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Blog EntryDec 29, '09 7:01 PM
for everyone
Stopped at the store before coming home after work today. Bought some finger foods for new Years eve. I picked up the girls some soft drinks, they only get those on special occasions. Picked up a couple of Smirnoff's 6 packs. All ready for a night in.
Blog EntryDec 28, '09 11:02 PM
for everyone
Icy wind, swirls around my neck. Wind so crisp it hurts the lungs. Feeling naked as it blows right through my clothes. Freezing and trembling it makes me. Can't feel my fingers & nose. The wind has made them numb. Old man winter brings the gushing cold north air. I await spring, oh spring beautiful spring!
Blog EntryDec 25, '09 10:30 PM
for everyone
As you know my mom passsed away in October. So this is the first Christmas without her. It has been hard on me. I haven't been in a Christmas mood. Brian helped me a lot by putting up the Christmas decorations. If it had been left up to me they never would have been put up this year, even though I love that part of Christmas. I forced myself to put up our tree and then I just let the girls decorate it cause I didn't care. I am usually all done with Christmas shopping at least a week in advance. Not this year, I only finished yesterday. I am usually a pretty good cook. Not this year, everything I tried to cook or bake didn't turn out the way it should. This is partly due to the fact that this year I am sick. I can't cook when I'm sick and that is a fact! I felt a strong urge all day to call my mom to wish her a merry Christmas because I always did. The day turned out pretty good even with all the pain. The girls enjoyed it and that is why I even had a Christmas this year, for them. Hope you all had a very nice Christmas.
Blog EntryDec 12, '09 8:15 PM
for everyone
Click here>This is cool
Take a peek.
Blog EntryDec 11, '09 6:36 PM
for everyone
My daughter and I usually put up the Christmas lights for the girls. This year my daughter is lucky to get any sleep with all the OT she has been made to put in, plus going to school. I haven't felt like having anything to do with Christmas this year. I forced myself to put the tree up for the girls. Brian to the rescue!! He has been putting the lights up for me this year, so the girls will have them to look at. He is not totally finished yet, but I took the girls outside tonight to see them and I took pictures which I posted in an album for you all to see. Hope you enjoy looking. Hugs :)
Blog EntryDec 6, '09 10:38 AM
for everyone
Tis the season. Friday night went Christmas shopping. The girls picked out their presents. Yes, they already know what they are getting from us. I hate that, but had no choice this year. Their mom has been working 12 hour days during the week and she has been having to work both Saturdays & Sundays. The OT is mandatory so she has no choice. So with her going to school during the day and working 3rd shift plus all the OT she has had barely any time to sleep. So I had to take the girls with me shopping this year. I knew I had to go to Toys R Us for Sammy Jo's present and that is a good hour and half drive. I didn't want to drive that far by myself so having Brian watch the girls while I went was out of the question. Sammy Jo wanted a telescope to see the moon and planets, that is why I had to go to Toys R Us. I just let Tabitha pick out what she wanted cause I really had no clue what to get her. She chose Barbie stuff. Yesterday we put up the Christmas tree and I put the presents under the tree, unwrapped. No reason to waste wrapping paper. Even though they know what they got they are not allowed to open them until Christmas. I do hope that I can manage to come up with a little more money to buy them each something to wrap and put under the tree. Brian and my daughter started putting up the decorations outside yesterday and are finishing up today. I have not been in a very Christmasy mood, I guess I never really am, not sure why. Bills, money, etc. most likely is why. Wouldn't it be nice if all of the businesses you owed money to gave you the month of December as a free month? Meaning that you didn't have to pay any of your bills for that 1 month. That they gave you a Christmas present of this. Then you could take that money and have a nice Christmas without having to worry about money. I know dream on Mary, lol
Blog EntryDec 2, '09 9:36 PM
for everyone
The black dog is now living in Louisville, KY. The neighbor down the road where the dog finally wandered, has a son. He was here for Thanksgiving and he has a neighbor who wanted a dog. He sent her a picture via cell phone and she said to bring him along. :)
Blog EntryNov 26, '09 7:20 PM
for everyone
Woke up this morning to find the black dog laying in front of my car. He was happily chewing on deer bones that he found down the road. He had about 3 of them, good sized ones. He hung around most of the day until late this afternoon, he trotted off down the road. He has only been going down the road a little ways and then coming right back. The neighbor down the road called us and asked if we had company here and if they had a black dog. Brian told them no, that someone had dumped him off a couple of days ago and that he had been hanging around ever since. Not sure what will happen to him now.
Blog EntryNov 25, '09 8:22 PM
for everyone
Last night before dark, someone in a white pickup truck dumped a black dog off down the road a piece. Brian seen the truck pull over and then heard a door shut. Then the truck went on down the road. Brian didn't put 2 & 2 together until shortly after, when the dog showed up at our front door. I feel bad for this dog but I can't keep it. I had to give away my own dog, Benji, a few months ago. The black dog has a cute face and wags his tail when I speak. He stayed on our porch for a while last night then he went off walking down the road back towards where he was dumped off. I was on my way to the car this morning to go to work when I was scared by the black dog. Something bumped into the bag I was carrying and made it hit my leg. I slowly turned around to see what the heck was behind me. There he was wagging his tail at me, the black dog. I told him I was sorry but he needed to go I couldn't keep him. I left for work and he laid down in the front yard and watched me leave. When I came home, Brian told me the black dog had slept on my daughter's porch all day. This afternoon he was digging holes in my backyard, trying to get a mole I suppose. He went down the road a few times but he came back again to lay in my front yard. I feel so sorry for this dog.
Blog EntryNov 19, '09 8:13 PM
for everyone

Sammy Jo is studying the phases of the moon in school. Tonight we have a waxing crescent.
Blog EntryNov 16, '09 2:00 PM
for everyone
Lost, neither here or there. Time passes, not knowing purpose of life. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years pass. Walk among people who seem not to see. Trying to stay in the light out of the dark is hard. Friendly faces are few. Forge on and see what tomorrow brings.
Blog EntryNov 12, '09 7:40 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blushing with embarrassment she tells the story. After cooking supper tonight, I decided that my oven needed cleaning before Thanksgiving. I have a self-cleaning one. So I turned on the auto-clean and then sat down to eat supper. About 10 minutes later, Brian says, "Well I don't know about you all, but I think the oven is on fire" Cool as a cucumber he says it. I said what? He says "Seriously" I turned around to take a look at the oven and sure enough there was flames in the oven. Pretty big ones at that! If you know anything about a self-cleaning oven then you know that once you turn it to auto-clean the door locks and won't open. So I'm like well that's great...the door is locked and I can't open it. Next thing I do is think turn it off....which I managed to do. However the door stayed locked and there were still flames. I have no clue as to why I did what I did next but as I sit here now telling this story I am laughing so hard at myself!!! I picked up a kitchen towel and started to fan the oven.....remember the door is still locked and I can't open it. To make things worse, Brian says " Fanning it will only make it bigger.....remember the door is still locked and I can't open it!!! So then we finally come to our senses and Brian says it will be ok now that it will burn out since I have shut the oven off. Sure enough in a few minutes the flames were out and then to my surprise I actually hadn't turned the oven completely off. I was finally able to get it off for sure and the door opened at that point. I let the oven cool for a bit and then I wiped the bottom of the oven and turned it back on to clean. For some reason the wiping part just slipped my mind the first time. I know I am supposed to do that. Hopefully I will never forget it again!! LMAO!!!
Blog EntryNov 12, '09 4:53 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Off from work today. I had a bunch of errands to do. First, had to take Brian to the doc. He was given antibiotic for ear/sinus infection. Other than that all ok. Next had to take junk car to scrap yard, got $71. 10 for it. On to next stop, gas station, filled tank. Next, on to the bank to make deposit. Then back to drug store to pick up prescriptions that I had dropped off a bit earlier. Done with all that on to home. Did a few house chores and I realized I didn't go get drivers license renewed. That 5 years went by way too fast!!! Tennessee allows usually for you to renew by mail, but with me getting married and now having new name couldn't do it by mail. So took marriage license and off I went to drivers facility. Was out of there with new license in about 30 minutes, not bad!!! Still have a bit of laundry to do and supper to cook but most everything is done, I think, I hope!!! Back to work tomorrow and have to work the weekend. After today I think my day off Monday, is going to be one of those lazy days where I do nothing.
Blog EntryNov 11, '09 9:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Nothing more simple than what's already out there. If you like your freedom, thank a vet!!!!!
Thank you vets!!!
Blog EntryNov 7, '09 9:07 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Hunting season is in full swing. We busted the pumpkins in our backyard to try and get the deer closer to the house so I could take pictures. It seems that this picture I have as a background was one of the last days of this deer's life. I think all the deer I took pictures of are gone. I hate hunting season!!!
Blog EntryOct 31, '09 6:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My tigress & witch.
Blog EntryOct 26, '09 7:36 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Monday's child is fair of face.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is full of woe.
Thursday's child has far to go.
Friday's child is loving and giving.
Saturday's child works for a living.
But the child that's born on Sunday
Is blithe and bonny, good and gay.
My mom was born on Tuesday June 23, 1931
Average cost of a home...$6,790.00
Average wages per year...$1,850.00
Average cost of house rent...$18.00 per month
Average cost of a new car...$640.00
Cost of a gallon of gas...10 cents
Cost of a loaf of bread...8 cents
Cost of a lb. of hamburger meat...11 cents
Cost of an alarm clock...$3.50
Empire State building completed.
U.S. unemployment reaches 8 million.
Nevada voted to legalize all forms of gambling.
Chicago runs out of money and can't pay teachers for 2 months.
Following the Wall Street crash 2500 banks fail.
I was born on Saturday January 2, 1960
Average cost of a home...$12,700.00
Average wages per year...$5,315.00
Average cost of house rent...$98.00
Average cost of a new car...$2,600.00
Cost of a gallon of gas...25 cents
Cost of a loaf of bread...20 cents
Cost of oven ready turkeys...39 cents a lb
Cost of a 24" black & white TV...$289.00
OPEC is formed.
JFK wins presidential election.
U.S. announces that 3500 soldiers will be sent to Viet Nam.
Aluminum cans used for the first time.
U.S. launches the first weather satelite.
My daughter was born on Tuesday February 27, 1979
Average cost of a home...$58,100.00
Average wages per year...$17,500.00
Average cost of house rent...$280.00
Average cost of a new car...$6,847.00
Cost of a gallon of gas...86 cents
Cost of a lb of hamburger meat...98 cents
Cost of a Sony walkman...$200.00
Cost of ladies lined fashion boots...$42.50
Three mile island nuclear accident.
63 Americans taken hostage in Tehran.
The Sahara Desert experiences snow for 30 minutes.
Chicago & other area cities have winter blizzard.
American Airlines flight 191 crashed and exploded near O'hare airport in Chicago.
Sammy Jo was born on Tuesday March 28, 2000
Average cost of a home...134,150.00
Average wages per year...40,343.00
Average cost of house rent...$675.00
Average cost of a new car...$24,750.00
Cost of a gallon of gas...$1.26
Cost of a loaf of bread...$1.72
Cost of a lb of bacon...$2.97
Cost of a postage stamp...33 cents
Barrel of oil tops $30.00 a barrel.
300 gallons of black sludge released into Mississippi River causing enviromental disaster.
U.S. lifespan is now 77.5 years.
America Online & Time Warner combine.
Over 5 million acres destroyed in brush fires in western U.S. worst in 50 years.
Tabitha was born on Monday September 16, 2002
Average cost of a home...$136,150.00
Average wages per year...$42,350.00
Average cost of house rent...$715.00
Average cost of a new car...$25,850.00
Cost of a gallon of gas...$1.46
Cost of a loaf of bread...$1.82
Cost of a lb of bacon...$3.22
Cost of a postage stamp...34 cents
K-Mart becomes largest retailer in American history to file chapter 11 bankruptcy.
2 snipers in Washington D.C. kill 10 people.
Tornadoes kill 36 on Veterans day.
WorldCom files chapter 11 bankruptcy.
United Airlines files for bankruptcy.
Blog EntryOct 25, '09 3:26 PM
for Carealot's contacts

I recently bought a bunch of flower bulbs and planted them. They are suppose to come up in spring, the earliest ones said in Feb. Well these little guys started coming up 2 weeks after I planted them. Of course I don't remember what they are, I just planted them the best I could according to how tall they got.
Blog EntryOct 18, '09 8:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Found this one hanging on to my window for dear life. I think it was cold. I haven't seen one since we first moved to TN. I was told they are called walking sticks, cause they look like a twig with legs.
Blog EntryOct 14, '09 4:14 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Everyone tells me that you are in a better place. It will take me a long time to come to terms with this. I miss you so much already. My heart is breaking, it hurts so much!! I keep wanting to pick up the phone to call you. I actually did dial the number today before I realized what I had done. I am sorry that I moved away and haven't been around to help you these last 14 years, but I always thought about you and loved you. My only comfort right now is the fact that you don't have to take all those pills anymore and that you left this world without anymore suffering than you were already going through. The visitation was overwhelming, so many people. I knew you knew a lot, but never in my dreams did I realize it was that many. You touched and made a difference in many lives. You were thought of very highly. Rest in peace Mom. I will always love you and keep you in my heart.
June 23, 1931 - October 9, 2009

Blog EntryOct 8, '09 8:52 PM
for Carealot's contacts

Took these yesterday before I left for work. Brian spotted them in our backyard, there were actually 5 of them, but I was only able to take pictures of the 3 of them. Brian thought I was going to be able to take them in flight, so he knocked on the window so they flew off, lol of course I didn't get them in flight. Their wingspan is awesome. Most everyone here calls them turkey buzzards, but I am not sure of the proper name.
Blog EntryOct 6, '09 9:35 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I was told at work today, by my boss, that the picture of the big cat was real, but not from around here. She said it was a mountain lion. I always thought a cougar,mountain lion & a puma were like the same thing. That it was one of those hoax things that people spread all over. So when I came online I tried to look it up on http://www.snopes.com/ and I couldn't find it there. So I really do not know what to believe now. Usually whenever I look up something on snopes.com I find it, whether it be true or false. If any of you run across something about this being a hoax please let me know.
Blog EntryOct 4, '09 10:35 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Hope this picture doesn't upset anyone, but just had to post it. My daughter sent me this picture on my cell phone, she had received it from someone on her phone. Along with the picture it said that this picture was taken by a deer cam in Camden, TN, which isn't too far from here, maybe 20 miles or so, on September 24, 2009. I am not sure exactly what kind of cat this is but I think it is a cougar. A while back one of our neighbors that lives about 2 miles from us was at another neighbors house, where Brian was visiting. This neighbor was telling them that he had seen a cougar in his backyard. Brian mentioned this to our other neighbor down the road, the one with the watermelons. He told Brian that, that guy drank, lol. I also put this in an album, thought you would be able to zoom it, but guess not. Must be the kind of pic it is.
Blog EntryOct 1, '09 3:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Wanted to let those of you who use Meebo know that I have turned mine on. Feel free to give me a shout anytime you see me on. Hopefully it does work, haven't tried it. I have decided to turn it on because I have been spending so much time on Facebook with the Farm Town game, and I don't get to Multiply as often as I should to answer your comments. Sorry:( I do try though. I am trying to finish this game, which I am suppose to be on the last level(34), although I have heard that it takes a million points to get thru this level. I have also heard that they might make a level 35. I am so hoping that this is not true. Even though I do find the game fun at times, it is beginning to take its toll on me, time wise and patience wise too. Grrrr.
Blog EntrySep 27, '09 8:10 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Deer season using bow started today. I seen a few deer crossing the road this afternoon. Brian seen a few on trailers in town today, they won't be crossing roads anymore. Here is a picture of some mums I bought & planted yesterday. I hope that they will come back up next year.
Blog EntrySep 21, '09 1:36 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Our neighbor down the road has been very nice to us. He has given us apples, peaches, corn, tomatoes, cantelope & watermelons. All homegrown, he has several gardens & patches. This is a picture of the last watermelon he gave us. This baby weighed in at 48.5 pounds!! As you can see it touches both sides of my fridge and well, pretty much just fills up a whole shelf. We are talking BIG here. It is a good thing that this is my spare fridge that I usually use for holding drinks, etc. I have lost count on how many watermelons he has given us this year, they have all been big ones weighing in around 25-30 pounds, this one tops that. He said it was hiding and he didn't know it was there, lol
Blog EntrySep 16, '09 4:50 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha turned 7 today. Time sure has flown by. Seems like yesterday I stood watching the doctor & nurses clean her up right after she was born. Even though she weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces, she looked so tiny to me. Her head seemed so small and so bald, lol. Poor baby took her forever to grow any hair. Tabitha no longer looks like tiny to me. She out weighs her bigger sister and is almost as tall as her too, even though she is 2 1/2 years younger. Love you Tabitha, happy birthday!!!
Blog EntrySep 3, '09 2:18 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Driving home this morning from doing my errands I seen a stick in the road. Well, I thought it was a stick. I went to swerve a bit to miss the stick so it wouldn't bounce up and damage my car, when the stick started slithering across the road. I yelled OMG it's a snake!!!! It was a pretty big one too. Scared the you know what out of me and I was in a car!!! LOL It was a very fast snake also, it looked like greased lightening moving across the road and off into the woods. Brian, by the way, missed the whole thing cause he was looking off at the house that is behind our property. He says, run it over! I said, it's gone already, didn't you see it? He says, no I was looking over here. I said, well it was a BIG snake, the biggest I have ever seen on ground,that wasn't in a river. Then I said OMG I hope that I never run into one of them outside in the yard that big!!! Or the girls either!!! Sammy Jo would FREAK!!! The one I seen wasn't too far from our property and I do know we have snakes, just never thought of them as being that BIG!!! LMAO!!!
Blog EntryAug 30, '09 7:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts

