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Blog EntryOct 18, '08 10:22 PM
for Carealot's contacts
To the contrary of popular belief, hotel housekeepers are not personal maids. We clean the room & make beds. We do not pick up dirty socks, dirty underwear, etc. So below you will find a list of things to become a better hotel guest.
1. Do not leave dirty clothes all over floor. It makes it hard to vacuum.
2. Do not leave shoes all over floor. See reason above.
3. Do not leave dirty or clean clothes laying all over the beds. It makes it hard to make up bed.
4. Do not leave suitcases on beds. See reason above.
5. Do use the closet & the drawers.
6. There is something to be said for traveling light, but if it is necessary to bring loads of items, then at least keep them organized and not thrown all over the place. Makes it hard to clean.
7. Do put toothbrushes in something, even a cup will do. Do not leave them laying all over the sinks. Makes it hard to clean, not to mention they might end up with cleaning chemicals on them.
8. After brushing teeth, rinse toothpaste out of sinks. Leaving it in the sinks is just disgusting.
9. Throw trash in trash can, not all over floor. Just plain ridiculous
10. After using shower, leave shower curtain spread out and on inside of bathtub. If it is placed on outside of bathtub, it drips water all over floor and makes floor dangerous.
11. After using bathtub, drain the bath water. Disgusting.
12. If a purse or wallet must be left inside room, do not leave on bed. Put in closet or drawer. Housekeeper must leave room and get supervisor to watch while room is being cleaned.
13. If something spills, do try to wipe it up. Liquids left on wooden furniture ruins it.
14. Do not fry fish in room. Think this is self explanatory.
15. Leave pets at home or with someone who can take care of them. Some people are allergic to animals and it is very hard to get up all traces of pets.
I have several more but they are really gross, so I will leave them out.
Blog EntryOct 17, '08 9:03 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The girl's school had their fall festival tonight. They went with their mom and played games and ate. While they were gone, I went to store to pick up the things that I forgot last night. I wouldn't swear that I still didn't forget something, but I have spent & spent, so I am done. I bought meat while it was on sale. The girls enjoyed the fall festival. Last year, because we moved, they missed Supper with Santa at their last school and their new school had already had the fall festival. I felt bad because they had missed them both. My weekend to work so wishing you all a good weekend.
Blog EntryOct 16, '08 7:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
When I put the new batteries in my camera, I found this picture of a sunset that I took before my batteries went dead. I had forgotten about it.
Blog EntryOct 16, '08 7:35 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It rained most of the day, no sun, just dark rain clouds. The temp has also dropped and oh how cold the wind was. I remembered to buy the batteries and also got the girls their Halloween costumes. Sammy Jo will be a witch again this year. Tabitha chose a pirate costume. I did however forget a whole bunch of other things that I needed to buy, so it's back to the store tomorrow night, lol.
Blog EntryOct 14, '08 6:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Don't forget to buy batteries for camera so you can take pictures of Halloween stuff in front yard and of the girls dressed up in Halloween costumes, dummy. LOL
Blog EntryOct 14, '08 6:52 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Today was another short day at work, only 5 3/4 hours. Didn't really mind though, considering I was not 100%. I think my supper last night didn't agree with me. I ended up talking to the tidy bowl man. I guess that will teach me to mix sausage gravy & biscuits with spaghetti. So today I was still not feeling all that great. Not to mention the backache that I have had for 2 days. Whatever was wrong with my back seems to be alright tonight. I made supper, helped the girls with homework, and baked cookies & still in the process of doing laundry. Does laundry ever really end? LOL
Blog EntryOct 13, '08 7:14 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The weekend is over and it went too fast. I am already looking forward to my next weekend off October 25 & 26. Seems so far away. A new week has started and before I know it, it will be gone too. Passing time flies.
Blog EntryOct 12, '08 8:36 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryOct 12, '08 1:23 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Yesterday I had to do housework. Sammy Jo asked me if she could help me so I had more time to rest. I knew in my mind that if she helped me it would take me longer to finish, but how could I say no to her. So I told her she could help me. I am very proud of her, she did a marvelous job. Of course I had to show her what to do and how to do it, but she did a good job. She even wanted to learn how to clean the toliet. So I put rubber gloves on her and showed her how and then she cleaned the one in the girls bathroom. Not to mention their bathtub/shower & sink. Looks like there is hope for her to become a good housekeeper. My daughter never wanted to help me and it would spark trouble when I made her help.
Blog EntryOct 12, '08 12:13 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryOct 12, '08 11:49 AM
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Blog EntryOct 10, '08 8:26 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It seems to take forever to get here and then it seems to go by so fast. Having only every other weekend off is hard and I am so happy when my weekend off comes. Not that I ever go do anything special, but I do get to sleep in a bit. Tomorrow I have very overdue housework to take care of, no matter if I want to or not. It must be done!!!
Blog EntryOct 9, '08 7:55 PM
for Carealot's contacts

The top picture is a sketch that my daughter did. I scanned it into my computer, hoping that I would be able to add some color to it in my Paint Shop Pro. Not sure why, but the only colors it would give me was black, white & gray. So I decided to try some of my filters in Paint Shop Pro on it. The bottom picture is what I did. I printed it on glossy paper and gave it to my daughter. I have always thought that my daughter could draw very well. I tried to get her to take art classes and maybe do something with it, maybe make something out of her life with it, but she never did. I still tell her that she should have.
Blog EntryOct 8, '08 8:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Same ole crap here. Not enough hours at work, only able to work 4 1/2 today. Still not in the mood to do housework, but know that I am going to have to come Saturday, my weekend off. Rained yesterday, we needed it. Trying to sort the spin on the presidential candidates, election coming up fast. So much to think about. Tax increases, tax cuts, which really aren't tax cuts. Terrorists, crooks, voting fraud, health care, economy, war, and the list goes on and on.
Blog EntryOct 5, '08 8:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Today the farmer came with his combine to the field across the road. Time to bring in the soy beans. It has been a very dry season. The poor farmer had a bad day, his combine broke down. Wheel locked up and caught on fire. He came to our house and asked Brian for some water to put it out. They carried coolers full of water across the road into the field to put it out. After I came home from work, the farmer and others came to look at the combine to try and get it fixed. The farmer came to our door and gave us his phone # in case it caught on fire again. He said that they had gotten the wheel to move again, but he is so worried about it catching fire. It is so dry and all.
Blog EntryOct 4, '08 7:18 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am alright, just tired, maybe a little depressed too. Tired of not getting as many hours as I need at work to make the bills. Then when I do get a few more hours, tired of having to rush to finish. Tired of high gas & food prices. Tired of trying to do everything. Tired of trying to get everything I need at store and not being able to. Just plain tired.
Blog EntrySep 29, '08 7:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I enjoyed my weekend off. I didn't do anything either day, just cooked. I have to save my gas to get back & forth to work so I didn't even leave my house for 2 days. Went to work today and that was a bust too. Only able to get 4 hours in. Almost didn't pay me to go to work. My life is becoming very depressing.
Blog EntrySep 28, '08 12:18 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I found this test while I was surfing political sites today. I found it very interesting, hope you do too.
Blog EntrySep 27, '08 12:13 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A friend of mine from an old PSP group I was in, sent me this link to these pictures. They take your breath away. So much more up close and personal than what was seen on the news. There are 4 pages of them and they are heartbreaking.
Blog EntrySep 24, '08 7:18 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The circus will be here tomorrow. I take the girls every year. I am going to try my best to take some pictures this year. Only 2 more days of work and then I can sleep in!! :)

