | The Blame Game | for everyone |
Yes there is a lot of oil in the gulf, tons of it. It is terrible for sure. I think that more time should be put to trying to clean it up than to keep playing the blame game. I don't think that it is possible to clean it all up and it has already caused a ton of damage. Besides in my opinion, we are all responsible for this mess. Why? Because we all need and use the oil and always wanting more & more. Supply & demand. Prices higher & higher. Yes, we are all responsible.
![]() | Missy Update and More | for everyone |
Missy has now taken to Sammy Jo very well. We are still working with Tabitha, she is going to take to her soon too I know.
In other news, garden is doing good. Work is work, nothing seems to ever change there. I was sick with some kind of stomach bug last Sunday(my day off). Woke up sicker than a dog. Lost 5 pounds in a day, but have gained a few back now. Bad, very bad, bug!! Tomorrow day off then have to work the weekend, dreading it, holiday weekend. Girls are out of school for the summer, yesterday was last day and only half day. Our pool is up and soon they will be able to get in it. Brian plans on starting to build our front porch the first week of June. June is coming fast, my mom's birthday June 23, that is going to be hard. Lastly, I have discovered recently that there are reasons that some people from your past do not make it to your future. You may not realize it at the time that it is a good thing, but later on you may realize it or you may never. I had the chance to realize it, that THANK GOD I never married him!!!! You are with someone for 4 years of your life and you think you know that person, oh how wrong I was!! Maybe it was because of my young age, not sure. I do know now that I never really knew him and that he is really a freak ( doesn't like clothes??? OMG!!!!) LOL so I should really thank the girl that called me and told me she was his girlfriend, 1 month before we were to be married. The girl that he says he doesn't recall. LOL oh yea his story of why we broke up....Of course it was my fault....He says I had been with my daughter's father....Wrong....That didn't happen until after his girlfriend called me!!! So I shall take this moment in time to say thank you Marge(whoever you are) for making that call in May of 1978!! Thank you so much!!! :)
![]() | Brian's Dog.....Her Name Is Missy | for everyone |
I would like for you to meet Missy. She is an Austrailian Cattle Dog, what they call a blue heeler around here. She appeared on our road last month, about 4 weeks ago. I suppose she was dumped, can't believe she just got lost. She is over 2 years old. Very loveable. There is no doubt that she is Brian's dog. She has finally cuddled up to me and I can see she is trusting me more and more. We are now working trying to get her to accept Sammy Jo. It is slow going but I think she will eventually, then we will work on getting her to accept Tabitha. We believe that somewhere along the way, some kids must have been mean to her badly. She is of a breed that usually takes to one person(Brian), but she is making progress with the rest of us. Here are a few pictures of her. She was scared of the camera and getting these wasn't easy, lol.
![]() | Spirits? | for everyone |
Ever since my mom passed away, a picture of her and Sammy Jo that I have sitting on my chest of drawers in my bedroom, keeps falling over. Hmmm, hello mom. I love you always.
![]() | Looking for Spring | for everyone |
![]() | Stressed | for everyone |
It has just been one of those awful days for me. You know the kind of day where nothing goes the way you want it to. All I wanted to do today was go to the store get a few items and get back home to do some chores around the house. Well, upon leaving the house for the store I had to hit the button on my car's remote 6 times before it finally unlocked. So I think it needs a battery. While at Wal-Mart I ask them to put a battery in it. The woman tells me that it is fully charged. Hmmm, now I have to make trip to car dealership. So I go all the way there only to be asked to come back at 1:30. I say ok, what else am I going to say? Drive back home and get all my house chores finished just in time to make the trip back to the car dealership. Another wasted trip as I am now told after a whole 10 minutes, that they will have to order a remote for me and they will call me when it comes in. Which means I will have to make another trip there. GRRRR!!!! I drive back home.
If you remember a blog I did a while back about Aaron's and my TV, here is an update on that. I got tired of getting a runaround and wrote a hand written 4 page letter to the president of that company expressing my dislike of them, amoung other things :) They in return called and spoke to Brian about the matter. He agreed to them coming and getting the loaner TV they had left me and exchanging the insides of it into the case of my original TV. This was suppose to have taken 1 week. They left another, smaller loaner TV for us to use while this "repair" was being done. Well today was the day the TV was suppose to have come back. Of course it didn't and they hadn't called us either, so I called them. Now they tell me that the truck was full and they had no room for my TV on it so now it will be another week before we get it back. I sat down and wrote another hand written letter to the president of this company, which I will mail tomorrow. It is only a 3 page letter this time. GRRRRRR!!!!!