It's been a while since we took the girls to the fair, I know, but I am just now getting the pics posted on here. The girls had a blast, mostly cause they had their favorite thing "The Bungee Jump" this year. I had taken a picture of my elephant ear to show one of my co-workers what an elephant ear was. It was so very yummy too, by the way!!! It was covered in sugar & cinnamon. This is the first one I have had since I moved to Tennessee 14 years ago. I had them all the time in Illinois at the fairs there. I also have bought new furniture. Just a sofa and a rocker/recliner. Here is a picture of the sofa. I wish you all a happy week ahead.
Blog EntryAug 27, '09 8:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My Benji is gone, never to return. I had to give him away and it hurts so much. I know it is for the best for my carpets sake but still it hurts, my heart is breaking. I do not know what happened, why after almost 2 years, he started using my carpet as his personal potty. Up until about 2 months ago I never had any trouble out of him. Then BAM!!!! I tried everything to get him to stop, nothing worked. So with heavy heart he had to go. I miss him so much!!! Why Benji, why???
Blog EntryAug 17, '09 9:18 PM
for Carealot's friends, Carealot's family and Carealot's online buddies
Last week they harvested the tobacco field down the road. The one I took the picture of. I had never seen tobacco grow from start to finish before and now that I have seen it, I am surprised that anyone would go through all that to grow a crop. I am amazed that a pack of ciggies doesn't cost more than they already do. They hand plant each little tobacco plant. The local farmer hires Mexicans to work. They came in a truckload. Once planted the men come back every so often and spray the plants. They also have to walk the entire field looking for tobacco worms and remove them. I am told that they are like the ones that get on tomato plants. They do this several times while the plants grow. The picture I took was taken right before they started to harvest them, so they were full grown plants. When the time came to harvest, the farmer brought in several truckloads of Mexican men. They would start work at 7:00AM and most days they worked until dusk. They would leave at lunchtime for about 2 hours. I figure their work day was 10 hours long. They harvest the plants by hand and hang them over these metal racks and place these wooden sticks across it. The racks can be hooked to the farmer's trucks, etc. Then they move them out of the fields and take them to where ever the farmer has his drying barns. It took 3 days to harvest that field. Tobacco sure seems like a lot of trouble to grow!!!
Blog EntryAug 2, '09 12:20 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Went for a walk in my "neighborhood" this morning. Took my camera along and this is what I see in my "neighborhood". What do you see in yours? Hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Blog EntryJul 22, '09 7:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Yesterday morning as I was in my kitchen getting ready to leave for work, I noticed 2 fawns in our backyard. I ran for my camera, but by the time I had it, the 2 fawns had moved farther away from the house. When I first seen them they were so very close, more than I have ever seen any deer get. I went ahead and took this picture thru the window and the blinds.
Blog EntryJul 19, '09 11:26 AM
for Carealot's contacts
I am using my AOL right now and it's back! Everything is here on my compose blog once again, lol. I don't know why it keeps happening but it is really starting to drive me crazy. It is a little hard to write in my blog when all the stuff is gone.
After 20 years of living together as man & wife, last Friday July 10, 2009, Brian & I said our vows and got married at the courthouse. Brian picked the date, because this date was our 20th anniversary and he didn't want to have to remember a different date. Such a romantic isn't he, lol!!!
We have been working hard around here. The neighbor down the road has been bringing us lots of corn, tomatoes & peaches. I have been having to put them up in the freezer. This is on top of what we grew in our own garden that I have been having to take care of also. Our corn didn't turn out real good cause everything was planted so close together, trying to get it all in the garden. However we did get some. Our tomatoes are doing very well though. I cut up 10 pounds of tomatoes yesterday and put them in the freezer. This was ours plus the neighbors. I still have loads of them in the garden waiting to turn red. Our squash has just about played out now. The pumpkins (there are 5 or 6) are doing well. I think I found 2 watermelons, but they are just starting to grow and its too late in the season now. Our carrots didn't do well because of the hard clay soil here, same with the beets, etc. The green beans have done great!!! Next year our garden will be bigger & better!!! There will be some things that we will not plant and will plant more of other things. Just call me Farmer Mary, LOL
Blog EntryJul 10, '09 2:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My entire toolbar is gone again. I have sent message to customer service. I waited to see if it would fix itself like it did the last time but it hasn't. Ooops while I was at, I should have told them about the problem I have with my photo albums, not being able to title them or give a description.
Blog EntryJul 5, '09 12:08 PM
for Carealot's contacts

Storms & tornadoes ruined the 4th around here last night. Due to the storms, the firework displays were cancelled. We went to dinner and after dinner we were going to watch the fireworks, but as we were eating we found out that they had cancellled the display due to the bad weather. So we finished our dinner and came back home. We had bought some fireworks and my daughter stopped and bought a bit more before coming home. The above pictures are some of the fireworks that we shot off at home. My daughter took the pictures with her cell phone. The last picture is of Benji under my desk. Sammy Jo took the picture with her cell phone. This is Benji's favorite place to be when I'm on the computer.
Blog EntryJul 4, '09 10:39 AM
for Carealot's network
Happy birthday America. May you have many more. Happy 4th of July everyone!!! Be safe and have fun!!! :)
Blog EntryJun 27, '09 8:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryJun 25, '09 4:32 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Is it just mine or is this happening to everyone? On the compose blog entry, all the font, color, size, insert image, etc. is all gone.
Blog EntryJun 21, '09 1:09 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Took my camera out to the garden this morning and here is what I seen.
It's a little hard to make out, but there is a cucumber growing in there.
and another one in here.
Here we have a banana pepper growing.
Jalapenos here.
The next three are watermelons.
Here we have little yellow squash growing on the vine.
Also have zucchina growing on the vine here.
Here we have bell peppers just starting to grow, they are a bit hard to see.
Now can you say busy as a bee??? There were plenty of bees in the garden this morning working hard.
And last we have a picture of almost the entire garden. It looked a lot more pretty before the wind got a hold of it, but it has come back nicely. I hope that you have enjoyed the trip through my garden. Come back again here soon.

Compose Entry
Blog EntryJun 20, '09 9:41 PM
for Carealot's contacts
We had a very busy day around here. Went to get our hair trimmed, ended up being there for about a hour. Had to go pick up a few things that we forgot to get last night from the store. Went to the tractor supply store for Benji's food. Had to make an emergency visit to the eye doctor for Tabitha, she was seeing double. Her eye is a bit swelled up and the doc gave her eye drops and she has to go back Wednesday. By the time we finally made it home, it was 2:30 and we still had to get the veggies picked out of the garden. We picked beans, peas, zucchina, little yellow summer squash & what little beets there was. Our beets did not do well at all. We snapped the beans & shelled the peas, I cooked them all along with the beets & I fried up the little yellow summer squash. My daughter fried up the zucchina with some potatoes and she added the snap peas( what I call stir fry peas) that we also picked from the garden. I cooked hamburgars and Italian sausage on the grill and this is what we had for summer. I took a picture of the veggies cooked, cause I forgot to take one before cooking. The beets Sammy Jo had already ate, lol.
Blog EntryJun 17, '09 7:58 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I picked 3 of my little yellow summer squash today. They are a pretty good size, so I thought it best to pick them. Our garden is doing better today, no rain and some sun has helped the plants start to recover from the trama of yesterday. This weekend I am really going to have to go out there and pick the beans and probably the peas too. Here is a picture of my squash.
Blog EntryJun 16, '09 8:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A storm blew thru here this afternoon. It packed some hefty winds & lots of rain. I was at work when it hit and it was all over by the time I got off work. I arrived home to find my garden totally laid down. All our hard work seemed lost. The entire garden, corn stalks, beans, peas, squash, everything, laid down. The corn looked like dominoes. I went out there after supper and did my best to get everything uprighted again, not sure if it will work, but at least I tried. I came in the house, sat down and cried a few tears for my garden, silly maybe, but I don't think so. I went ahead and picked this zuchinna squash, too scared to leave it as big as it was. Besides it is the very first zuchinna I have ever grew. Here it is. I have gave it to my daughter, I prefer the little yellow summer squash. I have a bunch of them growing, I only hope that they continue to grow after the wind today.
Blog EntryJun 15, '09 6:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Our yard is full of these baby frogs or toads, not sure which ones they are, or how to tell them apart, lol. I am so afraid that I am going to step on them. When I say that our yard is full of them I mean it is full of them!!! They are everywhere, there must be thousands of them.
Blog EntryJun 13, '09 7:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
They did not release my mom today, she is still in the hospital. They didn't release her because they don't have the test results back to say whether or not the flu she has is swine flu. Since the gov. is doing that testing it could take a week to get the results. My sister does have the flu, same type as my mom. She had to go back to urgent care today. Her husband was told that he didn't have it, but if he didn't feel better in a few days then he should go see his regular doctor. Considering they told my sister that she just had a sinus infection the first time she went to urgent care I am wondering still if her husband has the flu too. They moved my mom to a different room today, seems they had her in pediatrics.
Blog EntryJun 12, '09 9:03 PM
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My mom is doing better. Still don't know if she has the swine flu or not. That test result takes a week to get back. Something about the government is doing all testing for that. Anyhow she told me tonight that they are going to release her from the hospital tomorrow. She will not be able to go home though and will have to go to a nursing home for rehab. The reason for the rehab is because she is unable to walk at this time. I guess this is due to the weakness. My sister had to leave work last night, sick and her husband is also sick. He went to the ER. I take it that they both have the flu, not sure.
Blog EntryJun 10, '09 8:30 PM
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My mom has been admitted to the hospital as of last night. She has Type A influenza and they are now checking to see if she has the H1N1(swine flu). Please keep a good thought for her.
Blog EntryJun 8, '09 9:08 PM
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Blog EntryJun 7, '09 3:43 PM
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Blog EntryJun 6, '09 7:47 PM
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Blog EntryJun 5, '09 11:45 PM
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Today I picked my very first batch of lettuce from our garden. Didn't get much, but I have planted another package of lettuce and it has already sprouted up so I hope that I will be able to get more to grow from this second package. The first package was kind of a dud you might say. Some of it has grew, but nothing like it should have. Below is a picture of my first batch of lettuce.
Our peas have pods now and our green beans are starting to grow beans. Everything that I replanted has now sprouted up also. Yay!!
We have not won the war yet!! There are many more of the enemy than we ever thought!!! Must be 20 or more of them down the back hill. Brian was mowing the grass the other day and when he went down there he seen them all running for cover. Big ones, little ones & in between ones!!!
Blog EntryJun 2, '09 8:24 PM
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Garden is coming along nicely. Have planted another package of radishes, carrots, beets, pumpkins & onions. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
The bottom ones are of flowers, I think Lilies, growing in the weeds next to the garden.
Blog EntryJun 1, '09 6:28 PM
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The Heartbeat Of America...Chevrolet
See The U.S.A. In A Chevrolet
Today General Motors filed for bankruptcy. It is a sad day for me. Yes I have cried. Cried for so many reasons. G.M. will emerge as a "new G.M." they say. G.M. as we know it now, is gone forever. The company that brought us such classics as the 1955 Chevy, 1957 Chevy, 1965 Chevy Impala, & THE CORVETTE and too many more too mention is gone!!!! I am tired of people blaming G.M. when I believe that the people to blame are all of the American people who have bought foriegn cars for years!!!! I also don't want to hear the same old crap....They are produced in this country!!!! NO THEY ARE NOT, most of them ARE NOT!!!! They are ASSEMBLED in this country, some of them are, most aren't even that!!!! There is a difference!!!! G.M. makes perfectly good cars NOW!!! Not a thing wrong with them. I bought one and now I will have one of the REAL G.M. cars that maybe someday will be a CLASSIC. So don't blame me and don't blame G.M.!!!!!! If you are looking to blame someone, then the next time you see someone driving a foriegn car/truck, this is who you should place all blame on. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
Blog EntryMay 30, '09 7:29 PM
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Not sure if we won the war or not, but haven't seen a groundhog in 2 days now in our backyard. Although Brian seen one last night behind my daughter's home.
I harvested some radishes tonight from our garden. This is the second time I have picked some. First time I didn't get but a couple of handfuls. Tonight I managed a few more. Here is a picture of them.
Blog EntryMay 28, '09 3:42 PM
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After taking Benji out this morning, I went to check on the garden like I do every morning. Have to see if the groundhogs found it overnight. I walked up to the garden and then started to walk around it to the other side, that is when I seen him. Not a groundhog, but a rabbit. Sitting oh so still, just like a statue. I thought i was seeing things and had to blink and take another look. Nope not seeing things, it's a rabbit, long ears and all. I just stood there looking at him, so still he sat. I decided that I had better scare him off. So I took another step closer and that was all it took. He hopped what seemed to be 4 feet into the air and off into the weeds he disappeared. More critters to protect the garden from. I replanted some things today and the other day that didn't seem to grow right the first time I planted them. I guess the seeds weren't good. It was the pumpkins, carrots, peppers, beets & onions.
Blog EntryMay 27, '09 8:29 PM
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It is worse than first expected!!! We thought we only had 3 groundhogs. Well this afternoon we discovered that there was/is 3 more!! Wait, I am getting ahead of myself. Yesterday we tried the bubble gum thing that I had seen on the internet. Also Brian had to take a shot at one that was in my backyard and was starting to get a little too close to my garden area. We think that he got a piece of him. Then this afternoon I am looking out the window and I thought that I had seen something moving way down by the weeds/woods where the one Brian shot at has been running to. I kept watching and sure enough there was a very little groundhog!!! I told Brian and then we seen a bigger one come out. This one was a lighter color than the one we normally see, the one that Brian took a shot at is darker. Then we see 2 little ones, and we feel like they are attacking with more numbers now!! So here is what we think now. The one that we have been seeing running around out there is Papa and maybe Brian did get him yesterday. So today Mama comes out with her 2 little ones. The one we are calling Mama decides to take off in the direction of our garden at a high rate of speed. So Brian had to take a shot again. Of course as soon as she heard the backdoor open she was off and running towards the weeds/woods, but Brian might have gotten a piece of her.
Blog EntryMay 24, '09 12:06 PM
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It is war, that's what it is. This is what we are protecting.
Here are the enemies. Cute as they look you wouldn't think that they could be an enemy, oh but they are. So don't let their cuteness fool you. They are a tough enemy as they can hear very well. The least little noise and they are off running to take cover. Oh this is going to be a long hard war unless they find the garden before we conquer them.
My daughter took these pictures with her cell phone looking out thru her backdoor screen and then zoomed it in. It seems there are 2 behind her home and one behind mine. The numbers are growing!!! It's war time!!!
Blog EntryMay 23, '09 4:19 PM
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The other day as we were driving down the road we came upon some turtles in the road. Not sure if they were crossing the road or just trying to sunbathe on the hot asphalt. We saw 3 of them in a very short distance. I was able to miss all of them. When we first moved to Tennessee I barely nicked one with a tire and the poor thing went flying thru the air. I have heard that some birds will swoop down and get a turtle then fly really high in the sky and drop the turtle on a rock with the hopes that the shell will break. I have also been told that if you lay on the ground very still and barely breathe, that the buzzards will come down to you!!! Yuck!!! Now why would anyone even think to try something like that??
Blog EntryMay 21, '09 7:49 PM
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Opening my window blinds this morning and saw this deer standing in the field across the road, I ran for my camera and took the picture right thru the window. She was all alone, usually there are a bunch together.
Blog EntryMay 20, '09 7:24 PM
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I wrote before about an animal that had appeared in my back yard. We weren't real sure what it was. I have come to the conclusion that it is a groundhog. Almost everyday it appears in our backyard in the early evening. Once again it showed itself to us while we were eating supper tonight. My daughter took a picture of it with her cell phone the other day and here it is. You have to look hard to see it since she was far away when she took the picture.