Blog EntrySep 22, '08 9:07 PM
for Carealot's contacts
On the way to take Brian to doctor's this morning, we came upon an accident. There were rescue squads, fire trucks, and state troopers everywhere. We have a lot of hills and curves around here. This particular curve is very sharp, speed limit of 20 mph. We seen a semi truck that had rolled over. It was completely upside down. I do not know if the driver was alright. Maybe someone at work tomorrow will know. Seeing that reminded me of our close call last weekend with a semi truck. Brian got his stitches removed and the spider bite is ok now, so says the doc. My daughter received a scary voice mail on her cell phone Saturday night. The number was restricted, but we think it came from her ex-boyfriend. Seems he has been bothering her on her cell phone. The message that was left was a disguised voice saying " I am going to get you" We tried to find out who called by calling Verizon this afternoon, but they couldn't help. The message has my daughter spooked and me as well. Her ex boyfriend had been texting her Saturday night, and has been doing so on and off. So I texted him back. I told him that the phone was no longer my daughter's and please stop calling. He once again texted back saying that he hadn't called. So I texted him back again and said that I was getting text messages from this number. Please quit. He then texted back saying, then this must be Mary, ok I will not call again. I texted him back and said thank you. She received the scary message before I did the texting. He has not called since. My daughter is worried that he may try something and frankly so am I. I gave her a baseball bat to carry, but I think I am going to turn our porch light on around the time she leaves for work at night. We have 2 security lights on our property, but they light up the backyard, not really the front. I also told her if he tries anything on the road, to floor the truck. With the motor we have in it, she can get away from him and get to the gas station in town. While she is doing that to call 911. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Blog EntrySep 21, '08 8:49 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am so happy that this weekend is over. As you know we had plans on taking the girls to Chuck E Cheese yesterday for Tabitha's birthday celebration. Since we have been slow at work, I thought there would be no problem with going after I was off work. I figured that I would have been home by at least 3:00. Well that should teach me about thinking! I arrived at work yesterday morning to find 2 buses sitting in the parking lot. I read the name on the buses, they were college buses. This meant only one thing, we had a college ball team!! I should have known that the one day I really needed to get off work early, I wouldn't. Yep we had a college ball team alright and they didn't check out until 11:00. I had 11 rooms of them, all double beds, that's 22 beds! Well I worked my butt off and we finally got through at 4:45. Then of course it had to rain on me all the way to Chuck E Cheese and since it was so late, it was dark of course by the time we left to come home. I hate driving at night. Well the kids had fun and so did I even though I was so tired I could barely walk. By the time we made it home last night, had cake & ice cream, and Tabitha opened up her presents, it was 1:00 AM before I made it to bed. I got 5 hours of sleep before I had to get up and go into work early this morning. It was my turn to do the front desk bathrooms. I also had to clean the Skyvue room where they had a wedding there yesterday. Then it was time for us to go clean the convention center and after that we had to go clean 2 limos. Thank goodness I only had 5 rooms to clean today. My legs were so tired today that I could barely climb the stairs, but I made it through all of this and got off of work at 3:30. Threw some chicken nuggets in the microwave and warmed up some veggies and called it supper. I can't wait till next weekend to get here so I can sleep in a little, LOL There I go, wishing my life away.
Blog EntrySep 19, '08 9:33 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Inspector came today. We passed, but didn't get another outstanding. We didn't have the new uniforms. Reason being the owner doesn't want to buy them. Times are tough, I guess. I heard on the news today that the whole city of Nashville is out of gas. Our gas price came down to $3.85 today. It had been $3.99. I baked Tabitha's birthday cake tonight. Tomorrow after work we go to Chuck E Cheese. I dread the thought of having to use up my gas to get there, but Sammy Jo went there for her birthday so it is only fair that Tabitha gets to go there too. It takes 1 1/2 hours to get there. The price I pay for living in the sticks. I have to be at work early come Sunday morning so I may not be back on until Monday, so enjoy your weekend everyone. :)
Blog EntrySep 18, '08 8:22 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Between being busy at work due to hotel inspector coming and taking care of housework, I haven't been on. Had the day off today. I was really excited about having today off because the inspector was to come today. There is so much tension when inspector is there. Well my joy didn't last long today. I received a phone call from my boss this morning. She was calling to let me know that the inspector didn't show today and that I needed to wear our special name tag for tomorrow. So looks like I didn't miss inspection afer all. GRRR! I spent my day off doing all of my housework that I had planned on doing last Sunday, before we lost power. The rest of it was spent birthday shopping. My weekend to work also. Hope I get off a little early on Saturday so we are not rushed at Chuck E Cheese for Tabitha's birthday celebration. I am baking her cake tomorrow night. Have a great weekend everyone. :)
Blog EntrySep 16, '08 7:40 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Today is Tabitha's birthday. She turned the big 6. We will celebrate her birthday Saturday after I get off of work. Taking her to Chuck E. Cheese. Her mom took cookies to school for her birthday treat today. Growing like a weed she is. Seems just like yesterday I was changing her diapers and feeding her with a bottle. Where do the years go? Happy Birthday, Tabitha!!
Blog EntrySep 15, '08 7:47 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The remnants of Hurricane Ike reached us early yesterday morning. It arrived as a tropical storm. We only got spit on by the rain, the wind was another matter. We lost power at 8:00 am and 13 hours later they had it back on. The wind split trees, knocked them down into electric poles and lines. Half of our county lost power. After the near miss with the semi truck on Saturday, I was not feeling well at all. So I didn't get anything done that I needed to. I put it off for Sunday. Well Ike decided that I didn't need to do anything that day either, lol. I had no power or water, so I didn't get the laundry, dishes, or any housecleaning done. I had to cook supper on the grill. That will teach me to procrastinate, lol.
Blog EntrySep 13, '08 1:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
On our way home from the store this morning, we were almost rearended by a semi-truck. I was getting ready to turn into the store where I buy my cigarettes. I had my turn signal on, but the truck driver wasn't paying attention. The next thing I know is Brian is telling me that he(the truck) is going to hit us. At first I said no he isn't. Brian yelled, yes he is too! I said @#%&*. I just crammed the steering wheel to the right and pushed the gas to the floor and turned into the parking lot of the store. I wasn't all the way to the entrance yet so the ride was a little bumpy. Meanwhile, the truck driver had his wheels locked up and was swerving to the point that he was almost jack knived, and had swerved into the other lane. Luckily there wasn't a car coming from the other direction. The truck left a lot of skid marks on the payment. I parked my car in front of the store, I was fine until I got out of the car. That is when it hit me. My legs turned to jelly, I managed to walk into the store but by the time I went in, I was shaking badly. I bought my cigarettes and left. When I returned to my car, I just sat there for a few minutes trying to stop shaking. Brian was talking to a woman that happened to live across the road. She had seen the whole thing. She was telling us that they have a lot of accidents there and that they are trying to get a flashing caution light put up. This road is a 2 lane road with a speed limit of 55. The truck had been on my bumper for miles. Brian said that if he had hit us we would have most likely died or if we had survived we would have been in very bad shape. I am still upset and sick to my stomach.
Blog EntrySep 12, '08 8:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Price of gas is skyrocketing again. Worse than ever. The station in town has raised the price 3 times in the last 24 hours. May have raised it again by now, I haven't been by there since I came home from work. Am I missing something here, because I do not understand why they are raising the price for gas that they already have in their underground tanks?
Blog EntrySep 10, '08 6:36 PM
for Carealot's contacts
In memory of those who lost their lives 9/11/01
Blog EntrySep 8, '08 7:20 PM
for Carealot's contacts

Miss Hootie has blue eyes like this cat.
Blog EntrySep 6, '08 9:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
What Your Back to School Personality Says About You
You are fairly driven, but the big win always seems a bit beyond your reach. You lack intense passion.