![]() | Weekend | for everyone |
Work weekend ahead, ugh. I had a busy day yesterday had 12 rooms, not sure what the weekend will hold, but at least the temps are suppose to be warm. YAY!!!
![]() | Micro Vacation Ending | for everyone |
My micro vacation is coming to an end. Ugh! Back to work tomorrow. So I guess I had better go enjoy this day. Tootles :)
![]() | Another Birthday, Another Year Older | for everyone |
Happy birthday to my daughter who turned 31 today!!! Good golly I'm old!!!
![]() | Beauty Or Blurry?? | for everyone |
![]() | Winter Yuck!! | for everyone |
Winter blues have really set in on me. I am bored and depressed and don't want to get out of bed. Awoke to snow flurries again this morning lasting throughout the day. Not sticking, thankfully. Old north wind blowing cold though. School was scheduled to be off the last 2 days anyway so that helped, but they have closed it for tomorrow and I have no clue why. Just part of the winter yuck!
![]() | Thank Goodness For Google!! | for everyone |
This morning my granddaughter Tabitha came to me and asked this simple question. "Grandma, how does the rest of this go? Roses are red, violets are blue,"? I could not think, just drew a blank. Brian said that it was "sugar is sweet, and so are you." For some reason that didn't sound right to me. I told them I am not sure I will have to google it. Which I did and Brian was right. Well he was right as far as the poem that we use today goes. I found a site that had different versions dating way back. It was interesting. Happy Valentine's Day!
Here is the link to the site if you're interested.
![]() | Update On "In 3's" Blog | for everyone |
Ahh yes, I almost forgot. If you remember reading that blog about bad things coming in 3's then you know that I was holding my breath, waiting for the 3rd bad thing to come. Well, the wait is over and actually has been over for about 2 weeks now. I just forgot to put the 2 and 2 together, since I was and am still in so much pain. Anywho, my great stupidity act of stepping out on the back steps in my house slippers and taking that fall down them would most definitely qualify for the 3rd bad luck thing. Now I hope it's done for a very long time!
![]() | Made It | for everyone |
Safe from the hunter for another year.
![]() | Magnitude 3.8 Earthquake Jolts Sleepers in Illinois - AOL News | for everyone |
This is not far from where I lived.
This is not far from where I lived.
![]() | Want With One Hand and @#$% In The Other | for everyone |
Seems the more I want spring to come with flowers and warmth, the more snow that falls so cold and wet.
![]() | My Pick For Best Super Bowl Commercials | for everyone |
This isn't just the top 3, these are the only 3 I thought were good ones, super bowl quality.