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Blog EntryMay 18, '09 7:10 PM
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Neighbors can be very special people. We have such neighbors down our road. They came tonight with a big bag (walmart type) filled with leaf lettuce. This is 3rd such time that they have done this. I split it with my daughter. I love leaf lettuce and have some planted in my garden. They planted theirs long before me. Tonight while standing at the sink washing it, decided to take a picture of this beautiful lettuce and post it here for you to see.
Blog EntryMay 18, '09 12:09 PM
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As you all know when we bought this piece of land there was an old house on it. We tore that old house down and our mobile home was sat up exactly where the house was so we could use the concrete porch. Brian has been meeting the neighbors around the area and they have been telling him things of the past. One of these past things is that many years ago, Jesse James stayed in the old house that we tore down. They have told Brian that the old house was like 150 years old. It was built well considering we had a heck of a time tearing it down!! All of the neighbors are glad that we tore that old house down, they say we did wonders for the property and are happy that the old house is gone. I guess many people thought of the old house as scary/haunted.
Blog EntryMay 16, '09 8:09 PM
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We have had rain on and off the last few days. It rained this morning, then the sun came out. Our garden is coming along nicely and I managed to take some pictures of it when I came home from work this afternoon. I had 13 rooms and I worked 8 1/2 hours today. Very tired for sure. The other pictures are of a puzzle that Sammy Jo's teacher gave her the other day. It is called a back spin puzzle and it is a long the lines of a Rubic cube. You have to get both sides with the colored balls all together. Sammy Jo did the puzzle right the very first night she brought it home. These kind of puzzles drive me crazy, so I am amazed at how she was able to do this. Well I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Oh one more thing, this morning as I sat eating my breakfast and looking out the window, I seen a deer in my backyard. So beautiful!! We also seem to have a woodchuck/groundhog running around our backyard. It scared my daughter last night, lol.
Blog EntryMay 12, '09 11:08 PM
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No rain today and the sun came out to shine on my garden. So after work I had to get out there and hoe around everything. It was pretty bad considering all the rain we have been getting and I have been unable to step in the garden without sinking my shoes in mud. Got it all taken care of today though. Some things that I had planted didnt sprout and others sprouted only to drown in all the water & mud. I do have some veggies left however. I was going to take some pictures after I hoed but my brother came and I didn't get it done. I shall try tomorrow after work. Have a happy hump day all.
Blog EntryMay 10, '09 9:38 AM
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I wish every woman a happy Mother's day, because a woman is always mothering someone or something. Hope this day brings you peace & happiness. As for me, I called my mom and found out that she fell out of her kitchen chair either yesterday morning or Friday morning. She didn't remember exactly. She used her lifeline call button after 30 minutes of trying to get up by herself. They took her to hospital by ambulance. Thankfully she didn't break anything, but she is very sore all over. She was sitting in her kitchen chair waiting for an hour period to go by after she took some of her medicine. After a hour then she has to take the rest of the medicine. While she was waiting, she fell asleep and fell out of the chair. As for myself today, the girls are with their mom, and I am enjoying some time to myself for a change. Have a good day all.
Blog EntryMay 7, '09 11:13 PM
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I am beginning to feel like one, lol. Rain is once again in the forecast. We could really use a bit more sunshine. Everything is so SOGGY.
Blog EntryMay 5, '09 8:10 PM
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Yesterday it rained on and off but did manage to get some pictures of the garden taken. I ran errands most of the day yesterday. One being taking Benji to the vet for a grooming. He looks like a totally different dog now, lol. Check out the pictures of him too. Today I worked and had 10 rooms, all checkouts, glad for the work, but tired. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Here is one of our corn that has now started to come up.
Here is our green beans, they have really shot up.
This is of our peppers
Here are the tomato plants
Benji after being groomed, they put the blue bandana around his neck at the vet's, lol
Blog EntryMay 2, '09 8:12 PM
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Hope I don't slide down it though with all this rain!!! We are still having periods of rain and at times it is heavy. Not sure how many inches we have gotten, but I think it is around 3 inches and expecting more. We are under flash flood watch until Monday morning. I really would like to see the sun again soon.
Blog EntryApr 30, '09 7:55 AM
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This is what I have always been told anyway. Well it is keeping me from having to water it anyway. We have had rain the last 3 days and we are expecting rain everyday for the next week. Doesn't do much for your spirits though, lol.
Here is a picture of our radishes that are coming up.
And one of our leaf lettuce
And here is one of our peas. We also have beets and green beans just barely sprouting. Our tomato plants look like they have grown a few inches also. Lots of growth in the garden for only 5 days. Can't wait to show it to the girls!
Blog EntryApr 26, '09 8:34 PM
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Garden is planted!! The girls & I worked most of Saturday getting it all planted. We actually planted more than we had room for. Growing a garden was the girl's idea, mostly. They wanted to see things grow. At school they had studied germination, etc. They had brought home seeds in plastic bags, etc. They had even brought home plants, like beans that were growing in small pots. At one time I had a pea & a bean plant on my kitchen table. They were growing very nice, so nice that they were getting too big for the pots. I bought bigger pots and transplanted them and put them outside, but they soon died in the heat in those pots. That was last year. So I promised them that this year, we would plant a garden and try to grow some veggies. I had to get a whole bunch of dirt, which finally arrived after a 2 month wait. We were lucky that we got the dirt for free, and it is decent dirt for here. Although it is nothing like the good black dirt that I am used to from Illinois. Ok, so anyway, I was going to rent a rototiller for the dirt, and went to the rental place Saturday morning, bright & early. My daughter and I were sitting waiting for the place to open when we got a phone call from Brian. Our neighbor down the road was bringing his rototiller down for us to use. Very nice of him, wonderful!!! Saved me $45.00!!! So we left the rental place and headed home. Dirt was already rototilled. I showed the girls how to rake the dirt and try to get it level. The girls helped put the seeds in the rows. As I said above, we actually planted more than we had room for. The list of veggies kept growing. It will be a crowded garden for sure when things start to grow. I hope that the veggies grow and that we at least get enough to eat and if we get real lucky, maybe have some veggies to freeze. We really needed twice the size of what we have for garden space, but the dirt only goes so far. It would have been plenty of room if some veggies hadn't gotten added at the last minute. Some of the rows I planted halfway with one kind of veggie and the other half of the row with a different kind of veggie. I was really running out of room! So only time will tell exactly how good this garden is going to turn out. Here is a list of what we planted.
Corn, Green beans, Lima beans, 2 different kinds of peas, Carrots, Bell peppers, Red chili peppers, Jalapeno peppers, Banana peppers, Radishes, Beets, Onions, Leaf lettuce, 2 different kinds of cucumbers, Tomatoes, Cantaloupes, Watermelon, Pumpkins, Potatoes, Yellow squash, Zucchini squash. I think that is all, lol.
So here is the picture of the garden after we planted it. If anything grows there will be more pictures. The other picture is of the girls after they got haircuts, summer haircuts, very short!! This was taken when they didn't have mousse in their hair. You can also see their sunburns, I told their mother to put T-shirts on them for the parade instead of those shirts with spaghetti straps, but she didn't listen. She kept telling me that she had skin protection lotion. She did have it, but she let the girls put most of it on themselves, instead of doing it herself. The result, sunburns!!! GRRRR!!!!
Blog EntryApr 24, '09 9:54 PM
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The girls enjoyed the parade. They got a bit sunburned, even with sun protection on. I worked of course. Had all 12 rooms, 9 of them checkouts. Glad I am off this weekend, it has been a rough week. Tomorrow is work in the garden day, if everything goes as planned anyway. Have my fingers crossed that I will get the rototiller rented without any problems. There was a serious accident during the parade today. A man had a seizure while riding a quad and ran into a bunch of people. The news said that 11 people were hurt. Happy Saturday to everyone.
Blog EntryApr 20, '09 8:39 PM
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We will not be attending this years fish fry carnival after all. We are going to wait until August when the fair comes and go to that carnival instead. We decided this tonight. We need to finish our garden and the best time for that is this weekend. We also have other needs for the money that would be spent at the carnival right now. Getting a rototiller for one thing, to get this dirt ready for planting. If we can't borrow one, will have to rent one. Then there are shoes for the girls that need to be bought, summer shoes and pool shoes. They also need to have their hair cut. Sammy Jo also needs speed stacking cups and a mat with a timer so she can practice her speed cup stacking. Just too many things going on right now soooooo something has to give.
Blog EntryApr 19, '09 9:06 PM
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2 convention centers and 10 rooms later makes Mary very tired. I am glad for the hours but I am also glad that this weekend is over. I am off tomorrow and it also is the start our World's Biggest Fish Fry Festival that they hold here every year. If you are into eating catfish, then this is the place to be this week, lol. Hotel will probably be busy all week. The parade is on Friday, I don't get to see it, have to work. My daughter will take the girls to it though. Saturday will be the day that we go to the carnival.
Blog EntryApr 18, '09 9:21 PM
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It has been a very long day. Making 23 beds is exhausting alone, then there is all that other cleaning to be done. We had a full house today and I worked 9 hours. Have to go in early tomorrow again. Not sure what all we have for tomorrow, but I am sure I will find out when I get there. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.
Blog EntryApr 17, '09 9:53 PM
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I have gotten a raise every year that I have worked for the hotel. It looks like this year there will be no raises given out. The economy is bad, this I know, but I was really wishing that there would be a raise. I sure could use one, sigh. We had our hotel inspection today, we passed. I have to be at work early both days this weekend. Sammy Jo has joined a speed stackers club at school. Tomorrow there is a competition and she will be attending it. She seems to be enjoying the club, I am glad. Monday starts the World's Biggest Fish Fry festival here. I am off next weekend so will be taking girls to carnival next Saturday. Have a nice weekend everyone.
Blog EntryApr 15, '09 9:40 PM
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The seas are getting very rough for the ships that travel around Somalia. Pirates are taking over. They didn't learn a lesson the other day and have already tried to take another American ship. Geez pirates! Something we really haven't had to worry about in 200 years.
Blog EntryApr 14, '09 9:13 PM
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Blog EntryApr 12, '09 11:31 AM
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Here is a picture of my daughter's bunny cake she made, her very first one. I always made a white bunny, she chose to make a chocolate bunny. I think she did a pretty good job.
Blog EntryApr 9, '09 8:02 PM
for Carealot's contacts
For several months now, there has been a woman that escaped from prison here in Tennessee. This woman is 1 inch taller than me, & 1 year older than me. The kicker of all kickers is that this woman has almost the same name as me. Her name is Mary Elizabeth Cummings. My name is Mary Elizabeth Cummins. NO KIDDING!!! So for the past few months I have been scared silly every time I see the police, praying that they don't run my tag # and stop me, and you get the picture, don't you? Sunday morning I had to go into work early. I happened onto a state trooper, who seemed to think it was odd that I was out at that time on a Sunday morning. Right away he pulls out and gets behind me and I can see that he is running my tag#. I kept driving, praying to make it to the hotel before he pulled me over. I was about 2 1/2 blocks away. I was being very careful not to speed to get there. It seemed to take forever to drive those couple of blocks, but I finally seen the hotel sign and turned on my turn signal and got into the turn lane and turned into the parking lot. State trooper following me right on in. I thought, well at least I made it to the hotel. I drove thru the parking lot to the back where we park. I parked my car, got out, locked the door and walked as fast as I could, without running to the hotel. The whole time waiting for the state trooper to yell "Stop, police. Show your hands, get down on the ground". I was sure that any minute there would be more squad cars for backup. I looked out of the corner of my eye, to see what he was doing. He had turned around behind my car and was ever so slowly driving back to the front parking lot. I guess he finally figured out that I wasn't the escapee. Whew!!!
Blog EntryApr 6, '09 8:50 PM
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These last few days have seen me on the verge of a breakdown. I have fought to maintain control, I think I won. Not sure, maybe I lost the fight and I have finally ended up a crazy loon and just don't realize it. My work weekend was the pitts. Ball teams both days. Saturday I had 11 rooms, all double beds(22). Most of the 11 were late check outs. Ended up having help to finish the last few. Also had a convention center to clean. Put in almost 9 hours of work that day. Then came Sunday. It had me wishing for Saturday back!!!! I only had 9 rooms on Sunday, all double beds(18). All 9 rooms were late check outs(1:00). Oh but wait I am getting ahead of myself. Had to clean 2 convention centers and I also had to clean the front lobby bathrooms in the morninmg. Then since I couldn't get into my rooms until 1:00, I was sent to help one of my co-workers. Finally my rooms were empty and I could start on them. Then, when my co-workers were finished with their rooms they were sent to help me. You have heard of too many cooks in the kitchen? Same holds true for too many housekeepers in a room!!! Put in 9 hours. Just a really bad weekend, one that made me want to scream from the tallest building....TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT!!! Of course I didn't, but it has made me seriously think about trying to find a different job even in today's job market. Reason being, my boss seems to think that I can just twitch my nose and all of my rooms will be done & cleaned no matter what time the guests check out!! I heard thru the grapevine that at 3:00 she was complaining how I still had 4 rooms left. WELL DUH!!! They didn't check out until 1:00!!! Give me a break!!! Well enough of that depressing news and on to some more depressing news.....Have had a few bad days with Tabitha. She was taken to the doctor and was found to have a yeast infection. This was caused it seems, from an earlier antibiotic she was on. Ok so while at the doctor's for this problem, she took a drink from the water fountain, bad idea!!! If you are not sick when you go to a doctor's office, you will be sick when you leave!! Came home from work yesterday and she had a temp of 103.8 and had been throwing up, had to be taken to ER. Now she has strep throat and is back on antibiotic which caused the yeast infection in the first place!! Doctor said she could go to school today if not running a temp. Well, she didn't get to go cause she was still throwing up this morning. Going to try for school in morning, has been getting better throughout the day. What a lovely bunch of coconuts!