You are most likely to succeed if you follow a proven path to success. You don't mind putting in long hours to achieve your goal.

Your greatest skill is making something out of nothing. You don't need much to feel inspired.

Your biggest stumbling block in life is your lack of self confidence. You are a lot more capable than you give yourself credit for.

You're not quite sure what you're thankful for in life, it doesn't seem like there's a lot to be thankful for these days.
Blog EntrySep 6, '08 9:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
You Are Canada
You are a very tolerant person. You appreciate diversity and consider yourself a multiculturalist.
You are also very community oriented. You think it's important to help those around you have a better life.

You're uniquely you. You have been able to resist bad influences and stay true to yourself.
You are usually confident in who you are, but occasionally you have a little inferiority complex.
Blog EntrySep 6, '08 9:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Your Issue Profile: 32% Obama, 68% McCain
When it gets down to it, you tend to best match John McCain.
But he's not the perfect candidate for you, and you may not be sold on him yet.

Obama shares a good number of your views too, so you might want to give him a second look.
It all comes down to which issues matter to you the most.
Blog EntrySep 4, '08 8:50 AM
for Carealot's contacts
Growing up I watched & listened to Jerry Reed play his guitar and sing. I seen him in Smokey & the Bandit too. He also did a lot for the veterans and will be sadly missed. Rest in peace Jerry Reed.
Blog EntrySep 2, '08 6:58 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I wish I were rich so I could buy my daughter a car. I wish I were rich so my daughter didn't have to work in a factory and get hurt. I wish I were rich so my granddaughters could have a better life than I have had. I wish I were rich so I didn't have to work my life away and would have more time to spend with the girls. I wish I were rich so I could pay off all my bills. I wish I were rich so I wouldn't have to worry how much I was buying at the store. I wish I were rich so I could feed the hungry. I wish I were rich so I could travel the U.S. and see things I have always wanted to. If wishes were worth anything I would be rich!
Blog EntrySep 1, '08 6:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I heard on the news on way to work, that our state of Tennessee had 4000-5000 of the evacuees. 1500 in Nashville, 500 in Jackson, and the rest of them in Memphis. They had asked our county if we could take any. Several churches reported that they had room for 190. The hotel has several rooms of people from LA. I have 2 woman in one of my rooms. They seemed to be taking it stride, watching what was happening to Baton Rouge, which is where they are from. Very nice woman and my heart went out to them. I can't imagine what they are going through. Having to leave their home like they have done. They were talking about how they hoped that looters stayed away. When I arrived home I seen that Gustov ended up not being as bad as they had thought it would be. Thankfully, but still it is bad.
Blog EntryAug 31, '08 6:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My prayers go out for those who are being evacuated due to the hurricane Gustov. And for the few stubborn ones that will not leave. May God be with them and keep them safe.
Blog EntryAug 30, '08 12:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I was rudely woken up by a pain in my shoulder several times during the night. The pain was as bad as when I had first fallen and hurt my shoulder. It was a rough night and I was glad that I didn't have to get up and go to work. My shoulder has popped twice since I have been up and about today. Feels better.
Blog EntryAug 29, '08 8:39 PM
for Carealot's contacts
John McCain had the balls to do what Obama didn't. Chose a woman for VP. Congrats to him! I watched part of the Democrat convention and felt like throwing up when Hillary made her speech praising Obama, saying that he was so terrific. Seems like not to long ago, she was saying how terrible he was. To me that is a hipocrite. I voted for Hillary and I really wanted her to win (in my eyes she did, but they say no). Then to see her do this and release her delegates to him just made me sick. Hell he never even considered her for the VP. Too bad she didn't change parties, I heard that McCain would have taken her for VP if she had switched. She stayed true to her party, but I ask why? What did they do for you? Stabbed you in the back is what I seen. Then I watched some of Obama's speech. More like a rock concert to me. He acts like he is God or at least some big star. Then there is his wife, I kept watching her face while Hillary gave her speech. if looks could kill, Hillary would be dead. Guess she didn't like everything that Hillary said, LOL It was to be Obama's night and Hillary talked about a lot of what happened while she was campaigning. Also I noticed a lot of Hillary signs and that there were a lot of people still wanting her to be the nominee. I think it is a shame that she isn't.
Blog EntryAug 28, '08 9:03 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Just one more day, only one more day. You can do it Mary, just one more day. Get thru tomorrow and then you get to sleep in a little and God knows you need more sleep especially after getting up at 4:15 the other day. Just one more day.