1. The Snickers ad where Betty White & Abe Vigoda get tackled.
2. The Doritos ad where the man teases dog wearing a no bark collar with bag of Doritos and then the dog takes revenge.
3. The Volkswagon ad where everyone is playing the slug bug game.
![]() | Colt Ford & Jamey Johnson | for everyone |
![]() | Can You Here Me Yelling? | for everyone |
Ok, first I am sorry if my yelling the last 2 days has hurt anyone's ears. Since I have been told a number of times now that is what I am doing. Confused? Well, let me try to clear it up for you. I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life 2 years ago. Yes, it's true. I walked into an Aaron's sales and lease center. Please I beg all of you who read this to stay away from Aaron's. Learn from my mistake. It will save you a lot of money and headaches. I signed a contract with Aaron's to purchase in 2 years a 52" flat screen Sony Bravia TV and a glass table for it to sit on. My payments were $253.67 a month. Yea I know, "WOW". We had a 51" projection TV and it had something wrong with it. I called a TV repairman and he told me he was going to charge me over $500.00 to repair it. Well, we didn't have the money for that. We had just bought the house and the car. So I got the STUPID idea of going to Aaron's. The only reason I signed the contract was because I was told the TV was a NEW one. I didn't want a USED one. So we signed. I made my payment every month. Then last month, the 23rd month, the TV screen aquired a line from the top to bottom. I went to Aaron's and reported the problem. They came out and brought a LOANER TV and picked up ours to be repaired. Didn't hear a thing from them all month long. Yesterday was my day to pay my payment, my very last final payment. I went, I asked about our TV. They told me that it couldn't be repaired. Next breath he tells me well it can be repaired but they aren't going to repair it. It's a cost effective thing. Tells me I am stuck with the LOANER. I said SAY WHAT? Like I said the only reason I did this contract was because it was a NEW TV, I would have been the only owner. I was also told that they couldn't give me ownership papers for this TV until his regional district manager came to sign off on this LOANER TV. As it was in the system as a loaner. This bit of information didn't make me any happier than I already was. I asked when does this district manager come. I was told he came about every 2 to 3 weeks. I'm getting more unhappy. I asked for his phone number so I could discuss this problem directly with him. I was told that he couldn't give out his personal #. I said I don't want a personal # his office # would do just fine. I am told he doesn't have an office!!!! Getting very unhappy now. I asked for the # of their home office then. After what seemed an eternity I was given an 800 #. I called from my cellphone in the parking lot and filed a complaint. Was told someone would call me back within 48 hours. If I didn't receive a call within this time to call this other # they gave me with a woman's name. Today I receive a call from the regional district manager. He is no help and rude keeps interrupting me. Makes me very angry. Tells me they have kept up to their warranty by giving me this STUPID LOANER TV. Keeps telling me that I'm yelling at him. Makes me very, very angry. Keeps threatening to hang up on me. Finally I lost it and told this jacka$$ that I hoped something fell on his head and killed him and yes now I'm yelling!!! I am not sure who hung up on who. I try calling the # they gave me with woman's name only to find out that it is a FAX#!! I called back that 800# and filed my complaint again. This guy now starts telling me that I'm yelling and I should stop so we can take care of this problem. I politely told him that I'm not yelling. That I am just very upset. He says that he is going to mark my complaint a priority and that someone should call me in 24 hours. About 5 minutes later my phone rings and it's the regional district manager again. He tries to get me to be happy with LOANER TV by offering me an extended warranty on it. I politely told him, ok maybe not so politely, that an extended warranty was not going to do anything for the scratches that were on the LOANER TV. He says well ok then I guess I can't help you. I said no I guess you can't, we will just wait and see what the home office has to say about it all. Call ended. I called 800# again, to see if this 2nd call from regional manager was my call that I should get within 24 hours. Basically refiled complaint again. He told me to wait and see if I received another call. He also gave me a name and address to file a written complaint. He said this was the president of the company. Call ended. I went to website for Aaron's and they have a picture with name and title of the president and CEO of Aaron's. I was amazed to see that his name is different than the one given to me. It's about an hour later and my phone is ringing again. It's an automated message telling me to call my local Aaron's store. I do. They tell me that it's an automated call that they use to remind people to make their payment. I'm getting angry again. I told him I made my final payment yesterday. I ask him are you sure this isn't a way for Aaron's to haress me because I am making a stink and calling the home office?? He tells me no. It is because for some stupid reason they can't show my payment cause of the TV being shown as a LOANER on their system. In other words the automated call system thinks that I haven't made my payment!!! So angry, I am. I ask this guy who the company's president is. He tells me the same name that the guy at 800# did. I say well that isn't the name that your website gives as your president and CEO. I go back online to the website and click on the contact us button. I fill out a feedback comment. Basically file a complaint online. So whoever may read this I beg you learn from my mistake. I shall never ever make this mistake again. I shall instead save up and go buy at store. At least this way I know that I won't end up with a used product!! Sorry for the length of this but I hope it can save someone a lot of trouble.
![]() | Our Snowman | for everyone |
![]() | Wolf Moon | for everyone |
![]() | Why O' Why? | for everyone |
It's a warm July Sunday morning, the year is 1974. Out on a country road, an 11 year old girl is riding her bike home. She is coming from a friend's house, where she had been attending a sleepover. A monster comes along and the little girl never makes it home. Her parents realize that she should have already made her way home. They start looking for her. All they find is her bike & overnight bag in a ditch alongside the road. The very road that they live on. The distance away from home is equal to about a city block. Where is she? What happened? The police have no leads. A family distraught and falling apart. 9 months later, 500 miles away, a horseback rider riding in a pasture, finds human remains. Identity is confirmed through dental records and the family gets a call. Their little girl, their baby, the horror of it all. Closed casket funeral, is the monster there? Years go by, the family fell apart, the monster never caught. How many more did the monster get? Will they ever know? Monsters lurk everywhere. Children are never safe, such a shame, such a world, and all we can do is ask why?