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Blog EntryApr 4, '09 8:54 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tired, long day, ball teams, mud & grass, more tomorrow & earlier, good night.
Blog EntryApr 3, '09 10:09 PM
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One of my co-workers went home from work last Tuesday and found her boyfriend on the kitchen floor, dead. He was 45. He had heart problems and it seems that he had a heart attack while taking out the garbage, after arriving home from taking my co-worker to work. This is so very sad. My co-worker's mother was murdered, at some point before I knew her. My co-worker had a breakdown when this happened. We are all praying that she will stay strong and make it through this death. She will be leaving for Detroit on Monday, another one of my co-workers is taking her up there. You never know when it will be the last time that you see someone.
Blog EntryMar 31, '09 8:24 PM
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Hi everyone. Thank you all for all of your comments. I am sorry, I didn't mean to worry anyone, I just haven't felt like getting on here and/or didn't have the time. Sammy Jo's birthday went fine and so did my days off from work. They went fast and I hated to go back to work. Another woman at work has quit and they are not going to hire anyone, due to the economy right now. We have had a lot of rain and will get a lot more this week. Everything is so depressing that I have just stayed off of here. I am really upset that the president has forced the CEO of GM to step down. I also hear that he plans on telling them which plants to close & what cars to produce!!! This is just wrong in my book. I feel like I don't live in America anymore. Why didn't he make the banks do stuff like this? Something just not right with any of this. What will be next? In case anyone is wondering, I will be smoke free for 3 weeks as of tomorrow. It is a good thing too, I just heard the price is going to go up another .63 cents tomorrow!!! One of my co-workers has also stopped smoking. I didn't think she would totally, but appears she has. Have a good week everyone!
Blog EntryMar 26, '09 9:31 PM
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Around here, springtime not only means warmer weather, but storms as well. We have had a lot of rain the past few days and are expecting more in the next 7 days. Rained early this morning, but then we did get some sunshine. I hate it when it storms.
Blog EntryMar 24, '09 11:29 PM
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Last night I went hunting down coupons that I could print online. I wish the heck that I hadn't done that!! For tonight, my computer was so messed up, I thought it was crashing on me. It was locking up, all my desktop icons had vanished, and that is just a start of what was going on. I had to use my system restore for the very first time. All seems to be alright now and I hope it stays that way. No more hunting coupons online for me!!! Not worth it!!!
Blog EntryMar 23, '09 4:56 PM
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The weather has gotten warmer and flowers are blooming, grass is getting greener & more birds are singing. Today I even seen wasps, so spring has come. March not only brings spring, but it also brings Sammy Jo's birthday, the 28th. She wants to go to Chuck E Cheese again, of course. Money is very tight this year, so I didn't promise her that we would go there. I went online to their website and found some coupons that I printed off and will make it possible for us to go. Even with the coupons I will have to rearrange some bills to make it happen. Today I was off from work and I finished buying her gifts, clothes for summer, she needs them. Practical gifts at this house usually. Although she wanted one of those little games that connects to the TV, the Deal Or No Deal one. So I picked that up last week. I ordered her cake yesterday before I came home from work, it will have Hannah Montana on it. So birthday stuff is pretty well done. I work the next 2 days and then I took 2 vacation days, so as to spend some time with the girls while they are on spring break. This will give me a 4 day weekend. Enjoy spring, it's only here for a little while. :)
Blog EntryMar 22, '09 7:58 PM
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Not sure where to start. Having a bad time with Brian right now, we are barely speaking, but I hope that things will, work out soon. Worked this weekend and it was another slow one, but ended up getting some hours in after all. Had to call Verizon this afternoon, changed my plan with them, hopefully it is right now. They were nice enough to deduct the $45.00 charge that they had on my daughter's number. Have a nice Sunday evening everyone.
Blog EntryMar 19, '09 9:31 PM
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Just to let you all know that I am ok. I have a bit of the winter blues, a bit depressed, but ok. I was off from work today, work this weekend. The girls are now on spring break until the 30th. It was a week yesterday since I last smoked. I am doing alright with that. One of my co-workers is trying to quit smoking, not sure if she will make it, doesn't seem to have the willpower to really quit. For me its just not the willpower, but the fact they are way too expensive for me to buy. I can't afford them, so I quit, simple! My co-worker isn't as broke as me, she has a husband who makes pretty good money. I only worked 27 1/2 hours for the week that I just got paid for today. Working so few hours makes it hard to pay bills, buy food, etc, let alone buy ciggies. Have to pay bills & eat, but don't have to smoke, makes sense right?
Blog EntryMar 17, '09 10:56 PM
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The tears well up in my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I keep asking myself why, why are you crying? I keep telling myself to stop crying, he doesn't deserve my tears, but yet the tears still come. They make me angry, I have no control, they keep coming. The man that fathered me died Sunday night, but why should I shed any tears? He was never a dad to me. I barely knew him, and what I did know wasn't good. So why do I cry? Stop crying Mary, get control!!!
Blog EntryMar 15, '09 8:06 PM
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I enjoyed my day of rest. Back to work now. Happy Monday everyone.
Blog EntryMar 14, '09 9:45 PM
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I have spent all day cleaning house & doing laundry. I had put the house cleaning off for way too long, got it all taken care of today. The laundry is still not done. I have also been washing up winter coats, jackets, blankets, etc. I have still not had a ciggie, it has been 82 hours and counting. I am doing alright with it. Tomorrow I will rest, I hope anyway!
Blog EntryMar 11, '09 7:27 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Here is the picture I promised.
Blog EntryMar 10, '09 8:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha got her glasses today. They are bifocals. She is only 6, but the eye doctor said that the bifocals were needed, suppose to correct a problem with the eyes, not just the vision. She looks very cute in them. I will get a picture on here soon.
Blog EntryMar 9, '09 2:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The time has come for me to quit smoking. Not because I want to, I have to. I just bought 2 packs today and it cost me over $8.00. There has been some kind of federal excise tax added on to them, again. I simply can not afford to smoke any longer. I also can not afford to gain any weight, if I do I will not be able to fit into my new uniforms for work. So this is going to be very difficult for me. I will stop smoking when I have finished the ones I have. Brian couldn't be happier by the way. My questions are these....What is the federal gov. going to do when all these people quit smoking because they can't afford it? Where are they going to get the tax from then? Why don't they ever put a huge tax on alcohol products? I would rather be on the road with someone smoking rather than someone drinking!!! One more thing...I wonder how many jobs are going to be lost caused from all the people that quit smoking.
Blog EntryMar 8, '09 9:00 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Ok I finally figured out how to get my computer to read the video files from my cell phone and be able to post them on here. I posted one just to make sure it worked. It does. My phone makes 3gp video files, so it took me a while to get it figured out. They are video plus audio, so at times I could see the video, but the sound was messed up. So I did some searching and found out that I needed Quicktime to be able to play and hear them correctly. It was a free download, yay. After I figured that out, then I was able to use my multiply auto uploader to post them on here in my video section. They are smaller than I thought they would be. I have to double click on the video to get it to play and it plays in Quicktime, so I hope you all have Quicktime or I have wasted a lot of time for nothing, lol.
Blog EntryMar 5, '09 4:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have been busy playing with my new cell phone. I just got it the other day. It's a Verizon enV2 and so far I am loving it. I have also been teaching myself how to make ringtones for cell phones. They are not as perfect as the ones you can buy, but they will do. I have also taught myself how to upload pictures & animations to my cell phone from my computer. The reason I wanted this phone is because it is able to record video. My old phone only took pictures. I still have to get the videos to computer so I can post one. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday.
Blog EntryMar 1, '09 11:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Hi everyone, sorry I have been M I A this weekend. As you know Friday was my daughter's b-day and we took her out for pizza. Had an ice cream cake for her when we got home. Yesterday I did chores around the house and had to run to the store before the snow came in. We only ended up getting a dusting, mostly got sleet, which turned to ice. After all that I spent last evening & most of today figuring out how to convert songs so when sent to a cell phone they can be used as ringtones. I did manage to figure it out and have made my daughter a happy woman. You know me, I hate to be stumped on anything and it is hard for me to give up until I figure stuff out. I do have a bad headache though from looking at computer screen for so many hours. I enjoyed spending the time with my daughter. Hope all have had a nice weekend. I haven't relaxed much considering what I have been doing, but it's back to work tomorrow. :)
Blog EntryFeb 26, '09 8:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Feb. 27th, 1979 at 1:59AM my daughter came into this world. She caused me a lot of pain then and through the years she has caused me more, but I love her very much. I hated turning 30 and now my daughter is turning 30. I feel so old, lol.

Blog EntryFeb 20, '09 9:24 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My daughter took these pictures today in the field across the road. This is a opposum that runs around here. I think it is strange that we see it during the daytime. I always thought they were nocturnal. My daughter took the pictures with her cell phone and then sent them to my computer, with sound in an email titled MY NEW PET. You can hear what she sent if you click on the link. The sound portion originally came from her cell phone in a message that had a penguin in it. I just never know what I am going to find in my mail from her. The first picture she zoomed in. The second picture is how close she got to the opposum. I told her that she had better be careful getting that close, they are known to be vicious animals at times. Anyway I thought you might get a kick out of this.
Here is another item she sent me, click on the link to hear the sound.
Blog EntryFeb 19, '09 11:16 AM
for Carealot's contacts
Enjoy your day. You never know when it will be your last one.
Blog EntryFeb 16, '09 8:00 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Take the quiz. I got 4 out of 5 correct.
Blog EntryFeb 15, '09 11:05 AM
for Carealot's contacts
I found this interesting, maybe you will too.
Blog EntryFeb 13, '09 9:23 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My bad luck started yesterday and continued on today. Right off the bat yesterday, I dropped my bottle of cleaner and the top broke on it. Big mess to clean up. Had messy rooms to deal with all day. Today, I discovered that my brand new uniform shirt looked like I had sprayed bleach under my arms. For some reason my deodorant turned my blue shirt, pink. There have already been some of my co-workers that have gotten bleach on theirs, so I thought, well this is just great!! I came home and looked at the shirt I wore yesterday and it was also pink under the arms. I didn't notice it yesterday because I wore a sweater over it. Thankfully when I washed them tonight the pink came out. It so looked like the deodorant had bleached the color out that I was sure they were ruined. I told my boss today that I did not spray bleach under my arms, lol. She is not to happy with the ones that have gotten bleach on them. We just got the new uniforms this week. Yikes!!! Found out today that Tabitha has to get glasses and they will be bifocals, poor baby, she is only 6.
Blog EntryFeb 12, '09 7:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Wanted to let you all know that I have NOT forgotten you. I have just been working hard and by the time I get home and do everything I need to do, it's late and I am very tired. That is why I haven't been around much lately. Take care everyone and I will catch up later on.
Blog EntryFeb 8, '09 7:39 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Usually you can find a whole bunch of used cars & trucks for sale. Decent ones at usually reasonable prices. My daughter has been looking for a used truck to buy with her income tax refund money. She really needs a different vehicle to drive. The truck she has now is on it's last legs and has been put back together several times. So Brian & her started looking for one. The pickings have been very slim and when they did find one that was in good shape, they wanted high prices for them. I guess everyone is keeping what they have due to the economy & no credit. We even went online looking and found nothing but junk, mostly. They did find one truck which was exactly what she was looking for, although the price was a little more then she wanted to pay. It is a local truck, a 2 owner. It has a lot of miles on it, but has been well taken care of. She will be buying it tomorrow.
Blog EntryFeb 7, '09 8:52 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have been very pleased of late with Verizon customer service reps. A couple of weeks ago I had to call them, and they helped me and made me a very happy camper. My car has Onstar with a phone. My phone account was getting ready to expire and I needed to add minutes to keep it active. I didn't have the money to buy minutes at that time. I remembered seeing something about combing my Onstar phone with my Verizon account. I tried to do it online, but it said I couldn't because I already had 5 lines on my account. So I called Verizon. I explained to the lady at Verizon what I wanted to do. She said that I already 5 lines and couldn't add another(the car). So I asked her if I could transfer one of the lines I already had to my car, since one of my lines was a phone that didn't get service and never had. I told her that this phone is turned off and stuck in a drawer. She told me that yes I could, no problem. She called a person that could handle that transaction and even stayed on the line until it was completed. YAY! Then just tonight I had a situation where I had to call Verizon again. My daughter has dropped her phone several times and it was hanging on barely. Then tonight she dropped it once again. It is a flip phone and the top flip part broke some more where it attaches to the bottom part of the phone. She tried using tape and glue and was able to get it attached somewhat back, but it wouldn't close. It would work like this but would have been a big hassle. Also when it would ring, it was barely audible in the open position. My account has the every 2 year new phone plan on it. We were planning on upgrading our phones on the 27th of this month, which is our upgrade date. I have the primary phone, and I have been eligible for an upgrade since June with a discounted price. My daughter's phone wasn't eligible until the 27th, I didn't think it was going to make it another 20 days. To upgrade hers now, meant paying full retail price. So I asked the man if there was any way that we could both upgrade at the discounted price tonight. he told me that I could upgrade her phone with the discounted price and if I could wait until the 27th to do mine, I would get my new phone for free, he said you know that right? I told him no I didn't and of course I can wait, so he did an upgrade for her, she should have a new phone by Wednesday. Then I thought I was going to have to pay for it tonight and he said no, it would be added to the March bill, I was shocked and very pleased to hear this. I remembered posting the link about the Verizon customer service reps, and so I told this man that I wanted him to know that he had been very wonderful and helpful and thanked him so much.
Blog EntryFeb 5, '09 7:09 PM
for Carealot's contacts

Who Is Right?
Found this video while reading news on AOL.