Blog EntryAug 27, '08 9:55 PM
for Carealot's contacts
She was unable to make the whole night of work last night. She had not had very much sleep as you can imagine. She was shot up with pain killers and then knocked out for the procedure of having her shoulder put back into place. Then she had taken a pain pill that they gave her when we got home. She went to work and by 2:15 AM which is her lunch time, she was hurting bad again and had to take another pain pill. By 4:15AM she was ready to fall down on the job, so she called me to come get her. I have been up since that time and I am very tired myself. The compnay safety guy that was at the hospital with us yesterday, called her this afternoon, late. Told her to go to the bone specialist's office and get a different pain pill, one that wouldn't make her drowsy, so she could work. So I drove her there, since she had just taken a pain pill. When we got there, they tried to give her a pain pill that makes her very sick. She told them that she couldn't take it. It is because it is like codiene. So they went and got a different one. Darveset, she didn't even bother to tell them that it is basically the same crap and will do the same thing, make her very sick. So we left and came back home. She said that she was going to try and get by with just Tylenol. She has just left for work and I hope that she will be alright.
Blog EntryAug 26, '08 7:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have had a very unpleasant day to say the least. It started out as a normal work day,with me going to work. I had barely clocked in when, I was told that my daughter was here and she was hurt. I was upstairs getting my cart out of the storage room, upon hearing this I took off running down the stairs. I found my daughter sitting at the picnic table, where we take our breaks, in so much pain she was in tears. I asked her what had happened and why she was hurt. She had been reaching into a big 4X4X4 box of scrap and fell in, landed on her shoulder. She was unable to move her arm and it was getting numb. She told me that they had filled out an accident report. I asked why didn't they take her to the ER. She said that they told her her to wait for a phone call to tell her what time her doctor's appt. was. I know my daughter and I knew that she was in a lot of pain, more than she could handle. I told her to call the plant. She dialed the number and gave me the phone. I explained who I was and that she had been hurt at work, how they told her to wait for a call for an appt. I also said I didn't know why she wasn't taken to the ER to be looked at when the accident was reported, right there and then. I was told that they had a 1:30 appt time for her to see a bone specialist. I said, what? are you crazy? there is no way that she can wait that long to be seen by a doctor. I told them she can't lift her arm and it is going numb. They put me on hold so they could find out if they could get her in at an earlier time. I kept asking them why can't she just go to the ER now. I was told because it would be better for her to see a bone specialist. At this point they told me that they would call us back in a few minutes. In the meantime, my boss asked me where my daughter worked, I told her. She told me to talk to this man that was standing next to her. As it turned out, the man was a UAW member, which is my daughter's union. He asked me what was going on, I explained a little to him and then told him, let me get my daughter. It was all explained and the man got on his cell phone and called another union member who talked to my daughter on the phone. Well a few minutes later, they called my daughter and said to go ahead and go to the ER. She was told that some safety guy would meet us there. So off we went, I had to use my last vacation day, so I could drive her. Ok now we are at the ER. the safety guy shows up a few minutes later. For some stupid reason he keeps insisting on her being seen by this bone specialist, who is in surgery. It was out of the ER staff's hands, and they told us she would just have to sit in the waiting room until the bone specialist told them to take her back to be looked at. I am getting very angry at this point. I try to keep my cool, workman's comp deal and all. We end up sitting in waiting room for almost 2 hours. At this point the bone specialist calls ER staff and tells them to send her thru the ER. So after sitting for 2 hours waiting for bone specialist to be the only doctor to look at her, she is now going to be looked at by regular ER doctor. This is what I wanted done 2 hours before!!!! So ER doctor looks her over and orders X-rays. Then pages the bone specialist. My daughter's shoulder/arm was dislocated. The ER doctor showed me the X-ray. The ball was completely out of the socket and was in the front. The company she works with needed to have a drug screen done. Well instead of having ER do this in the 2 hours we sat waiting they waited to do it until after she had been medicated and even put under for the bone specialist to put her shoulder back in place!!! I swear if they try to pull something on her she will sue the pants off of them. So after she was fully awake they released her, and get this they put her on light duty with no use of her right arm and she has to report to work tonight, she works 3rd shift, even though she is unable to drive for 24 hours after being put under. So she has to be taken to work and picked up. They wouldn't even give her 1 day off.
Blog EntryAug 25, '08 10:52 AM
for Carealot's contacts
What rain we are getting is from Fay. It isn't much really considering how dry we are. It started last night and rained pretty much all night. The sky is heavy with clouds but not much rain now. Every now and again it sprinkles some. I don't know what it is about rain that makes me want to just curl up like a cat and forget the world. Geez that sounds kinda depressing. Well I am not curled up and forgetting the world, but do feel a bit depressed because of the rain. I know we need it but that doesn't change my mood any, lol.
Just checked my powerball lottery numbers and got more of a depressing feeling, because I didn't win, lol. Not even 1 number did I have. Oh well, you can't win if you don't play, as they say. I don't win when I do play, LOL.
Blog EntryAug 23, '08 8:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It could of been a really good day. It would of been a really good day. If only I hadn't of had a puke room today. LOL Oh what fun. Other than that my day was good. Hmmm I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Blog EntryAug 22, '08 9:19 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Last June, when we were in Illinois seeing my mom in the hospital, my sister took us to this little burgar place to eat. The name of it was Culver's. They had good food and we enjoyed the old time burgar joint feel about the place. Recently a Culver's opened up nearby here. So tonight we went there for supper. Enjoyed eating there and we will be going back again. They have a nice selection of meals for children, more than just the burgars & chicken nuggets that most places have. They have yummy desserts too!!!
Blog EntryAug 21, '08 6:17 PM
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So much for my long hard road. &%*#@! I made it a whole 6 hours, then the girls came home from school and I was unable to control my stress level. I was a nervous wreck!!! So after 2 hours of feeling like I was going to explode, I drove into town and bought a pack. Call me weak.
Blog EntryAug 21, '08 2:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryAug 21, '08 11:15 AM
for Carealot's contacts
I have decided to stop smoking once again. I managed to do it once for 3 years. I hope that I can manage it this time. Besides not being good for me, it's not good for others around me. There is also the cost of them, that just seems to keep going up & up. Have to save money somewhere. Well not really save it, but spend it on the price of gas and whatever else has went up, that we can't live without. Heard yesterday that the TVA is hiking up the rate for electric come October 1. So here I go again trying to quit the habit. I am very afraid of the weight gain. I gained so much the last night, and that wasn't good on me either. So this time I not only am going to be trying to quit smoking, but also trying not to replace it with food. It will be a battle and I hope I win.
Blog EntryAug 20, '08 9:19 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryAug 19, '08 7:52 PM
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Blog EntryAug 19, '08 4:33 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryAug 17, '08 7:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryAug 16, '08 8:28 PM
for Carealot's contacts
1. Wash Car
2. Give Benji Bath
3. Walk into woods and take pictures
4. Do laundry
5. Play on computer
6. Wait for phone company to fix blown up equipment
7. Play on computer again
8. Play with girls
9. Grill for supper
10. Play on computer again
I did very good and finished them all, lol
Blog EntryAug 14, '08 7:27 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Breast cancer treatment...
This petition is very important.
From a nurse:

I'll never forget the look in my patients' eyes when I had to tell them they had to go home with the drains, new exercises and no breast. I remember begging the Doctors to keep these women in the hospital longer, only to hear that they would, but their hands were tied by the insurance companies. So there I sat with my patients, giving them the instructions they needed to take care of themselves, knowing full well they didn't grasp half of what I was saying, because the glazed, hopeless, frightened look spoke louder than the quiet 'Thank You' they muttered.

A mastectomy is when a woman's breast is removed in order to remove cancerous breast cells/tissue. If you know anyone who has had a Mastectomy, you may know that there is a lot of discomfort and pain afterwards. Insurance companies are trying to make mastectomies an outpatient p rocedu re. Le t's give women the chance to recover properly in th e hospital for 2 days after surgery.

It takes 2 seconds to do this and is very important. Please take the time and do it! Please send this to everyone in your address book. If there was ever a time when our voices and choices should be heard, this is one of those times.

If you're receiving this, it's because I think you will take the 30 seconds to vote on this issue and send it on to others you know who will do the same.. There's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act which will require insurance compa nies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy. It's about eliminating the 'drive-through' Mastectomy where women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against the wishes of their doctor, still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached.

Lifetime Television has put this bill on their Web page with a petition drive to show support. Last year over half the House signed on. PLEASE!! Sign the petition by clicking on the web site below. You need not give more than your name, state, and zip code.
(http://www.lifetimetv.com/breastcancer/petition/si gnpetition.php )

Blog EntryAug 14, '08 7:14 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Just heard on the news tonight, that Hillary's name will be put in at the convention. I don't understand why though really. Looks like it is just some back patting being done. Not going to change anything. Also heard that she will give her delegates to Obama and encourage all that voted for her to now vote for Obama.
Sammy Jo has gotten a cold already, turning into sinus infection too. This weather is good for that. Cold at night and first thing in the morning, then warms up into high 80's by afternoon. We are having such a strange August.
I broke down in tears today at work. I work very hard and as fast as I can, so I won't be the last one done. As hard as I try, I seem to be the last one done more times than not. I hate being the last one done. Guess my emotional state was not so good today, because I just started crying about it. To make matters worse one of my co-workers was helping me finish my last room when the tears came. She was very sweet and asked me if I was alright. I tried to hide it and said I was. She knew better and asked me again. I told her that I would be ok, I was just frustrated, also told her the reason why. She did her best to comfort me. Telling me that I wasn't always the last one done, that she too is the last one done a lot. She also told me that I had the hardest rooms to do. I said, yea, well other people have my rooms and they seem to get them done with no problem. She continued explaining that the reason for this was because I keep my rooms spotless that the other ones don't have much to do in them. The way I think is that they still have to clean them. She even went as far as telling me that I had the cleanest rooms in the hotel. I know she meant well, but none of it made me feel any better, because when it comes down to it, I feel that the boss sees me as too slow.
Blog EntryAug 13, '08 7:08 PM
for Carealot's contacts
When Sammy Jo was born back in 2000, my daughter ordered a set of colorized statehood quarters from The American Historic Society. They were to ship them out as the quarters were minted and then colorized. So every year she got a shipment of the previous years state quarters. Until this year. They had always came in Feb, but not this year. My daughter assumed it was because we moved and that the post office didn't forward them. I kept after her to call and find out why she hadn't received them this year. Well my daughter is not the most organized person in the world. She could not remember what company she had ordered them from. So we tried several mint companies today and had no luck. She finally managed to find a book that had come with one of the shipments of quarters. Then we knew that they had been ordered from The American Historic Society. She made a call to the number that was listed on the book, it was no longer in service. So I went online and tried the website, it was no longer there. I did a search for the company and up came this business comment page about the company. Oh not good news at all. It seems that the company has went out of business!! There were so many comments from people who also ordered the quarters and haven't received the shipments. I found a comment that had a phone # for the company, we called it and it had a recorded message that gave the address and said to write to them. I found a phone # for the Better Business Bureau and she called it, they sent her to a website to file a complaint. Which we did. I also told her to write to the company at the address we found and see what they have to say about this. These quarters had to be paid in advance for the complete set, and you know, it sucks not to have the complete set. What good is it to only have some of them?
Blog EntryAug 12, '08 7:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryAug 11, '08 7:29 PM
for Carealot's contacts