![]() | In 3's | for everyone |
2010 is not starting out to be a very good year for me. I have heard it told that bad luck comes in 3's. If this is the case then I still have one more bad thing to happen. This morning I started doing laundry then went to get vacuum to do floors. This is when I seen the water. Water coming from underneath my washing machine. Brian had to tear it apart to find the leak. @#$% I kept hearing in there. Finally he has found the culprit. The pump, it's cracked and not turning so well. Water everywhere from the hoses, etc. Wipe up what I can for now and off to the appliance fixer up shop. They sell parts also. He has one in stock for a mere $55.00!!!! Great scot what am I to do???? More money flying away that I don't have. Arrived at home, Brian sets out to put the washer back together. He hits a snag right off quick. Can you believe this??? One of the outlets where one of the hoses goes is BIGGER than the old pump!!!! It's the right pump just been changed like this!!! So although I make a big stink over Brian's junk cars, etc. I am thankful today that he has them. He was able to find a radiator hose that he was able to make fit and adapted it to the washer pump. He also had some hose clamps he needed for this adaptation. He is in the process of putting the case back on the washer and I am hearing @#$% again. Hopefully he will soon get it finished and I will be able to resume doing laundry. So with the broken windshield the other day and now the washer today, brings my bad luck to 2. I am now walking around with bated breath, asking what is going to be #3? I keep trying to talk myself into believing that this is actually #3 by making our TV #1. I really doubt that though, since I am not having to pay for the TV repair, Aarons is. Also it sorta happened last year just didn't get it taken care of until after the 1st of the year. That reminds me, they haven't called me about it yet. They brought a loaner until ours is fixed. Is it already been 3 or am I just at 2?? I don't know how much longer I can hold my breath. Well, only time will tell the answer.....
![]() | UFO's | for everyone |
Driving home from work yesterday up in the sky I see something. At first thought, it's a bird. Then I hear that awful noise. Sounds like a gun going off inside my car. Oh no, my stomach turns at knowing that sound. A rock or something has just hit my windshield. I raise my visor up and look, not seeing any damage at first. Thinking wow I lucked out, until my eyes lowered and I see this huge round chip and the cracks are already starting. Next I notice little bits of glass all over my dashboard and my console. I turn my car around and drive back into town to the insurance office. The good news is it's covered and they will come to work and put new windshield in car out in the parking lot. Bad news is I have to pay $100 deductible.
![]() | Real Talk - 'The Jay Leno Show' Video | AOL Television | for everyone |
I do not understand why everyone it seems is bashing Jay Leno. What did he do??? He was the host of the Tonight Show. The way I understand it all is this....back in 2004 the bigwigs of NBC went to Jay Leno and told him that in 5 years they were going to give Conan the Tonight Show. NBC wouldn't let Jay out of his contract. They put him on in primetime after they gave Conan the Tonight Show. Now I have heard that the Tonight Show has not been getting good ratings at all and Jay Leno's primetime show hasn't either, but NBC has been making money from his show. So they are canceling Jay Leno's primetime show and want to move it back to after the news which would move Conan's show back a half hour. Conan said NO WAY! My question is this.... How is any of this Jay Leno's fault???? Beats me???? My opinion is this....I don't like Conan, never have. Tried watching his old show, thought it was stupid. I used to watch Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, loved it. When they moved him to primetime I have only watched maybe 5 times. Not because I don't like the show, but because at that time period I have other shows that I like to watch. Conan wants out of his contract and looks like NBC is going to let him out. Fine by me, I say GOODBYE!!!! I feel this is NBC's foul up and Jay Leno is taking all the blame and in my opinion he is the very first victim of it all. He is the one who had his show taken away and given to Conan!!!! This is so messed up!!!!