Blog EntryFeb 2, '09 7:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
That dang groundhog!!! Of course he had to see his shadow and there will be 6 more weeks of winter. So what else is new? Doesn't he always see his shadow? It seems like he does. Does it really matter if he sees his shadow or not? Winter is a set time, just like the rest of the seasons, but I was sure hoping for an early spring. Who in the world thought up groundhog day anyway? I doubt that he likes to be grabbed from his hole like they do.
Blog EntryFeb 1, '09 4:08 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It is almost time for the big game. I have all my work done so I can watch the game without having to worry about doing this & that. I hope that it is a good one & that includes the commercials. Some of the best commercials ever have been shown during the super bowl game. I have enjoyed my weekend off, although it seems to have went by too fast. I guess that is because the last weekend I had off I took 2 vacation days along with it. Well enjoy the game everyone, I am out of here. :)
Blog EntryJan 30, '09 8:55 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am trying to decide which is worse, a blizzard or an ice storm. They are both very bad for sure. I think that I am going to have to say an ice storm is worse. Ice storms bring down trees on top of power lines, telephone lines & across roads. Have to say that is right up there next to a tornado. It is still not good around here, due to KY not having power. The family that I told you about yesterday in my rooms, checked out today. They were told there power was back on, which it was for a time, until something big went out. I heard talk that they thought it might have been a grid that went. There were a lot of our guests that checked out today for the same reason. There is a waiting list for rooms when they become available, so when these guests checked out because they thought they had power at home, couldn't get a room back when they lost power once again. My telephone company has 20 rooms at the hotel. They are working 24 to 48 hour shifts and are coming to the hotel to sleep. I didn't find out until last night that my home phone wasn't working. I just assumed it was, since our TV and my internet was working, it all comes from our telephone company. I use my cell phone mostly, so I didn't know. They have my telephone working today. There are still long lines at the gas stations and now they have police directing the cars into them. I was so tired after working today that I didn't feel like cooking supper, so we went out. I thought it would be a good time to use Sammy Jo's book it award for Pizza Hut. I thought wrong. The place was so packed and had a line to be seated. So we went to KFC and was going to eat there. While waiting in line I decided to get it to go and eat it at home. Every place to eat is packed along with the stores. I hope that all of you will join me in sending good thoughts and prayers to those who have lost power. Some have had to leave their homes, some are sticking it out with generators. The lucky ones have found hotel rooms, others have had to go to shelters. The men that are working to get the power & phones back up and running are tired, cold & frustrated. May they have success soon so that all can go back to their homes, because there is no place like home.
Blog EntryJan 29, '09 9:41 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I had a long day at work, full house, which means I had 12 rooms. Most of them were checkouts. I have 2 rooms that have a whole family in them. There are a great-grandmother, grandmother, daughter, husband & child. They are from KY where they still have no power. The grandmother told me today that they were going to be here a few more days at least. She gave me a dozen & 1/2 of eggs that she brought with her in a cooler. I guess she thought it wouldn't be very long before they got power back. I thanked her for them. The radio said that it could take up to 10 days to get all the power restored. The lines at the gas stations continue, for some people are having to drive from TN back to KY to go to work. Others are getting more kerosene for heat. The hotel is full again tonight. They are still having to turn people away. They said we wouldn't have any rooms available until Saturday. The ones that did checkout today had found a place to go to. The temp here never made it to 40, 35 was as high as it got. Not much relief there. The trees are still coated in ice, so are the power lines. Not enough heat to get the melting started. The trees are pretty, but there are many that look like they will break soon. On my way home I noticed that people had been cutting up the fallen trees & picking up the broken branches. There were piles of them next to the streets. My brother was here again when I got home. He still had no power. He has just left to go home and see if it is back on. I pray that it is. I asked him didn't they get cold last night, he said no that they slept under 10 blankets, but I know they must have been cold. He should have come back here when he found out that his power wasn't back on. The girls will have school tomorrow, but it is opening 1 hour late. I backed out of the driveway this morning and got stuck on the ice. I thought "this is great, someone is going to come around the curve and hit me. I thought I was going to have to back all the way down the hill to where the road was clear of ice. Thankfully I didn't have to, I just had to back up about 5 feet, then I drove forward and the car slowly took me up the hill. Tomorrow will be another day of temps in the 30's, they say. I hope they got it right this time. Another system is coming our way and they say this time it could bring us snow by Monday. I am tired, it's been a long time since I really had to work as hard as I did today, and tomorrow will be more of the same. I will be soooooo glad when winter is over and spring shows me a new beginning.
Blog EntryJan 28, '09 8:16 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I want to thank everyone that sent good thoughts & prayers my way these last couple of days. I truly believe that is the reason that we didn't get the real bad stuff. When this ice storm was making it's way towards us, we were the area that was to be hit the hardest. However all your good thoughts and prayers sent it north about 26 miles. I feel bad for the people to the north of us in KY that got hit the hardest, but I am so thankful that we are not the ones that still have no power. I pray that these people will get their power back very soon.
We lost our power about 4 more times last night, for up to 30 minutes at a time. When I went to bed we had power. We lost power again at 2:30AM and it didn't come back on until 10:00AM. The girls didn't have school and there is no school tomorrow either. I awoke this morning to what looked like a blizzard. The snow was coming down at a pretty good pace and the wind was blowing it hard. I thought there was some kind of animal on my roof, it turned out to be the wind blowing the ice from the tree in the front yard on to the roof. We didn't even get an inch of snow, thankfully. The roads were covered and there was a bit of ice underneath. I made it to work fine, just took my time. There also wasn't much traffic. Our neighbors in KY were not as lucky as us. They have been hit very hard. They have no power at all. There are work crews from several states helping out in KY trying to restore the power. Driving home from work this afternoon, every gas station around was packed and there were lines of cars & trucks waiting to get gas or kerosene. Most of them were from KY, since they have no power there. I drove home and in the other lane it was bumper to bumper cars & trucks heading to find gas stations. Our hotel is filled tonight, mostly people from KY. They had to turn away many people that were calling to check if we had a room. When I arrived home, my brother & his son were here. They have not had power since early yesterday morning. They just left to go home to see if it has been repaired. I fed them supper. I hope that they have power when they get there. Tomorrow is suppose to be around 40 here, that will help. I am oh so ready for spring! They have said that if all the ice & rain that we have gotten out of this storm would have been snow, that we would have had 3 feet of snow.
Blog EntryJan 27, '09 6:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am in a hurry to write this as I don't know how long our power will be on. It has went out 3 times today, last time about hour ago. Thankfully it was only out for 30 minutes, but you never know. So far, we haven't been hit as hard as KY. We do have ice covering the trees and this is causing them to break/fall down. I made it to work today and the girls even had school, but they let them out an hour early. It has rained all day long and for the most part of the day it froze upon everything. We have had a few hours here and there above the freezing mark, thankfully, so some of the ice did melt. It is still raining though and the temp is starting to drop again. I took a few pictures this morning and a few after work this afternoon that I am adding. They say we are in for a little worse tonight, more rain & ice, could be snow after that on top of the ice. I will try to make it into work no matter what, hopefully I will make it. Well here are the pictures I took of the ice.

P.S. Make that 4 times that we have lost power today. Just as I posted this it went out again for about 15 minutes. Also here is the link where I found out how to animate your headshot on multiply if anyone is interested.

Blog EntryJan 26, '09 7:33 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I didn't sleep good last night, tossed & turned a lot. Brian did the same. Tabitha woke up scared from having a bad dream, that she couldn't remember, only that it scared her. Sammy Jo has sinus infection again and went to the doctor yesterday and is on an antibiotic for it. Today was my day off, but had tons of things to get done. First thing this morning after the girls got on the bus, we left and went to the store to pick up a few items, & fill the car up with gas. I had to pay $1.57 a gal. The price had come down since yesterday, it was $1.60 then. After my errands were over, we came home & I had to call Brian's doctor to see if I could get an appointment, he is also sick with sinus infection. Usually when I call the doctor, I can't get an appointment for several days. Today though was a different story. It was 9:00 and they wanted to know if I could have him there at 10:00 to be worked into the schedule. I said yes, so right out the door we went. I had already put my roast on to simmer and it's a good thing that my stove has an accusimmer burner. So I turned it down a bit before we left. I had laundry piled high, where I had been getting ready to wash, but it had to wait. We made it to the doctor's and only had to wait a little bit before he was able to be seen. Then I had to drive back to the store, where I had been earlier this morning, so his prescriptions could get filled. Then it was back home once again, to tackle that big pile of laundry. The girls came home shortly after, then it was homework, then finished cooking supper, then finished the laundry. I have been going non stop all day. On top of all this, we are under an ICE STORM WARNING from 6:00 tonight until 6:00 Wednesday morning. They have sprayed liquid salt on the main roads all day long. The news says that we could get 1/2 to 3/4 of ice. Looks like we are really going to get hit this time. I keep praying that we don't. I hate the thought of losing power and not having heat in this cold. If it happens we may have to go sleep in the car where there is heat. It is a good thing I filled up with gas today. Not only because of the ice storm, but because they raised the price of gas to $1.69. There will be no school if it hits us. I have to make it to work so I pray it doesn't get real bad. Please send good thoughts my way.
Blog EntryJan 22, '09 7:35 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The warmth in the air blew across my skin. I could hear birds chirping. Beautiful sunshine warmed my face. My body aches for spring, but it knows that it is too soon. Winter is not gone by any means. The day is just a tease.
Blog EntryJan 21, '09 6:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It has been very slow at work for some time now. As you know, I just went back to work today from having a few days off. I arrive at work to find out that we have 72 rooms. That is the most rooms we have had since... hell I don't even remember the last time. I had 11 of them to clean. Thankfully they weren't all checkouts, since I was a little rusty from staying at home and not doing much. I was happy to get the 6 hours today, it has been a long time since I have had to work that many hours. I have a backache and I am tired. My body wasn't ready for 11 rooms, lol.
Blog EntryJan 20, '09 8:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I watched this movie today with my granddaughters. I thought it was a decent movie for children. Not the greatest children's movie I have seen but it was alright. The moral of the story is that we have more trash than we know what to do with, and if we continue on with this way then there will be no earth to live on. There was also another moral to the story, that people should get up and moving, instead of just laying around.
Blog EntryJan 17, '09 9:00 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I just found out that Kellogg's has recalled some of their products due to peanut butter. Austin & Keebler peanut butter cracker sandwiches. I just bought a package of the Keebler ones in the vending machine at work the other day, glad I didn't get sick from eating them. Good grief!!!
Blog EntryJan 16, '09 7:29 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My 4 days off has begun and I am tickled pink. It's not that I have any special plans or anything, I am just going to spend time at home with the girls. They have 4 days off also. It has been cold here and I have froze at work, but I don't have to worry about it now for 4 days.
I am sure that everyone has heard about the plane that had to make an emergency landing in the Hudson River yesterday. I just want to say that what ever that pilot gets paid, he is worth every last cent of it. Job well done!!
Monday we will officially have a new president. He has promised us change and I hope that he comes through with all of his promises. Only time will tell. The factory where my daughter did work, is now down to 1 shift a day, as of this week. More jobs lost. We had a Goody's store here, but now that company has went under. Obama has promised to make millions of jobs working on roads & bridges. That isn't going to do a lot of people any good, including me. The construction companies will be booming though, but they usually are anyway. I just want to see a light at the end of the tunnel, because I am tired of the darkness.
Blog EntryJan 15, '09 11:07 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Temp will dip below 0 degrees here tonight. It was 13 this morning when I went to work and when I got off of work, it was 15. Not much change there. The wind chill makes it worse at work. I will be so glad when my work day is over tomorrow and I can come in out of the cold. I still do live in TN, don't I?
Blog EntryJan 14, '09 8:43 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The Artic air has made it's way to TN. Tomorrow we will have wind chills below 0 degrees. I want spring!!! Pleaseeeee.
Blog EntryJan 10, '09 5:12 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am very happy that both bennett & Dianne like the themes I made for them. I would like to say however, that they are giving me way too much credit. The way that themes work on multiply is they give you a choice of what is called base themes to choose from if you click on the customize your site link on your page. I am not sure how many of them there are, cause I haven't counted them, but there are many. You can add one of the base themes to your page just by clicking on the picture of it. There is also a group called Multiply Customized Themes. You do not have to be a member of that group to use one of the themes that they have designed and posted there. They tell you what base theme it was made for and give you the codes & directions for adding it to your page. They ahve many beautiful themes to choose from. I have used several of them before. I enjoy making pictures in Paint Shop Pro and so I was naturally curious as to how these themes were made. I searched high & low for some instructions on how to make one. I tried several times to make one with some instructions for different base themes, but nothing I did would work. That is until I found one on how to make a sandskirt based theme. It was pretty easy to follow, so I did. I had tried several times to do a skyline based theme, because I wanted to replace the skyline picture with a different picture. I still have not been able to do this. I have been making themes using the sandskirt based theme. This theme is actually in 3 sections. Top, middle & bottom. So far I have stuck to just making them to look like the based theme with different images (instead of the sand & shells) I hope to try to make one without drawing out the exact lines that sandskirt has. One of the biggest problems I had was that they tell you to upload your images to multiply's media locker. Everytime I did this and then added the code into CSS, the images would not be the right size. This is when I decided to upload my images to photobucket. This way worked, the images stayed the right size needed for the based theme. It is true that I have worked very hard to get as far as I have, but I have a very long way to go in learning how to make themes.
Blog EntryJan 9, '09 11:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A while back Sammy Jo was tested for the gifted program at school. Her I.Q. is 114, she needed 10 more points to be able to enter the program. However, she is still above her grade level. I am kind of glad that she didn't make it, because she worries way to much about her grades. To the point of having nervous habits. Getting good grades is important, but an 8 year old child shouldn't be making herself sick worrying.
Blog EntryJan 8, '09 10:31 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Purple is a harder color than I thought to work with, lol. I am beat and going to bed now. Have a good day everyone. :)
Blog EntryJan 8, '09 2:01 AM
for Carealot's contacts
Ok call me stubborn, it wouldn't be the first time I have been called that. Here it is, a theme that I created. It is not perfect, but at least I did manage to get something. I will not be leaving it on for very long, it does have a few boo boos as you can see. I didn't change the font or the font color, I left all that the same as the sandskirt base theme has. Reason being there is just way too much of it to go thru and change, for me anyway. It is now 2:00 AM and I am going to bed, LMAO!!!!
Blog EntryJan 6, '09 8:15 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I found out today that our breaks at work will remain the same. 15 minutes at 10:00 & 2:00 & a 30 minute lunch break at 12:00. Everyone is so happy.
Last night we were under a winter storm warning. They said that we were going to get freezing rain. We got lucky and the storm went to the north of us. We did get just a sprinkling of frozen rain, but the temp was rising and it didn't last long. We did however get tons of rain last night and today. I think it has finally stopped. Good thing too, cause my yard is beginning to look like a swamp.
Blog EntryJan 5, '09 1:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts
After taking Benji to the vet this morning for a nail trim & going to the car dealership to see about my broken remote control for my car, I turned on the computer and found this email in my mailbox. Apparently, Bob Corker feels the need to explain his actions to me about the loans for the Big 3 automakers. Gee, I wonder if it has anything to do with all the people that were protesting outside of his office a while back? Below for your utter enjoyment is his email. I have had to restrain myself from responding back to him with a big F... You!
Dear Ms. Cummins,
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office regarding government loans to major American automakers. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.
I appreciate the contributions to the American economy that have been made by General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler. These companies and their suppliers employ many Tennesseans and make up a sizeable and valuable portion of our state's manufacturing and retail sectors.
The initial loan request proposed by the Detroit automakers was weak and offered no assurance that investing billions of taxpayer dollars in their companies was a responsible use of federal funds. I was convinced that if we in Congress had given funding to these companies, without them making needed changes, they would be back again in a few months asking for more public support. I also believed that the companies simply could not continue as they were and remain viable.
The White House then negotiated a proposal with House Democrats that would divert $14 billion from a previously passed fund intended to be used for environmentally friendly re-tooling of auto factories. Under the new plan, the money could instead be used to help these companies solve their financial problems but without forcing them to make the tough changes necessary for them to be viable for the long term. They would then be allowed to return with a plan for further funding at the end of March of 2009.
This was simply unacceptable. Under terms like these, all three would be back seeking additional funds over and over again. I firmly believed that we should use this crisis to force these companies to solve decades-old problems which kept them from being viable. As the negotiations moved to the Senate, I proposed a compromise measure designed to help them address their crippling debt and high labor costs that are not sustainable long term.
My plan to address these problems incorporated a number of elements that would normally be a part of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding but avoided the stigma of Chapter 11. First, each company's outstanding debt had to be reduced by two-thirds. To give you a sense of the magnitude of this problem, GM has $62 billion in debt, a market value of $2 billion and certainly no ability to pay the debt service on that obligation even in good economic times. You can see that putting any U.S. taxpayer loan on top of this debt load would be putting good money after bad. In my plan, through a bond-for-equity exchange, debt holders had to agree to take equity and reduce the debt of the company by two-thirds by March 15 or the company would be forced to go into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. On top of the other management concessions in the base bill, management and other existing shareholders would be taking a huge stock dilution. Second, half of the Voluntary Employment Benefits Association (VEBA) payments by the companies to the United Auto Workers (UAW) had to be taken in the form of stock. For each company the VEBA obligation is different, but in the case of General Motors, the VEBA debt owed is more than $20 billion. Because the bond for equity exchange would have occurred first, the debt of each company would have already been significantly reduced and the stock the UAW would be taking would have real value. Finally, the UAW wages and benefits for active employees (not retirees who had already been granted benefit packages) would need to be brought into a competitive range with American workers of foreign automakers in this country. In the original plan, all of these conditions had to be finalized by March 31, 2009 or the company would be forced to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
We worked quickly to involve all interested parties in the negotiations for this deal-from the UAW, to bondholders, to senators on the other side of the aisle, to the companies themselves. In the end, the debt for equity issue was agreed to along with the VEBA accounts taking half cash and half stock. Unfortunately, the UAW refused to agree to a date certain by which their labor costs would be made competitive with companies like Toyota, Honda, BMW and Nissan who have operations in the United States, as certified by the Secretary of Labor (who will be appointed by President-elect Obama). In the end we were willing to accept any date in 2009 by which these changes would take effect (still having to be agreed to by March 31), but the UAW refused and the negotiations finally broke down. Without UAW support, there was no chance for the Democratic support necessary for passage. For us, this issue was never about trying to place the blame on any one party, but using this crisis to put in place shared sacrifices to cause these companies to be viable, while protecting any investment from taxpayers.
Because we were not able to bring negotiations to a conclusion, the original White House and House Democrat bill was then brought to the floor and voted down. Afterwards, President Bush announced that the Treasury Department would offer a total of $17.4 billion in bridge loans to General Motors and Chrysler. The loans will be distributed from Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds, originally intended for financial institutions. Unfortunately, after months of debate and numerous proposals, we have ended up with an agreement open to interpretation, that eliminates the sense of crisis, where taxpayer dollars are expended and we are left to hope that the next administration has the will to enforce the tough concessions necessary to make these companies viable for the long term. Obviously, we are disappointed. A better solution would have been definite terms, within a finite time period, committed to law, that protected taxpayers. However, we hope to work with the next administration to enforce the tough concessions necessary to make these companies viable for the long term.
Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me as I serve you in the United States Senate.