Girls had fun at school today. While they were there, I cleaned house and did laundry. The house is clean and I am beat. The picture has nothing to do with anything, I just thought it was cool. :)
Blog EntryAug 10, '08 8:23 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tomorrow is the first full day of school for the girls. No longer will I be able to sleep in a little bit on my days off. This I hate, since I have to work every other weekend, and most weekends I work we have to go in early at least one of the 2 days. It makes for a rough time for sleeping. So starting tomorrow I will only be able to sleep in 4 days a month. The girls are very excited to be going back to school, for this I am happy. They like school and that is a big plus. Sammy Jo is starting 3rd grade & Tabitha is starting 1st grade. This means more homework for both of them, so lets see how long they will continue liking school. Benji will go back to pouting while the girls are in school, LOL Grandpa will have some peace & quiet. After the girls get on the bus in the morning, I have a few errands to run, then it will be back home to do some serious housework. Suppose to get rain tomorrow also. We do need some, I just hope that it doesn't come in the form of storms. Hope you all have a great Monday. :)
Blog EntryAug 9, '08 8:45 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A man rented one of my rooms today. I hear that he was pretty beaten up. He started making strange calls to the front desk as follows. He called front desk to ask if there was a full moon tonight. He called front desk to ask for a hammer, so he could rip up the carpet and put it over the window. He called front desk and asked if we could build a stairway from the hotel to the pizza place next door, because he was scared. Front desk called the police, they came and made him leave the hotel, but wouldn't allow him to drive. He was driving a BMW. I am not sure if he was out of his mind from the beating he took, from meds, or just plain out of his mind. When I went to clean the room after he was made to leave, he had 2 big bags of ice in the sink, I suppose it was for the beating he took. Strange day.

Blog EntryAug 7, '08 4:44 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I just posted a few pictures from the county fair. Took the girls last night. They had so much fun. They are little dare devils for sure as you can probably see in the pictures.
Today was the "first day of school" all they had to do was go and register. Monday is REALLY the first day of school. So it is back to getting up before the chickens for me.
Speaking of getting up before the chickens, I will be doing so this weekend. Have to go in early both days.
In work news, we had a woman quit yesterday. She finally got caught stealing tips. Not sure why she wasn't fired, but appears they let her quit on her own. Also we have a new hire as of yesterday. I wonder if she will still be there when I go back to work in the morning, LOL. Sometimes they don't stay for long.
I must rant a little once again about a company, this time it is Dish Network. I called them on Monday for tech help. It happens that it is something they can't fix over the phone. So they were sending someone out yesterday. I made sure that Dish Network had the correct address. Came home from work yesterday and they still hadn't been here for the service call. I called them to find out why. I was told that the service tech was sitting in my driveway blowing his horn. I looked out the window, no one in my driveway, I told them. They came back and told me that the service tech was sitting in the driveway of my old address!!! So to make a long story short, they had to set up another day for the service tech to come out. This is suppose to be tomorrow afternoon. I made sure once again that they had the new address. They told me they had it for sure this time. I guess I will know for sure tomorrow, LOL
Blog EntryAug 4, '08 6:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It is that time again. County fair is going on this week. Of course it is very hot & humid for it also. Plans are to take the girls on Wednesday night. Tomorrow is going to be just too hot to do anything, triple digits. Today isn't much better, high of 95. It is the kind of hot where you are just sitting down outside, not doing anything and you look like you just got out of the shower without drying off. As hot as it is the girls will ride some rides and play a few games and then it will be homebound to get out of the heat, before we all have heat stroke. Myself being a person who loves the heat, you know it's hot when I am saying it is hot, lol.
Blog EntryAug 2, '08 5:02 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Had an email today from Verizon. Just as I expected, my email to customer service did no good. Basically all it was, was thank you for being a Verizon customer and how much they value me as a customer, BUT you are screwed and the termination fee still stands.
Blog EntryJul 31, '08 8:22 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have just come from the Verizon website. I sent them an email telling them how I felt about the termination fee that I was charged for something that didn't work. I am sure that it will not make them change their mind, but at least I got it off my chest.
Blog EntryJul 30, '08 7:16 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am so excited!!! I just can't hide it!!! LOL I am loving it!!! YES!!!!! The men arrived to install all the goodies at 10:00 this morning. It took them 2 1/2 hours to finish, most likely because I had many questions for them, lol. Such a wonderful man helped me with a few problems that I was having with my computer that had nothing to do with the old connection. He was very nice to do this since it had nothing to do with hooking up the DSL. After they were finished went to the Verizon store and left there not very happy. I had already assumed that they wouldn't cut me a break and they didn't of course. I told them that the computer card did not work, no signal most of the time. I told them everything it would do. They wanted me to hook it back up to my computer and turn it on and that they would send someone to the area. Don't know when they would send someone. I refused to disconnect my new connection and put theirs back on. I didn't see the sense in doing all of that. So to make a long story short, to terminate my computer card contract they are going to charge me $140.00 on my next bill. I also have 1 cell phone from them that doesn't get signal here either. They wouldn't do anything about that one either, but I am not going to pay $140.00 termination fee on it. I will just continue to pay the $13.00 a month for that line until the contract is over then terminate that line. Funny how I have 4 other cell phones that are a different brand from them that do get signal just fine here. Can't tell them anything though, all they are about is the contract. Overall, I think I am better off paying the $140.00 to terminate the computer card contract instead of paying the $60.00 a month for it on my bill. Anyhow, I am very happy with my new connection. :)
Blog EntryJul 28, '08 4:15 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It could have been worse, but over all the rooms were not real bad. Saturday I only had 7 rooms so it was pretty much an easy day. Yesterday was not so easy. Had to be at work at 6:00 AM to clean 2 convention centers before the church people arrived to hold church in them. We had a full house so that meant I had all 12 of my rooms. The weather was HOT & HUMID. I had my first room to check out at 9:30. So I had to sweep the mess in the parking lot for 1 1/2 hours. I was suppose to have had 2 stayovers and 10 check outs, but ended up with 12 check outs. I really could have strangled the man that told me to go ahead and clean his room. Then right after I did he checked out, along with the other stayover, they were together. So I had cleaned the 2 stayovers and then had to go back to them and clean them as check outs. Nothing like cleaning the same 2 rooms twice in one day. GRRR So this caused me to be behind. I was only able to get 8 rooms cleaned before my boss shut down the rest of them. Actually cleaning 2 of them twice was like cleaning 10 rooms, but it only shows that I cleaned 8 of them. I worked almost 11 hours yesterday. I was hot & exhausted by the time I got home. The humidity just sucks the energy out of me. Today was my day off and I haven't done much except went to store & doing laundry. This morning the telephone men came and ran the lines from the pole to our pole so now I have a landline phone. Next step is for the other telephone men to come and hookup up internet & TV service. I was told today by lines men that I was on schedule for Wednesday the 30th. When I ordered all of this I was told that they would call me to set up a day to come. I was going to get it on a day I had off of work so I could be here. I called telephone company to see what was going on and why they didn't call to set up date. They told me that yes I was on schedule for the 30th. I could have gotten it changed to another day, but my next day off during week isn't until Aug. 7th, so I told them to keep it for the 30th. So now I have to tell my boss that I won't be in on Wednesday and take a vacation day for it. So I should have my new connection on Wednesday. :)
Blog EntryJul 25, '08 9:15 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I am sooooo dreading this weekend. We have ball teams, a wedding, & a reunion. I have to go in 1/2 hour early in the morning and 2 hours early on Sunday morning. I sure hope that these ball teams are better than the ones we had last week. Say some prayers for me, I am sure I will need them. :)
Blog EntryJul 24, '08 7:52 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Called the local phone company today and this is what I have coming soon I hope. They have to send out the engineers to see exactly what they are going to have to do as for line running since there was no phone here before. The price I pay for living in the sticks. After they do this then they will call for a date to install everything. This is complicated by my work schedule. I have to be here for the computer hookup. Brian can handle all the other, but not the computer. So until all this happens I will still be fighting with the connection I have now. They have what they call a TV bundle. This consists of Phone service, TV (like cable), and internet service. I was surprised to find out that they ahd TV. We have Dish Network right now and I hate it when it storms because we lose our signal and so we don't know how bad the storms are getting. So we will be getting 170 TV channels, 56 music channels and I had to add the Showtime channels so I can watch Dexter, lol. We will not be getting HD service at this time. For phone service we will get unlimited local calling, 1000 minutes long distance, voice mail, caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding, 3-way calling, and anonymous call rejection. Now I do not need all of this phone service bells and whistles, but it comes in the package, you have to get it. For internet service we will get 1.5 Mb high speed DSL. They have one that is faster it is 3 Mb but of course it is more expensive, so I settled for the 1.5 Mb. It has to be better than the connection I have now, LOL. Anyhow, the price for this will be $183.89 give or take. Not as cheap as I would like, but with not losing our TV during bad weather, I think it will be worth it. I could have just gotten basic phone service & a slower DSL connection without the TV and it would have been cheaper. After I get all this installed then I will have to most likely fight with Verizon over this wireless connection I have now. I am sure they will make me pay penalty. As for the shopping for a riding lawn mower, we finally found a used one that is in excellent condition. It is a Cub Cadet, 48 inch cut with a 18 hp engine. It is an automatic. Commercial type. Has an hour meter on it and is showing 300 hours. Having to pay $1350.00 plus tax for it. I put a down payment on it so they will hold it until next week.
Blog EntryJul 23, '08 7:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
As most of you know I have been having a big problem with this wireless connection that I have from Verizon. I would not recommend it to anyone. Sometimes I can get on and sometimes I can't. Then sometimes I get on but then minutes later I lose my signal and I am off or my computer freezes up. Sometimes I am unable to get pages to come up. It has been driving me bonkers to say the least. I checked into the satelite high speed internet, for cost, etc. That is a joke. You have to lease the equipment and you have to have a credit card to do that with. I do not have a credit card first off. I called 2 different places and one was pretty cheap for monthy service at $29.99 a month, after you pay over $200.00 for the equipment lease. The other one had 3 different levels of high speed with 3 different prices. Lowest one being $49.99 a month. Also had to lease equipment with a credit card. As for the high speed part, it really isn't, I was told that it is a little faster than dial up. So tomorrow I am going to give the local phone company another call. I am going to see if I can just get DSL with them without getting phone service, if not then I will ask how much just for basic phone service, without all the bells and whistles. I have cell phones so we really do not need a home phone. I am also going to go see how much cost is involved in getting a HD dish box for the TV. We have a HD TV but we don't have HD service, LOL. Also have to go shopping around for a new riding lawn mower. Allstate finally paid for the stolen one. My receipts for the new blades and belt were good enough to prove ownership. I will be busy as a bee tomorrow. Oh speaking of bees, Benji got a little sting from a bee the other morning, on his mouth. Poor baby couldn't eat his biscuit. He didn't learn from it though he still tries to eat them, LOL
Blog EntryJul 20, '08 10:19 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Blog EntryJul 20, '08 2:29 PM
for Carealot's contacts
You Are a Very Green Driver
Saving the planet is probably pretty important to you.
If not, saving some money definitely is!