![]() | French Cooperation Minister Alain Joyandet Criticizes US Role in Haiti - Sphere News | for everyone |
![]() | Last-Minute Survivors Dug Out in Haiti - Sphere News | for everyone |
![]() | Violence Increases in Quake-Ravaged Haiti - Sphere News | for everyone |
![]() | Cancer-Stricken Michael C. Hall Wins a Golden Globe | for everyone |
![]() | Gaines Adams, Chicago Bears Defensive End, Dies at 26 | for everyone |
![]() | Anger | for everyone |
Enough is enough!!! I heard this morning that the banks that WE all bailed out are getting ready to pay out their bonuses, record amounts of them!!! I would like to shove a bonus where the sun don't shine! Tired of hearing about the money they are making, hand over fist. NEVER should have bailed them out!!!! They don't give a rats @ss about any of us!! They sure are quick to call and harass people who are late with a loan payment, even if it isn't a month late!!!! Should have let them sank with the rest of us!!!
![]() | Miss Hootie | for everyone |
I came home from work yesterday to find that something was wrong with one of my cats, my female, Miss Hootie. I was afraid that I was going to have to put her down like I had to do with Lucky, a male that I had a few years back. Miss Hootie was showing all the same symptoms has Lucky did. Going back and forth to the litter box, trying to urinate with no luck. Lucky had crystals and I paid for a very costly procedure that didn't last 24 hours. He had to be put down anyway. I was afraid that I would have to do the same with Miss Hootie, knowing that I didn't have the money for a costly procedure this time. I called the vet and asked if they could see my cat right away. They asked how far away I was, I told them 20 minutes, they would be closing soon. I put her in her carrier and drove her to the vet, crying the whole way. The vet looked her over, tried to get a urine sample, but told me her bladder was empty. How can this be I asked, knowing that if she had crystals like Lucky she would have had a completely full bladder, or so I thought. I was told that she had peed it all out. Well I don't know when she had, because I had watched her go back and forth to the litter box and nothing came out. So I was then told that they had no sample to test for crystals or for anything. I was then given 2 choices. #1 leave her at the vets overnight so they could collect a sample and test it(more money that I didn't have) #2 take her home with meds and see if the meds would cure her, on the basis of thinking she had a urinary tract infection. I chose to do #2. It still cost me $70.00, but I feel that if I had left her at the vet that it would have been for nothing cause she didn't move from her bed all night long. It is so unbelievable that the antibiotic cost $44.00. I am still not sure if she will pull through, but I am hoping she will. I gave the antibiotic and pain med to her last night like they told me too, but she vomited shortly after. This morning I only gave her the antibiotic and she spit part of it back out, I tried to get it back in her mouth the best I could. I thought maybe the pain med made her vomit. I think I was right because she kept down the antibiotic this morning. Brian said that she got up around 10:30 this morning and made a trip to the litter box and DID urinate, then went to water bowl and drank, yay! Good sign. I gave her the 2nd dose of the day earlier tonight and she also kept it down. Apparently she doesn't like the taste of it because she keeps spitting some of it back out. I had to try my best again to get it back into her mouth. I hope that enough is getting into her. No pain med again. She got up a little while ago with the same routine as before. Maybe she will pull through....
![]() | Another Year | for everyone |
Another year has come and gone. Another Christmas, New Years Day, and the dreaded birthday. So this is what 50 feels like. I guess since I already feel like 90, I suppose I can handle it, lol
![]() | Black-eyed Peas.... A Sign Of Good luck | for everyone |
My dear mom always cooked black-eyed peas on New Years day. She always said that if you ate them on this day you would have money all year. I have carried on that tradition and always will. I went to my bank today and they were giving away cans of black-eyed peas. I took a can and this is what it says on the back of the can.
A Sign Of Good Luck
The tradition of eating black-eyed peas on New Year's Day originated in the Deep South. The bountiful growth of the black-eyed pea inspired people to partake of this unusual plant to insure a plentiful and fortunate New Year.
Tennesseans have practiced this custom for years. For every black-eyed pea eaten on New Year's Day, there will be one day of good luck during the coming year. There have been many tales of good fortune passed down through the years by those who have observed this custom. Keep the tradition with this gift from your friends at ---------- Bank.
My mom's parents were from Tennessee originally, so I have been told. So this would explain why my mom had this tradition even though she was not from Tennessee.
So open yourself up a can of black-eyed peas and eat some, and have a happy and prosperous New Year!!!!
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