Bob Corker
United States Senator
Blog EntryJan 4, '09 2:29 PM
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MySpace Graphics
Blog EntryJan 4, '09 1:52 PM
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A year and a half ago, we got a new hotel manager. Since she has had the job, she has been working on a new employee handbook. These were handed out on Friday. There have been several changes. The biggest I think is the attendance policy. Old policy allowed for missing up to 5 days unexcused, and if you worked 60 days without missing then they would subtract 1 of your points. New policy states that possible termination can occur if you miss 3 days. Your attendance record will be active for a 6 months at a time. Meaning that all attendance points will be removed at end of each 6 month period. Another change is for breaks. It now states that we get a 15 minute break for each 4 hours worked. The old way was we got a 15 minute break at 10:00 & 2:00 and a 30 minute lunch at 12:00. The way the new book is written has us wondering....Do we get a lunch?...or what the hell?..We are not sure if this is a mistake or if now we don't get any kind of break until 12:00 and then it will only be for 15 minutes. If this is true, then it is going to make for a very long day. One more big change is that we will now get 8 hours pay for Easter, it has been added on to our paid holidays. Also I am still trying to figure this one out......under vacation days it states that for 2 years of service we get 48 hours or a 2 week vacation, 3 years of service 56 hours or 2 week vacation.....HUH???? We are suppose to get 40 hours for 1 year of service and then for every year after 8 hours is added on up to a cutoff of 10 days/80 hours. I will get 8 days this year, at least I think/should. The next thing I noticed while reading this new handbook that has my mind boggled is this....Personal Appearance...Male Employees.....Must be clean shaven at all times, it states.....Mustaches(not to exceed below the out corner of the lips) and beards must be neat and well trimmed. HUH & DOUBLE HUH???? How can you be clean shaven at all times and have a mostache and or beard??? I hope that I never have to use this next benefit that we are now going to be getting, but I am glad they have added it...Bereavement days, but no pay for them, just the time off. You would think that something that took 1 1/2 years to complete would not have these kind of mistakes. Also makes you wonder how she got the job as our general manager.
Blog EntryJan 2, '09 8:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Today is my birthday, another year older. It was an ok day, I had to work but I also get paid an extra 8 hours pay for the day. My daughter brought me a cake to work, but I told her to take it home. Last year the girls got very upset because they didn't get to have cake with me on my birthday. My daughter brought the cake to work last year too. So she brought it home. I didn't feel like cooking dinner so we decided to go to Burger King for supper. Then we had cake afterwards. I have the next 3 days off of work. I have many errands to do while I am off, but at least I am off. :)
Blog EntryJan 1, '09 3:32 PM
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Wishing everyone a good start to what I hope will be a terrific year for us all. :)
Blog EntryDec 31, '08 6:29 PM
for Carealot's contacts
There is a part of me that just can't wait for a new year. Then there is a part of me that thinks it has gone by way too fast. It hasn't been a good year for the most part, but I am still alive and have a job and no one I love is in a hospital. Yay!! The new year will come whether I am ready for it to or not, so I might as well be ready for it. Have a safe evening everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
P.S. I have my laundry done because we don't do laundry on New Year's day in our family. We consider it bad luck, it is said that if laundry is done on this day, that somone in your family will die that year. I also have my blackeyed peas ready to cook tomorrow. This another thing we do in our family, eat these with hog jowl ( I use ham pieces). It is said that if these are eaten on this day you will have money all year.
Blog EntryDec 29, '08 9:50 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have finally been able to watch this movie. I bought it for Sammy Jo a while back. I found it to be a little intense for a children's movie, but it was a good movie. The moral of the story is to believe in yourself. Now I wonder how long it will take me to watch Wall E. Sammy Jo just got that movie for Christmas. :)
Blog EntryDec 29, '08 12:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
You Remember 100% of 2008
You were paying attention during 2008.
And you remember what happened really well.

You'll be able to talk about 2008 for years to come...
Even when most people have forgotten what went down.
You Should Make 6 Resolutions
Lose Weight
Save Money
Get a Better Job
Get Fit
Reduce Stress Overall
Take a Trip
Blog EntryDec 28, '08 9:41 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Yesterday the temp was 72, was very nice, except for the wind gusting. I left my coat at home when I went to work. Felt so nice to not have to wear one. Then last night the storms came. Sheets of blowing rain, thunder & lightening. We were expecting 60 mph winds, but thankfully didn't get those, but the wind was strong. After the storms went through the cold front came in and our temp dropped, was 35 degrees this morning when I left for work. Finally warmed up in the 50's this afternoon. I had to work this weekend and was able to get some decent hours in. My schedule has been changed for our week that starts this Wednesday. I will be getting 4 days off instead of 3. This being because of my birthday and getting a days pay for it. I had hoped that she would give me my birthday off, so I would have a 4 day weekend, but she gave me off New Year's day instead. I am off tomorrow and then will work Tuesday to finish up this week. Then next week starts, I will work Wednesday, have Thursday off, work Friday, have Saturday, Sunday & Monday off, work Tuesday to finish out that week. Well at least I won't be there to have to clean up after New Year's eve!!!
Blog EntryDec 26, '08 6:16 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I hope that everyone had a nice Christmas. We did at our house. The girls were up early to see what Santa had brought them. They were so excited. They got lots of stuff. I got some cooking pans & other kitchen things that I needed, a watch, candles, & some candy. As for our Christmas dinner, it turned out even though I am sick. I did manage to spill turkey broth all over my shirt & all over the inside of my oven. I also dumped a piece of cake upside down. I don't cook so well when I am sick. We had turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes & gravy, biscuits, peas, broccoli & cheese, baked beans, green bean casserole, fruit salad, cranberry sauce, red velvet cake, pumpkin pie, cherry cheesecake, banana creme pie, chocolate silk pie, & lemon pie. My brother brought a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I had 8 people here including myself. We played Monoply after dinner and my daughter beat us pretty bad.
Today I slept in. After getting ready, I went to apply for a job. I filled out an application, I really don't expect to be called, because it has been many years since I had a manager's postion. I do hope that I do get a call though. I would love to have a job where I wouldn't have to get down on my knees anymore. When that was done, we had to take Sammy Jo to Burger King and I had to stop at Wal-Mart to pick up some things. I was expecting Wal-Mart to be really crowded from the looks of the parking lot, but it wasn't that bad inside. Well it's back to work for me in the morning.
Blog EntryDec 24, '08 6:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I left for work this morning in pouring rain. The rain became worse after arriving at work. Thunderstorms began. It poured & poured. Everything is wet & damp. The wind howled like a hungry animal. Had to use the brakes on our carts, otherwise the wind took them away. I worked 3 hours, we only had 20 rooms today. Still sick with a cold, I came home and started doing some chores before I started baking. I did manage to call my brother this morning to see what he was doing for Christmas. He will be coming here with his son. I have now finished laundry & made the red velvet cake, cheesecake, & pumpkin pies. Managed to remember to take certain items out of freezer to thaw. The rain finally stopped sometime this afternoon. I have been tracking Santa for the girls on the Norad tracker website. The last time I checked he was in Iceland. Friday I am going to apply for a different job. I need to do something as I can't pay my bills on 3 hours a day. I hate the thought of doing this, I may not even get the job. It's just the thought of starting all over again. If I do get a new job, maybe it will be better for me in a lot of ways. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.
Blog EntryDec 23, '08 8:10 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The year is almost over, where did it go? I have already lived in my new home for 1 year now. Seems just like yesterday I was having fits over getting everything done with it so we could get moved in before Christmas, now it is Christmas time again. This Christmas I am sick with a head & chest cold. It came upon me fast & hard on Sunday. I guess because of the medicine I am taking that slows down my immune system. I have taken 2 doses of it now, will take the 3rd dose on Christmas, and I am starting to see a difference. It is a small difference, but I can see it. The nausea has gotten less also. The other morning our temp was 8 degrees. This morning it rained and froze, was a bit slippery driving to work. Now it has warmed up and we are getting hammered with rain, suppose to have thunderstorms tonight & tomorrow. we had our gift exchange & pot luck lunch at work today. The food was good, I received a picture to hang on the wall & a set of candles, very nice. Work is still VERY slow. Yesterday I only got to work 3 1/2 hours. There has been talk how my boss hopes that the owner won't close down the hotel. She has mentioned it twice now. I pray it doesn't come to that. I have never seen it this slow in the 4 years that I have worked there. It is bad all over. I have to work tomorrow but will have Christmas & the day after off. I will work the weekend then have Monday off. My boss gave everyone 3 days off because it is slow & we get holiday pay. Tomorrow night I have to bake my daughter's favorite cake, Red Velvet. Merry Christmas to all.

Blog EntryDec 21, '08 1:32 PM
for Carealot's contacts
After cooking breakfast & giving Benji a bath, I have been playing around in my Paint Shop Pro. I made these stockings.
Blog EntryDec 19, '08 9:19 PM
for Carealot's contacts
From sleet & freezing rain the other day, to just rain yesterday, lots of it too, to sunshine and almost 70 degrees today. There has been lots of fog also along the way. I drove to work in blinding rain. Then it stopped and the sun came out, temp rose to nearly 70. It was beautiful not to have to wear a winter coat. All this will change tonight of course. temp going down into the 30's and tomorrow won't make it out of the 40's. The big drop comes Sunday, won't make it out of the 20's and Sunday night will be way down into the teens, might even see single digits.
Came home from work and fixed supper, than went to the store to pick up a few forgotten things from the other night. While I was picking up those items, Brian took the girls Christmas shopping for presents for me. He took the keys to the car and when I was done I met him at the car. The girls loved it.
Tomorrow I have laundry, and some housework to do. Have to bake more cookies also. I am glad that I have the weekend off. Plan on doing nothing on Sunday. :)
Blog EntryDec 18, '08 9:32 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Too tired to think of something to say.
Blog EntryDec 16, '08 3:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts

My daughter just sent me this from her cell phone. Amazing how much cell phones are like computers now.
Blog EntryDec 16, '08 1:58 PM
for Carealot's contacts

Last night we had a winterstorm. It looks like snow, but it is not. It is sleet & freezing rain. I took this picture at 12:00 today. We had about an inch of this mess. Brian made me stay home from work. He didn't want me trying to drive 10 miles in this stuff. He was not only afraid that as soon as I backed out of the driveway that I would end up in the ditch across the road, he was also afraid that someone else out on the roads would slide into me. If Brian is telling me not to drive in it, then I know I most likely won't make it, so I called into today. As you can see in the picture our road is totally covered. When I took Benji out this morning, I walked a few steps onto the road and started slipping and sliding. We live so far out in the country that what little snowplows we have here don't come out this far, so there were no trucks distributing salt on our road last night. The one good thing is that we didn't lose power. Tomorrow is payday and I will have a whole 2 days pay since I have had to miss 2 days for stomach bugs & now today. Lovely.
Blog EntryDec 15, '08 11:09 AM
for Carealot's contacts
I am sorry that I haven't been around the last few days. If you read my last blog, then you know about the stomach bug. I went to work Saturday and I fought off nausea all day. I managed to make it through the work day. Of course of all days that I get some decent hours, it had to be a day when I wasn't feeling too hot. After I ate supper, the stomach bug took over. I had it worse than Tabitha did, but not as bad as Sammy Jo. I did however have to miss work yesterday, again. I was feeling a lot better last night, only to wake up feeling nausea again this morning. Getting sick the other day, I do believe was caused from the stomach bug, however today's I feel is a side effect from the medication I am now taking. I hope that it does not continue for the length of time I have to be on it. I feel like crap, but I have been trying to keep my mind off of it doing laundry, housework & baked some cookies this morning. The weather here is nasty, raining and there is a threat that it will turn into freezing rain this afternoon. I wish you all a good day.
Blog EntryDec 12, '08 5:49 PM
for Carealot's contacts
On Tuesday, Tabitha had to stay home from school because she was puking. She was taken to the doctor who said there was a 24 hour stomach bug going around. Tabitha was fine by that afternoon. Yesterday Sammy Jo was taken to the doctor because her face was broke out. Turns out it is impetigo, Tabitha had it earlier this year. Strange how they have never had this before and now they have both had it in the same year. The doctor gave Sammy Jo an anitbiotic to take. Then last night Sammy Jo started puking. She now had the stomach bug. It was much worse with Sammy Jo though. Poor girl, was sitting on toliet with me holding a trash can for her to puke in. This went on all night and all this morning. I was up with her all night, and had to miss work today. I had so much laundry to take care of. She finally has been able to eat and seems to be keeping it down. I am so tired. I have to work this weekend and I hate that I had to miss work today, but somethings can't be helped. My daughter took Brian to the doctor this morning, they took a chest x-ray, he has a little fluid in his lungs, along with sinus infection/ear infection/sore throat. He is back on meds. I pray that I do not catch any of this sickness, especially since I am taking that pill for my psoriasis. Well I wish you all a nice weekend, I am going to go try and get a little rest.
Blog EntryDec 11, '08 9:20 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Today I had my doctor's appointment. The doctor is a very nice man. I haven't seen a doctor this nice in many years. Great bedside manner. He told me that I did have psoriasis for sure. He also told me that creams were not going to help me. I have so much of it, that I would go through a tube a day. So he said he was going to treat me with pills. He gave me Methotrexate. I have to take 3 of these pills all at once, one time a week. My blood has to be checked every month while taking this medication. They took blood from me today. This medication has the possibility of some very bad side effects. I am thinking postive though. It is a medication that is used to treat certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis, or rheumatoid arthritis. I took my first pills tonight with supper. Wish me luck.
Blog EntryDec 10, '08 9:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for. For over 4 weeks I have been waiting, wishing it would hurry and get here. Now if the doctor will help the way I hope he will help. It has gotten to the point where I can't sleep much because I hurt all over. Just bending my knees or elbows is very painful now. I have went to wearing those elastic knee bandages and I am putting wash clothes under them for padding. This has helped somewhat for when I have to get down on my hands & knees to wash the bathroom floors at work. Tomorrow I will know if relief is on the way.
Blog EntryDec 9, '08 6:49 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The Supreme Court has denied to hear the case about Obama's inelegibility to become President of the US.
The Governor of Illinois was arrested for trying to sell Obama's senate seat to the highest bidder. Well that is Illinois for you. The most corrupt state in the union. I remember when one of the SOS had a closet full of shoeboxes filled with money. Then there is also all the corruption in Chicago for ever it seems.
The Congress still hasn't given the Big 3 any money. They make me more mad everyday.
Economy & unemployment getting worse.
I think it is time for me to stop listening to the news. It is depressing and nothing seems to be changing at all.
Blog EntryDec 8, '08 7:49 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Sammy Jo, Tabitha & I just spent some time at the northpole. http://www.northpole.com/ that is. We had a ton of fun and the girls wrote letters to Santa, which are suppose to be answered in about 2 days. If you have children or know of someone who does, this is a great site for them to have some fun with Santa & his elves.
Blog EntryDec 7, '08 7:23 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am curious to see what, if anything the Supreme Court does with the lawsuit that is trying to stop President Elect Obama from taking office. The lawsuit states that Obama is not a "natural born citizen" and therefore is inelegible to become the President of the U.S. The lawsuit is trying to say that Obama has dual citizenship. British/American. Has something to do with his father being a British citizen at the time of Obama's birth. There is also something about investigating if he was really born in Kenya and was then made a citizen when they moved to Hawaii. Not sure I understand it all, something else about a birth certificate VS a certificate of live birth. I never knew there was a difference. The Supreme Court may not hear the case, guess we will find out soon though.
Blog EntryDec 7, '08 12:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I spent my morning baking cookies & cussing. I didn't think that a batch turned out like they should have. Other than that I had fun. Yesterday I went Christmas shopping and I am happy to say that I am 99% done. Now all I have to do is wrap them. I hope that I will be able to get that done Thursday after my doctor's appointment. I bought a new Christmas decoration also. It is a 6 ft. spiral tree with LED lights on it. I am after Brian to get it set up on the porch. He will of course, in his own time. Well I have to give Benji a bath yet and get the girl's lunch. Have a great day everyone.
Blog EntryDec 5, '08 8:37 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I sent an email to my congressmen. I was sent a response, telling me that he knows how much the auto industry means to this state. Then I see this same congressman on the news, saying let the American auto industry go under. I seen a lot of congressmen saying the same thing!!!!! I even heard one say "well everyone will just have to buy BMW, Nissan, etc!!!!! I am so angry I could spit!!! I heard one ask the CEO of Chrysler " what will you do if you don't get the money?" The answer was file for bankrupcty. What in the hell did he think the answer was going to be? How stupid of a question can you ask? They don't give one hoot for the American people, the American workers!! Hell even the UAW is trying to help, now if that doesn't tell you something, then nothing will. I swear I see a 3 ring circus, with the CEO's jumping through hoops. It appears as if nothing they say or do is going to be good enough for Congress.
Blog EntryDec 3, '08 7:34 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I always thought that a group of turkeys was called a flock. That is until Tabitha came home from school before Thanksgiving, asking me what a group of turkeys were. Her teacher told the class that they would get a prize if they came to school the next day with the correct answer. I said it was a flock, but Tabitha said that the teacher had told them that "flock" was not the right answer. So I did a search on the internet to find the right answer for her. A group of turkeys are called a rafter. I never would have guessed that, because I had never heard it before. 2 more days until my weekend off!!
Blog EntryDec 1, '08 9:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It was cold and wet against my face. I seen snow today for the first time this year. Snow showers most of the day. It didn't stick to the ground, but I did see it on some of the roofs as I drove to the store. The eastern part of the state got more of it. I was cold, and rushed into the store where it was warm. I picked up a few Christmas gifts for the girls. I have put it off long enough, time to get started. I put up the tree today along with doing laundry, giving Benji a bath and doing a few other household chores. Now it's back to work tomorrow, and I am wanting the weekend to come as fast as today went.
Blog EntryNov 30, '08 6:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Work weekend is over, I am so glad. My knees hurt something awful. They bled most of the day. I will be so glad when the 11th gets here for my doctor's appointment. I hope I last that long. Tomorrow I am off work, but have so many things to do here & errands to run, that it will fly past and I will be wondering where my day off went. It was nippy here today. Started out this morning at 44 degrees on my way to work. It was 41 when I got off work. Rained most of the night and today. I seen a bit of sleet after work. We might get a little snow/freezing rain later tonight and tomorrow. They say no accumalation though. I am wishing for none at all.
Blog EntryNov 29, '08 8:34 PM
for Carealot's contacts
All day yesterday, I thought it was Saturday. All day today, I thought it was Sunday. I still have one more day to go. I had all 12 rooms today. 7 checkouts & 5 stayovers. Almost all double beds again. I worked 8 3/4 hours. One of my co-workers called in sick. So after I finished my rooms I did 1 1/2 of hers. It was getting dark when I got off of work and was dark by the time I made it home. My daughter and Brian put up some more Christmas lights, etc. outside today. Brian was on the ladder and the ladder broke causing him to fall on his back. Somehow he hurt his big toe on the way down. Other than his bleeding toe, he is ok, a bit of a stiff neck though. I have to be at work an hour early tomorrow to clean the convention centers before the church arrives. It is also my day to clean the front desk bathrooms, windows and the smaller convention room. Then after all of that is done, I have my rooms to clean, however many that will end up being. We shouldn't be that busy tomorrow since most checked out today. Wish you all a relaxing Sunday.
Blog EntryNov 28, '08 8:26 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have another be a good hotel guest tip.
Don't bring your pets. Most hotels don't allow pets, but ours does. I wish that they didn't. As of today we had 9 rooms with dogs. None of them were mine. It is very hard to get all the fur out of a room.
I had a busy day at work. 11 rooms and all double beds. Most of them looked like an explosion had happened. Clothes, shoes, etc. everywhere. I really hate those kind of rooms. I had a hard time just trying to walk in some of them. It is my weekend to work and I am pretty sure tomorrow will be more of what I had today. Sunday I have to go in an hour early. Enjoy your weekend.
Blog EntryNov 27, '08 7:23 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I had a very nice day. Had a full house, 8 in all. The turkey turned out great, Sammy Jo helped me get it ready for the oven last night. Christina's boyfriend told me that dinner was excellent. We all ate too much, then turned around and ate too much dessert after a Monoply game. Tabitha won big time. It's been a good day, wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, but I do.
Sammy Jo went to the doctor yesterday. There was some kind of growth on her side. It just appeared about 2 weeks ago. She scratched it and made it bleed. I didn't think I was going to get it to stop bleeding. I finally did. Whatever it was it grew back, only this time it was bigger. She complained that it hurt if she touched it. So I thought it best to get her to the doctor to find out exactly what it was. I had thought maybe a mole. So yesterday at the doctor's, they cut it off. They are going to send it off to see what it may be. Although the doctor didn't think it would be anything serious, but it wasn't a mole. For the doctor to cut it off, it took 3 nurses to hold Sammy Jo down. She really threw a fit, scared to death. Then last night, while she was sitting next to me on the sofa, it started bleeding bad, through the bandaid. Again I didn't think I would get it to stop. Finally, it stopped and I was able to put a new bandaid over it. I am not sure if she just touched it or if she scratched it through the bandaid. I was worried that she would start bleeding again while she was sleeping. She didn't and hasn't yet.