You don't use much gas when you drive, and you only drive when necessary.
Only if everyone else showed so much restraint!
You Are Barbeque Sauce
You are a social person. You enjoy cooking for other people.
You are both skillful and competitive. You enjoy mastering hard tasks.
You appreciate complexity more than simplicity.

Your taste in food tends to lean toward interesting flavors.
You appreciate exotic spice combinations. You tend to like cutting edge, fusion cuisine.
You get along with all personalities from a distance. Except salsa personalities, who always seem to annoy you.
Halloween Horoscope for Capricorn
Your friends see a whole other side of you on Halloween - brash and bold.
You make be reserved and conservative most other days, but on the 31st... look out!

Costume suggestions: A stripper or naughty priest / nun

Signature Halloween candy: M & M's

Scary movie you should celebrate Halloween with: Bram Stoker's Dracula
You Know Your States
You got 8/10 correct.

You've got a pretty good handle on US geography.
There's a good chance you've visited at least a dozen of the fifty states.
You Are 50% Psychic
You are pretty psychic.
While you aren't Miss Cleo, you've got a little ESP going on.
And although you're sometimes off on your predictions...
You're more often right than wrong
So go with your instincts - you know more than you think
You Were a Deer
Graceful and gentle, you appreciate beauty and balance.
A giving soul, you are able to sacrifice for the greater good.
You Are Balanced - Realist - Empowered
You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally.
You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go.
Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control.
Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow.

You are a realist when it comes to luck.
You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.
You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...
But you do your best to try to make your own luck.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.
Blog EntryJul 19, '08 6:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I just finished the week from hell. We had ball teams at the hotel. It was Allstars for 9 & 10 year old boys. They checked in on the 11th. They played games and if they kept winning they would go on to next game. If they lost 2 games then they were done. I had 9 rooms of them. 12 rooms in all. If they had continued winning they would have been here until tomorrow. I had a terrible time cleaning these rooms all week long. They were awful, just awful, but as bad as they were as stayovers I would have rathered to clean them as stayovers than as checkouts. So by mid week I was praying that they would keep winning so I would be off when they checked out, I know terrible of me, but I was praying for this very much. Well they lost their second game Thursday night, so they all checked out yesterday. As bad as the rooms were during the week, they were 100 times worse yesterday!! I had 8 bags of trash, the most I have ever had!! I also had to have lots of help towards the end of the day just to get them all finished. Finally got them all done about 5:30. Very long day yesterday.
Blog EntryJul 17, '08 9:16 PM
for Carealot's contacts
This is so very strange!! This morning Benji lead Brian to some weeds along side of our driveway. In the weeds was 3 of the quads that were stolen. The other quad and riding lawn mower were not there. They were not there yesterday when Brian mowed the grass with a borrowed mower. The returned quads are worse for wear though. They are damaged but hopefully can be repaired. Why does a thief steal things and then almost 2 weeks later return a portion of them??? Beats me and it is driving me crazy! I went to the sheriff's office right after work to tell them of this latest developement. They sent a detective out tonight to take pictures. He got here right before dark. Pure strangeness!!!
Blog EntryJul 14, '08 7:32 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Thank you Allstate for NOT telling me that our quads were NOT insured. Thank you for treating me like I am a common criminal just because I don't have a receipt for the used riding lawn mower that I bought from a friend 7 years ago, and for not keeping every receipt for everything I buy. Thank you for teaching me to read my policies from here on and for making fire hazards by keeping every receipt for everything I buy. Thank you for making me spend my day off looking thru bank statements for where I purchased the new parts for the riding mower. Thank you for making me burn up precious gas driving to the stores where I made such purchases asking if there was any way they had copies of these purchases I had made with my debit card. All of this just to prove that I did indeed own a riding lawn mower!!!!!! A little something that Allstate likes to call proof of ownership. Thank you to the theives that took what did not belong to you, that put all of this in motion in the first place. It is people like you that decent people have to go thru all of this other bull!!! Thank you Sears store for knowing that the amount on my bank statement was for a riding mower belt and giving me a handwritten receipt. Thank you Tractor Supply Store for having a computer program that could actually bring up the receipt of my purchase of 3 blades for my riding mower and printing it out for me. Thank you Allstate for saying that this SHOULD be enough to prove ownership of the stolen riding mower. I sit here and wonder if this is all worth it. I bought the damn thing used 7 years ago. I paid $1500 for it. I have a deductible of $500. I can just imagine what Allstate is going to say what the value of it is now. On top of that I now have a dreaded claim which will make my rates go up!!!! Not to mention I have hung up on the insurance claims adjuster, I have pissed off my insurance agent and his customer service rep. from all of the yelling I have done at them. You have your things stolen, which is bad enough, then you find out that most of what was stolen is not covered at all, then they treat you like you are trying to steal from them, and then they act like you are not suppose to be upset!!! What am I suppose to be, happy???
Allstate made the news tonight. It seems that there are a lot of people in CA that found out the hard way that they were not in good hands either. Last years fires in CA. People found out that they were underinsured, never told that they didn't have enough insurance to rebuild. Seems that Allstate has the tendency to give low quotes because they don't want you going elsewhere for insurance.
Blog EntryJul 12, '08 7:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I came home from work this afternoon to find a letter from Allstate. The letter thanked me for my car insurance payment, then informed me that the payment had not been the right amount. Furthermore that if they didn't get the balance due before this morning at 12:01 AM that my car insurance would be terminated. As you can see that was impossible to achieve. I was totally ballistic!! My agent's office was closed today. Then I remembered that my agent had called us the other day from his home. I looked the number up on my phone(thank God for caller ID), but only got his voice mail. I left an urgent message for him to please call me ASAP. Gave him a short description of why I was calling. He did return my call. I explained to him about the letter in the mail today. I also explained to him why I hadn't paid the full balance of the bill. The reason that the full amount was not paid was because when I called his office upon getting the bill(which was higher than it had been in previous months), the woman in the office told me to just pay what I had been paying. She told me she would fix it so there wouldn't be an increase. So when the time came to pay it, I took it to the office, instead of mailing it. I told her that since the bill had a different amount on it that I would pay to her so she could take care of it. Then I get this letter anyway!!! So my agent assured me that I still had car insurance, not to worry he said. I was very upset, considering I had to drive to work today and also tomorrow, and this letter was telling me I had no car insurance!!! I guess it just isn't my day, week, etc. I had started grilling out for supper, it started to rain, so here I am grilling in the rain. Looks like I am going to have to get off of here it is starting to storm a bit.
Blog EntryJul 11, '08 8:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Theives, insurance companies, psoriasis, steriods, pets, children & hotel inspector. I have a monster of a headache. Mostly due to the steriods, I think. The girls have not helped much, I must say. My pets have had their hand in it too. Miss Hootie has gone back to her old ways. Stealing the girls stuffed toys and meowing very loudly, like she has a prize mouse. All hours of the day and night she carries her prizes in her mouth and meows wanting praise. Benji is a jealous dog. He thinks it is all about him. He has to get between me and the cats every time. The cats give up and go about their business. Once in a while they cuff his nose. Of course it doesn't hurt him, they have no front claws. He just looks at them. Hotel inspector is due to come any day now, so boss is up everyone's a.. Calgon take me away!!!!
Wishing everyone a good weekend. :)
Blog EntryJul 10, '08 5:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Insurance claims department called me today. Seems that I am not covered like I was told by the insurance agency the other day. Claims department tells me that the quads are not covered! At all! If they were used to service the property they would be covered. Since they were used for recreation purposes, they are not covered. What a bunch of bull that little loophole is!!! The lawn tractor is suppose to be covered. I have my doubts since the claims department asked if I had any receipts for it. I do not have one for it. I bought it from a friend, used. They then asked me if I had a receipt for the new blades & belt that I had bought for it. I told them I didn't know if I still had them. Told me to look for them and if I found them to fax them. I looked and I don't have them. I am so angry. I feel violated by the thieves that took my stuff and now I feel violated by my insurance company. Allstate, the good hands people, yea right!
Blog EntryJul 8, '08 9:54 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The criminal investigators called Brian again this morning. They told him that they had found the truck with the trailor that Brian had told them about. Seems it was in town last night and was stopped for speeding. The police radio calls in town are monitored by the sheriff's office. They sent a sheriff's car out to help with the stop. The man driving the truck admitted that he had been driving around with his trailor, he says to look for scrap. They told him that his vehicle fit the description of a truck that might be involved in a theft. They didn't get into much of anything else with him. They gave him a ticket for speeding and told him to go straight home. They followed him, because they thought he had lied about his address. Seems he gave a different address other than what was on his license. They drove by his house several times early this morning but couldn't really see anything. They went to the judge and got a search warrant. They told Brian that they were going to serve the search warrant this afternoon and wanted to know if they found anything if we could go to identify it. Brian told them yes. They said they would call if they did find anything. They didn't call back so I guess they didn't find anything.
Blog EntryJul 6, '08 3:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I had to work the 4th. After working, went to eat dinner. Came home for a bit before we headed out to watch the fireworks display in a nearby town. It was a very nice display and we enjoyed it. Came straight home afterwards, and shot off some of our own fireworks before turning in for the night. Saturday morning we awoke and opened the blinds to discover that all of our quads and our lawn tractor were gone. STOLEN!!! The girls quads just gone!!! All we have left are the keys to them. I was and still am very upset. I had to call the sheriff's to come out and make a report. They didn't get much when they took the lawn tractor, the steering gear box just broke on it the other day. Still, it had brand new blades and belt on it though, we just bought them this year. What upsets me the most is the quads. It is very hard to tell little children that someone took thier things. Strange that Sammy Jo had been having bad dreams the last few weeks about a bad guy coming. I thought it was because she had been watching too much news. Now I am not so sure. I have to go pick up report from sheriff's office tomorrow and take it to insurance company. I hope that they will be covered. Talk about a bold thief, they had to drive a truck and a trailer into my backyard to steal these items. The alarms were set on the quads. What if we had came home while they were back there? There would have been no way out if my car was in the driveway. I think that they knew exactly where we were at and that we wouldn't be home until after the fireworks. I am worried that they will come back for other things. When I lived in town I worried about someone stealing the quads all of the time. Since we moved to the country I hadn't worried about it. To think that you can't even go to watch a fireworks display without having your things taken is so un-American!
Blog EntryJun 30, '08 4:19 PM
for Carealot's contacts
There is a lot of talk about hypermiling lately due do the high price of gas. For anyone who may not know what it is, hypermiling is a method of driving to get more miles per gallon of gas. You take off from stops easy, no flooring it. You let off the gas and coast when going down inclines or hills. You try your best not to use the brakes, you let off the gas first. Especially when you know that the speed limit will be changing. You never drive over the speed limit. It is not much different than the way I usually drive anyway, so I have been giving it a go. For my efforts, I have seen a raise of 2 more miles per gallon of gas. It's not much but at least I am trying to do something about something. My problem seems to be we have a lot of hills around here. They are great for coasting down, of course. It is the going up them part that hurts.