Blog EntryNov 25, '08 8:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Thanksgiving day I will give thanks for the food that we will have to eat, my family, my home, my car, and for the job that I have. It may not be the perfect job & I may not get a lot of hours a week, but it is a job. I am lucky to have it. I have Thanksgiving off this year only because it falls on my regular day off. So I will give thanks for that too. I will also give thanks for the friends that I have here on multiply, for without you, I most likely would have already went bonkers. Tomorrow after work, I will start baking pies, etc. I most likely will not have time to get on here, so I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving today. :)
Blog EntryNov 24, '08 7:08 PM
for Carealot's contacts
On a previous blog, I posted an email That I had received from GM asking me to contact Congress about the Big 3 auto makers loan that they wanted. Today I received a response from my senator. Here is that response, for what good it is.
Dear Ms. Cummins,
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office with your support for plans to bail out the major American automakers. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.
I fully understand and appreciate the contributions to the American economy that have been made by General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler. As I am sure you are aware, these companies employ many Tennesseans and make up a sizeable and valuable portion of our state's manufacturing and retail sectors. From the plant in Spring Hill to suppliers and automotive dealerships across the state, the impact of a major corporate failure for these companies would be felt at multiple levels throughout Tennessee.
On November 18, 2008, I attended a hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee and heard testimony from the CEOs of the Big Three Auto Manufacturers and the President of the United Auto Workers Union. I was given the opportunity to discuss with them the specifics of their loan request and how that money would be used. Between this hearing and personal discussions with industry insiders, I came to the conclusion that this package would not be an appropriate response to the current problem. Many of my colleagues agreed with this assessment, so much so that the bailout bill did not even come before the full Senate for a vote.
We were, however, given the opportunity to vote on extending unemployment benefits, a measure I was happy to support. As a result of its passage, Tennesseans currently hit hard by economic difficulties will have the chance to receive further aid while they search for a new job.

On December 2, the Big Three are scheduled to submit a report to Congress detailing how the funds they may yet receive would be used. Following this report, we are scheduled to have more hearings in the Banking Committee on the topic, with a likely vote to follow the week of December 8. Once I have received this report, heard new testimony, and have had a further chance to evaluate the viability of these corporations, I will make a final decision on this issue based on the new information.
Moving forward, we in the Senate will continue to monitor our country's economic situation. I assure you, the difficulties being faced by Tennesseans during these times of economic uncertainty and hardship are of the utmost concern to me, and I and my staff will be using all the resources and options at our disposal to help in the months ahead.
Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me as I serve you in the United States Senate.


Bob Corker
United States Senator
Blog EntryNov 22, '08 10:26 AM
for Carealot's contacts
I took Benji out for his morning routine. I heard a gunshot to the north, across the field. I knew it to be deer hunters. Today was the first day of gun season. The sound disturbed me, I thought, "I hope he missed". I brought Benji back inside, he doesn't like the sound either. I went around doing my normal morning activities, getting the girls breakfast, etc. From inside the house, we heard a number of gunshots in a row, sounded like someone target practicing. It also sounded as if they were in our backyard. There is a county sheriff that is building a house on the property behind us. Sometimes he does target shooting over there. I opened the back door to look out, wish I hadn't. As I was looking around, I seen a movement just on the other side of our property. The leaves have fallen so much in the last few days that you can see through now. It was a deer. I spoke out loud "I see a deer" In the split second that it took me to say those words, we heard the shot, and the deer was down. The anger boiled up in me. It was like the hunter had taken something away from me. I kept watching the spot where I had seen the deer. I had never seen anything killed, except for a chicken before. Then into sight came the hunter, he walked right up to the spot where I had seen the deer. Then came another hunter. They stood there looking down at their prize. I slammed my back door shut, still angry. Within 30 minutes they had the deer out of the woods and into their truck and were gone. I know they will be back many more times before hunting season is over. The girls were upset, knowing that a deer had been killed. I told them there was nothing we could do about it. That some people hunted for food. That we lived in the country now and we would just have to get use to it. Even though I said the words, I knew that I would never get use to it.
Blog EntryNov 21, '08 8:16 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Your Stress Level is: 79%
You are prone to stress, and you're probably even pretty stressed right now.
Life's problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out.
Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It's the only way you'll get through the bad times.
Blog EntryNov 21, '08 7:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I filled up tonight with $1.64 a gallon gas. I am still wishing to see $1.00 and under. The old north wind was blowing here today. The temp didn't make it out of the 30's and it is dropping fast tonight. Expected to get into the teens. Glad I am off this weekend so I can stay in out of the cold. Playing Monopoly with the girls tomorrow, I am sure I will lose like always. :)
Blog EntryNov 20, '08 7:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
You Are Mashed Potatoes
Ordinary, comforting, and more than a little predictable
You're the glue that holds everyone together.
Blog EntryNov 20, '08 7:02 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Your Native American Name Is...
Sooleawa Sheshebens

Your name means: Silver Small Duck
Blog EntryNov 20, '08 6:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
What Your Home Says About You
You don't come across as very intellectual or serious. You seem like a bit of a goofball.

Your hygiene is passable, but you may be hiding some dirty secrets.

You are a very domestic person. You enjoy decorating, cooking, and making things homey.

You are a very nurturing person. You find meaning in taking care of others.

You don't feel settled in your life yet. You are scrambling to figure things out.

You are a very self sufficient person. You can get along well without much help.

Your friends see you as honest, humble, and responsible.
Blog EntryNov 19, '08 7:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Sammy Jo has been selected by her school to be tested for a gifted program. Her last TCAP scores show her to be above her grade level.
Blog EntryNov 18, '08 8:44 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I purchased a new GM car earlier this year. It is a very good car and gets 32 miles to a gallon. Today I received this email from GM. I totally agree with what the BIG 3 are asking for from the government. Which is a loan that will be repaid. If they are allowed to go under, it will effect the whole country. Millions of people work for the auto industry. Not just making cars, but making parts for cars. Like tires, wheels, gaskets, hoses, window glass, etc. My daughter was recently laid off from a factory that makes parts for cars & trucks. My brother is working for a factory that makes tires. Anyway the email asks us to send this to family & friends. So I am.
You made the right choice when you put your confidence in General Motors, and we appreciate your past support. I want to assure you that we are making our best vehicles ever, and we have exciting plans for the future. But we need your help now. Simply put, we need you to join us to let Congress know that a bridge loan to help U.S. automakers also helps strengthen the U.S. economy and preserve millions of American jobs.

Despite what you may be hearing, we are not asking Congress for a bailout but rather a loan that will be repaid.

The U.S. economy is at a crossroads due to the worldwide credit crisis, and all Americans are feeling the effects of the worst economic downturn in 75 years. Despite our successful efforts to restructure, reduce costs and enhance liquidity, U.S. auto sales rely on access to credit, which is all but frozen through traditional channels.

The consequences of the domestic auto industry collapsing would far exceed the $25 billion loan needed to bridge the current crisis. According to a recent study by the Center for Automotive Research:

• One in 10 American jobs depends on U.S. automakers
• Nearly 3 million jobs are at immediate risk
• U.S. personal income could be reduced by $150 billion
• The tax revenue lost over 3 years would be more than $156 billion

Discussions are now underway in Washington, D.C., concerning loans to support U.S. carmakers. I am asking for your support in this vital effort by contacting your state representatives.

Please take a few minutes to go to
www.gmfactsandfiction.com, where we have made it easy for you to contact your U.S. senators and representatives. Just click on the "I'm a Concerned American" link under the "Mobilize Now" section, and enter your name and ZIP code to send a personalized e-mail stating your support for the U.S. automotive industry.

Let me assure you that General Motors has made dramatic improvements over the last 10 years. In fact, we are leading the industry with award-winning vehicles like the Chevrolet Malibu, Cadillac CTS, Buick Enclave, Pontiac G8, GMC Acadia, Chevy Tahoe Hybrid, Saturn AURA and more. We offer 18 models with an EPA estimated 30 MPG highway or better — more than Toyota or Honda. GM has 6 hybrids in market and 3 more by mid-2009. GM has closed the quality gap with the imports, and today we are putting our best quality vehicles on the road.

Please share this information with friends and family using the link on the site.

Thank you for helping keep our economy viable.


Troy Clarke

Here is the link from the site.
Follow directions in email.
Blog EntryNov 17, '08 4:53 PM
for Carealot's contacts
This month marks 1 year since I bought my mobile home. 1 year of payments, not 1 year of living in it. I have went through a lot of changes in the past year. Fighting to get the loan, trading the car for the property, tearing down the old house, waiting out the rain so the home could be set up, and then getting moved in a week before Christmas. So much stress I went through. Now a year has passed and I still have stress, but for different reasons. Some things never change.
I had a good day off. I baked cookies, did laundry, changed bed linens and some other household chores. Days off are so short.
Blog EntryNov 16, '08 7:00 PM
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It was cold and the wind of course was blowing hard, making it feel colder. I worked 8 3/4 hours today. I am tired and hurting all over from the cold. I hate winter and it actually isn't even winter yet. Had to fill up with gas after work. Paid $1.73 a gallon. Why is those pumps seem so slow when it is cold out?
Blog EntryNov 14, '08 7:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts

This is what I am going to feel like this weekend, lol
Blog EntryNov 13, '08 1:30 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I left for my doctor's appointment in plenty of time so as not to be late. I had never been there before and wanted to be able to find the place and not be late. I arrived and was promptly told that my appointment was canceled. A woman had come out a door and announced to all, that the doctor would not be there. The reason that was gave is that he suddenly had a kidney stone. I was upset, no I was angry. They had called yesterday to make sure that I was keeping my appointment. I had not received a call before I left the house. I drove 20 miles and then had to drive around looking for a parking spot. Then I had to walk and find the office inside the building. So with Brian behind me I walked out of the office. This woman shouted and asked if I wanted to reschedule. I said no and continued to walk away. Brian and I reached the elevator, only to be surprised by this woman who had chased us down. She was standing there holding the elevator door open, asking me for my name. Like I said I was angry, I just wanted to get out of there before I exploded. I told her that she didn't need my name and to please stop holding the door open. She kept insisting that she needed my name to take it off their books. I repeated what I had just said to her. After about 3 minutes of this crap, she finally let go of the door. When I left the office I had no intention of ever going back there again. A co-worker told me yesterday that her husband had been to see this doctor and that it had been a waste of time. She gave me another doctor's name & phone number. I was only keeping the appointment out of courtesy, which now I wish I had of canceled yesterday. I drove home and called the other doctor and now I have to wait 4 more weeks.
Blog EntryNov 12, '08 8:18 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha brought this little poem home from school. She has to learn it before the 20th. I thought it was cute.
Turkeys in the barnyard
Turkeys in the hay.
Turkeys running all around
On Thanksgiving Day.
The farmer tries to catch one -
The fattest is the "winner."
And sure enough, he ends up
As Thanksgiving dinner.
Blog EntryNov 11, '08 7:01 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Thank you Donald for serving this country. Thank God you were able to come home as you are my one and only brother. I am so sorry that your new wife wasn't as lucky. The pain you must have gone through, finding out that her bus had hit a land mine and there were no survivors. Far away in a foreign country all alone at a time like that. I am angry that when you did come home that some American people spit at you and called you names. When all you did was serve your country, even though you were the only son. I am sorry that for years afterwards, you were unable to watch & hear a fireworks display. Your nightmares that I heard in the night will stay with me for the rest of my life. As will your sleepwalking, thinking you were on night watch. I am happy that you finally were able to go see the Vietnam Memorial wall and pay your respects to the firends that you lost. I am glad that they are finally calling it a war and are giving respect to the ones that fought there. That respect was long over due. It was bad enough that you and all the other ones had to go and fight, but the treatment that you received when you were able to make it home alive was unthinkable. Thank you Donald and all the other soldiers that have fought so I can have the freedom that I have today. God bless you all.
Blog EntryNov 10, '08 10:19 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Work was very slow today. I only had 3 rooms. I swept the parking lot for 1 3/4 hours just to get some more time in. I overheard my boss telling one of my co-workers that we had better take advantage of whatever work we have because she might have have to put all of us down to 4 days a week. This was very upsetting for me. I think that before she puts all of us down to 4 days a week, she should lay off some of the newer ones. I don't even know why she hired the last 3, when we have been slow for the most part for a long time now. Personally, I can't afford a 4 day work week. As it is I am already getting less than a 4 day work week in hours, most weeks. That is working 5 days even. If one of those days was taken away I wouldn't be able to make it. I am not sure what her thinking on this is. I hate to think that I may have to try and find another job somewhere. Things are not looking up for me.
Blog EntryNov 9, '08 3:33 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Well our gas price is at $1.76 today. It has been at that price for about 3 days now. I keep wondering if it will keep going down. I would like to see another $1.00 come off of it. Wishful thinking I am sure, lol. I spent most of my morning and part of the afternoon helping my daughter try and file her weekly certification for unemployment. We live in a county where it has to be done either by phone or the internet. We have a local office but they don't do much at it. Like I said we tried to get it done, but had no luck. The phone was no good because it just kept giving us a recorded message, that didn't give us a number to push for weekly certifications. We also tried the internet and kept getting error messages, time & time again. This afternoon, we finally got to the page that we needed, but it didn't have the right calendar dates on it. When we tried to fill it out anyway, it came up with a page that said she had worked that week. So we had to redo that page and say that she had worked that week. Then we got a page that said she wasn't eligible because she made too much money. Like we didn't know any of this!!! We printed that page out. We tried once again to weekly certify, but we couldn't get that page back up. We thought that maybe if we tried again, that it would have the right calendar dates on it. So now my daughter will have to go to the local office and take the page that we printed out to them, and ask them what in the hell is going on? This is just one more example of taking someone's job away to save money in a budget. Problem being the system sucks, causing more problems for people. As if they don't have enough to worry about with being laid off and all, then they have to go through this bull to try and get a little unemployment money. It was so much easier when all you had to do was go to the local office and they filed it for you, but that meant having to pay someone to do the job. I baked 3 different kinds of cookies this afternoon, and I ate a few of them, lol. The temperature has dropped here. The high will only be like 50 today. When I went to the store to buy the girls the DVD of Kung Fu Panda that I had promised them, it was only 41 degrees. I hate the thought of having to work tomorrow in the cold. Thursday will be my next day off and I have an appointment with a dermatologist, to see if he can help my psoriasis any. It is driving me nuts and getting worse. Why do the weekends that I have off go by so fast?
Blog EntryNov 8, '08 9:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts
What Your Love of Twix Says About You
You are a generous and caring person. You are soft hearted.
You're the type who needs a partner. You just don't feel right on your own.

You are more fragile than outward appearances would suggest.
You tend to be a pushover. You are very sensitive and easy to break.
Blog EntryNov 8, '08 9:08 PM
for Carealot's contacts
You Should Be Allowed to Vote
You got 14/15 questions correct.
Generally speaking, you're very well informed.

If you vote this election, you'll know exactly who (and what) you'll be voting for.
You're likely to have strong opinions, and you have the facts to back them up.
Compose Entry
Blog EntryNov 8, '08 9:05 PM
for Carealot's contacts
You Should Live in a Red State
Your preferences are 70% Red, 30% Blue
You may not vote Republican, but you feel comfortable around people who do.

You tend to do best in redder states - like Texas and Tennessee.
You are down to earth and unpretentious. You respect a hard day's work.
Blog EntryNov 8, '08 8:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
We Predict You Voted For Obama
We're 65% sure you voted for Obama.
You seem to fit the profile of a typical Obama voter.

We're not saying you should have (or shouldn't have) voted for him.
But if we had to place a bet, we'd guess you voted Obama this year.
Blog EntryNov 6, '08 7:34 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Use your Do Not Disturb card if you don't want to be disturbed. Don't yell at the housekeeper for knocking on your door to see if you want service.
If you are in the room use the safety latch. The housekeeper's key will not work if the latch is on. This will save everyone the embarrassment of the housekeeper walking in on you while you are standing there naked or doing other such things that should be kept private.
Blog EntryNov 5, '08 8:37 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have been asked by a very special friend who I voted for in the election. For this reason & this reason only I am telling. If you read my last blog you know what I went through coming to this decision. I am a registered Democrat and I voted for Hillary in the primary. As you know she lost. So I started getting all the information I could on the 2 major candidates. I found out some very disturbing facts about Senator, now President-elect Obama. Things that I am sure everyone has heard by now. These facts were very disturbing to me. Facts that kept me awake at night. The fact that more people were not disturbed by them made me even more disturbed. There were also issues that Senator McCain and I didn't agree on. Like I said, I struggled a lot coming to a decision. Finally, in the end I made a decision that I felt I could live with and I voted for Senator McCain.
Blog EntryNov 3, '08 7:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Election day is not what it was years ago. I say this because now so many states have early voting. Many people have already voted in this election. I heard on the news that 50% of the registered voters in this state (Tennessee) have early voted. I have always been afraid if I early voted, that I would find out something that I had missed after I had placed my vote. I have really struggled with selecting a candidate to vote for in this election. I have watched all the different news channels, and I have read countless articles to come to a decision. I feel like that is all I have been doing, breathing & eating politics. I have learned more about politics than I have ever known in my entire life. I feel like I can now go to the polls tomorrow and vote for a candidate. Whoever wins as President Of The United States is going to have his hands full. Also 50% of Americans are not going to be happy. I also think that this election, more than any other has pulled this country apart to a point that I don't know if it will ever get back together again. Only time will give me that answer.
Blog EntryNov 2, '08 7:52 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tis the season for lady bugs. They are everywhere! We can't open the door without a bunch of them flying in. They also like to bombard me when I go outside. Then they hitch a ride into the house by landing all over me, lol
Blog EntryNov 1, '08 7:30 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It is once again time to change our clocks back. At least I will get an extra hour of sleep tonight.
Growing up I loved watching Bewitched. I wanted to be a witch so bad, lol. I wanted to name my daughter Tabitha, after the Tabitha on the show. However my mom threw a big hissy fit over it, said that I had better not name my baby after a witch. To make my mom happy, I didn't. Then when my daughter was trying to find a name for her first child, I suggested of course, Tabitha. The father of the child said that there was already a Tabitha in his family and said no. Then I said well why not Samantha then. My daughter said she couldn't think of a middle name to go with it. I said Jo was perfect, and she can also be called Sammy Jo. My daughter liked this and so it became. Then a couple of years later my daughter was having another child. The name thing came up again. Of course I suggested Tabitha once again. My daughter agreed and so I finally had my Tabitha Ann. I got both first names from the Bewitched TV show. Funny how the last 2 years at Halloween, Sammy Jo has wanted to be a witch, and last year so did Tabitha, lol. Also sometimes I think that Sammy Jo has a sixth sense. She knows things sometimes when there is no way she should. Example, when she was 3 she told me she wanted to go to Wal-Mart and ride the Elmo ride. I told her that it wasn't at Wal-Mart, that it was at Toys R Us that she had rode it. She kept telling me that it was at Wal-Mart too. To make a long story short, she got me so frustrated that I drove her to Wal-Mart to prove to her that it wasn't there. In the end it was her that was proving it to me that it was there. There was no way that she could have known it was there. It wasn't there when we had went before. This is just one example of some of the things she does. Strange but true.
Blog EntryOct 31, '08 8:20 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My daughter got the news this morning that we have been dreading for a while now. She has been laid off her job. I don't think she will be called back either. She was working at a factory that makes parts for trucks. Then there is the fact that she was hurt on the job, when she dislocated her shoulder. Her shoulder is not what it was and probably never will be again. They released her from therapy and basically the doctor did too. They only had her up to being able to lift 5 pounds with that arm, but released her anyway. Then last week the doctor put her back to full duty, most likely because the factory told him to do so. Those workman comp. doctors do as they are told. Then today she is laid off. She has to go back to the doctor next month. He told her that he was releasing her to full duty for a trial period of 4 weeks, then he wanted to see her back in his office to see how her arm was doing. At which time he would fully release her and give her a rating on her arm for workmans comp. Yea right! How is he to know how her arm is when now she isn't working with it. Besides that her arm has been killing her while she was working. Not sure what the future will bring for all of this, but for sure she will be seeing a lawyer since the factory didn't come to her with a workman's comp offer. We have done been down this road once before with Brian. Christmas doesn't look like it will be merry.
Blog EntryOct 31, '08 8:03 PM
for Carealot's contacts

My little witch & pirate. I decided not to go with them to trick or treat since I am sick and still have a sore throat. They are out trick or treating now.
Blog EntryOct 30, '08 7:26 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Here is the little bit of Halloween decorations that I have this year. Nothing compared to what I had in town. The girls pumpkins that their mom carved for them are in the pictures, after the frost got to them.
Blog EntryOct 29, '08 8:23 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have caught a cold. I was hoping so much that I wouldn't, but I have. Throat got sore last night and today my nose is trying to run away from me. Good news is tomorrow is my day off. Also get to sleep in!!! Girls have no school, yay!
Blog EntryOct 28, '08 7:28 PM
for Carealot's contacts

If you look very close you should see 2 deer munching on acorns. I have no zoom on my camera, wish I did. There are more in the trees, but you can't see them. We counted 6 of them all together.
Blog EntryOct 27, '08 8:10 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It was Sammy Jo's turn to get sick last night. I think she just ate too many carrots at supper, cause she wasn't running a temp. This morning she was fine and went to school. I on the other hand spent half the night cleaning up after her sick stomach. Poor child didn't make it down the bunkbed and into the bathroom and left me a trail to clean. So as a result I am very tired tonight cause of lack of sleep. I am glad that we didn't have a busy day at work and I got off early. I still have loads of laundry to do or otherwise I would already be in bed. The girls only have one more day of school this week. Fall break starts Wednesday. Brian had doctor's appt. today, my daughter took him. He has ear & sinus infection. The doctor gave him medicine. I am surrounded by sickness at work and at home. I just keep praying that I don't catch any of it. Yup, it's going to be a long winter, it's only October. Cold here this morning, 37 degrees. Only made it to 52 this afternoon. Tonight going down to about 28. Good thing I have a new winter coat, I am going to need it.
Blog EntryOct 26, '08 4:45 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Went and bought a winter coat today. I need a new one because the bleach at work ate through my sleeve on the coat I bought 2 years ago. This time around I guess I am going to have to take it off when we clean the convention centers. That is how I got the bleach on it. We have to use bleach to clean the tables and I never knew that I was dragging my coat sleeve through it. I have always left my coat on when we clean the convention centers because it is cold in them. They keep the thermostat turned down low when they are not in use.
I cooked breakfast and gave Benji his bath. Walked the property and my pot roast is done and waiting for supper, which is coming up fast. So I did manage to get everything done this weekend.
Blog EntryOct 25, '08 9:43 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It was so good to sleep in this morning. Gave me lots of energy to do all of this.
Went and did my grocery shopping, bought long sleeve shirts for the girls too. This took all morning, got home just in time to get the girls their lunch. While they ate, I made some of those Betty Crocker Warm Delights desserts. The girls loved them and they were very easy to make. I also baked 2 packages of Pillsbury Holiday Halloween cookies, a package of Betty Crocker Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies, and a box of Betty Crocker blueberry muffin mix. I made it into a loaf of bread. I finished laundry once again and managed to sort through the girls clothes, taking out the summer ones. Ran back to the store cause I forgot the carrots for tomorrow's pot roast. Cooked supper on the grill, pork chops. Now I am all tired once again, lol.
Plans for tomorrow.
Sleep in again. Cook a big breakfast. Walk the property to see how much Brian has gotten done with the weeds, etc. Give Benji a bath. Cook the pot roast, and hopefully get a little more rest than I did today, lol.
Brian saw about 30 deer in our backyard the other day. It is hunting season, I wonder if they know they are safe here? Or they are just coming for all the acorns, which they are eating a lot of.
Blog EntryOct 24, '08 9:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am so happy it is finally here. I have had a very busy week at work. I had 11 rooms today, all but 2 of them were checkouts. Only one of them was my own room, the others were a co-workers. I hate cleaning others rooms, I feel like I am a fish out of water in them. I am beat tonight and so looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow. Tabitha is feeling a little better. Sammy Jo won a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut's Book It program. Of course we had to go to Pizza Hut for supper tonight. She also got straight A's on her report card. Tabitha's report card didn't have letter grades on it for the first 9 weeks, but she did get all satisfactorys. There was a note also on her's that said she had weak progress on handwriting. This is due to her broken elbow earlier this year. I pray that she is able to get better with this. Wishing all a great weekend. I think I am going shopping tomorrow for some long sleeves shirts for the girls.
Blog EntryOct 23, '08 8:11 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha is sick. I had to keep her home from school today so her mom could take her to the doctor. She was running a temp of 101.5 and pukeing. The doctor said she has ear & sinus infection. Gave her medicines and she can go back to school tomorrow.
As for my day it was hard, had all 12 rooms and all were checkouts. I can tell that winter is near, my hands are cracking and bleeding already. One more day until my weekend, yay!!
Blog EntryOct 23, '08 7:58 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Sorry this is gross.
Do not s..t in the bathtub!!!!
Happened today, but thankfully wasn't my room, although I have had it happen in my rooms before.
Blog EntryOct 22, '08 8:39 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My day at work started out to be an easy one. That is for about 30 minutes. I had 11 of my 12 rooms. 3 of them were check outs, the rest were to be stayovers. I only had 1 room gone first thing this morning. Then I had to wait to get into the others. The other 2 checkouts hadn't left yet and we can't go into stayovers until 10:00. So I had to go help someone in their rooms. Around 9:30 I finally got into another room of mine. Our first break is at 10:00, this is when I found out that 4 of my stayovers would checkout at 12:00. I seen my day getting longer by the minute. Then I ran my cart into the balcony railing and my caddy, that is filled with all the bottles of shampoo, lotion, soaps, etc, fell off the cart, spilling all the contents all over the place. This was a big mess I had to pick up. I hate when this happens. I managed to make it through the rest of the day without anymore trouble, thankfully. Tired and exhausted I made it home to fix supper, chili. Helped the girls with homework & started laundry. Speaking of laundry it is waiting on me to finish it. 2 more days and counting until my weekend off. Boy how I need one too!!!
Blog EntryOct 19, '08 7:11 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Not sure how I could forget this one on my list, but I must add it now.
Flush the toliet.

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