Blog EntryJun 28, '08 8:43 PM
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I was reading the headlines on AOL and for the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would go into a restricted area to retrieve a hat. It seems that a 17 year old boy did exactly this and was beheaded by the Batman ride at Six Flags in GA. He climbed 2 six foot fences to get to this area and was struck by the ride. Horrible outcome.
Also read where a man tried to change his name to F... Censorship. The judge wouldn't allow it. At least someone has a brain.
And lastly I read that now they think it might not be the tomatoes after all. Maybe a warehouse where the tomatoes are going to. I am getting afraid to eat anything!
Blog EntryJun 25, '08 6:35 PM
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I heard on the news tonight, that the Supreme Court says that raping a child is not fitting of the death penalty. I could not believe my ears. They said that the crime didn't fit the punishment. They said the death penalty for raping a child was cruel and unusal punishment. What the hell is the matter with these judges? I think to rape a child is one of the worst crimes that someone can commit. They are helpless in these attacks. How dare they say that the crime doesn't fit the punishment? What has become of this world?
Blog EntryJun 22, '08 1:40 PM
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Today I am relaxing. Although I did hand wash my car this morning. Other than that I am not doing much of anything, just hanging out on here for now. The girls are out in the swimming pool with Grandpa, so I am able to have some me time for a change.
Blog EntryJun 21, '08 7:15 PM
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A day off from work turned into a day of work at home. House is clean, laundry completed, and Benji is bathed. Also had to give Tuffee a bath today. That was a chore in itself. He hates them, and cries the whole time. Maybe now I can relax the rest of the night.
Blog EntryJun 20, '08 8:42 PM
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First it was nightmares keeping me from sleeping. Next night just couldn't get to sleep. Wasn't feeling well at all. Worked yesterday with about a total of 2 hours sleep over 2 nights. I felt awful yesterday to say the least. Of course it would have to be a busy day on top of it. I had 11 rooms and only 4 stayovers. We also had a convention center to clean. After work had to run into town to buy gas for lawn tractor, $20.00 just to mow the grass! Stopped at Subway and picked up supper. I could barely walk I was so tired. I fell asleep on the couch after eating at 7:30 and didn't wake up until 10:30. Grandpa had already put the girls to bed. I was up for about 1 1/2 hours and then crawled into bed. I felt much better today after getting that much needed sleep. Work today was not as busy. Made BBQ pork chops for dinner. Now if I could just get my laundry done that I have been putting off for days cause I had no energy to do it, lol.
Blog EntryJun 18, '08 9:23 PM
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Another "what a day" at work. One of my co-workers and my friend was wrote up today for being a troublemaker. This being her second write up for the same thing. I think they are trying to get rid of her, as 3 write ups and you are gone. My boss is always giving her a hard time about everything. I think the write up was bull....! I had 7 rooms to clean today. 6 of my own and the other one was one of my co-workers. The same one from yesterday. My boss gave us extras to do again today, trying to get the place ship shape before inspection next month. Today was to spray bleach on the bathtub grout and the metal handles in the bathtub. Then scrub with a brush. The towel rack in one of my rooms decided to attack me and it took a small chunk out of my arm. Nothing serious, but I sure did bleed enough. Hasn't really stopped yet. I have been so tired all day due to lack of sleep. I apparently had terrible nightmares and woke up screaming for better half to check on the girls. Strange how I can't seem to remember what it was all about. So after work I said we are going to Arby's for supper. Hope I can sleep without nightmares tonight.
Almost forgot, the drop off cats have been taken to shelter. Benji and better half are much happier today, which makes for less tension on me, lol.
Blog EntryJun 17, '08 8:03 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have been doing a lot of this today. First at work and now at home. At work all of my rooms were empty. So my boss gave me 5 of one of my co-workers. That left her with 7. Then my boss tells us that we have extras to do today. Ok no problem with that I think to myself. The extras were to remove the fronts off of the A/C units and wash them in the bathtubs, dry them and put them back on. She also told us to use CLR on our shower heads and scrub with a brush. I asked her if she wanted me to do the extras in the 5 rooms I had besides my own 12 rooms. Usually she only has us do the extras in our own rooms. This was not to be today, she told me to go ahead and do them in the 5 rooms also. So now I had 5 rooms to clean and 17 rooms to do extras in. My boss told me that she would send my co-worker to help me when she had finished her 7 rooms. Well that never happened and I ended up doing all 17 by myself. I was the last one to leave work today. Needless to say I was POed!! Then I come home and the girls had been misbehaving all day for Grandpa and I had to hear about that and lecture them on being good. Benji was also on Grandpa's list today. He had taken him out to do his business and Benji was more interested in chasing the drop off cats. So I ended up having to take him out so he would get his business done. On top of all that, the drop off cats keep trying to climb my window screens, which is POed Grandpa some more. It has cooled off here so we have the windows and front door open. So Benji wants to sit at front door and the drop off cats are outside at the door, he wants to bark at them. This POed Grandpa even more. Tried throwing water at them only works for a short time. Grandpa tells Benji to go lay down, and apparently Benji is fed up with it and tried to snap at Grandpa's hand. Thus POed Grandpa even more and is saying if it happens again he is going. Going to have to take drop off cats to shelter because they are causing way to much trouble. Geez what a mess!!!
Blog EntryJun 12, '08 8:30 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I can only hope that I am able to get enough info about the candidates to make a decision on who to vote for. I keep trying. I read what I can and watch CNN and other news. So far I am not getting as much info as I would like. Start tallking about the issues, instead of talking about bull....!
Blog EntryJun 11, '08 8:21 PM
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I guess Jay Leno's writers do not have any other material than Hillary. Last night there was 10 more minutes of Hillary bashing. I think I will skip Jay Leno tonight.
Long day of work, I had 12 rooms again, but this time I had 10 checkouts and only 2 stayovers. We also had a convention center. It was a rough day. Good thing I have tomorrow off, I need to recuperate.
Blog EntryJun 10, '08 7:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It is true that McCain is an older man than Obama. Obama is even younger then myself and frankly that bothers me. McCain has been around so to speak. He served in the Vietnam War and was a POW. He was tortured. Knowing this I think that he would know exactly what our soldiers are going thru at this point in time. Old, to me is more wisdom. Young is wet behind the ears.
I watched about 20 minutes of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night. The first 10 minutes all he did was slam Hillary Clinton. I couldn't take anymore and went to bed. Enough already, I said. She lost or so they say. So I think it is time for them to leave her alone. Then on top of that, they keep slamming her husband Bill. They say that he has hurt his reputation, because of certain remarks that he made while campaigning for his wife. I think they all need to shut up and start spending the energy that they are wasting on better issues like the HIGH GAS PRICES for starters. I heard this morning on my way to work that the price of gas could be $7.00 a gallon by the end of summer!!!! I can't pay more for gas than I make working. The government needs to do something soon.
Blog EntryJun 9, '08 7:32 PM
for Carealot's contacts
In the 90's again today. Maybe some relief on the way. I haven't felt good most of the day. Glad I had a short day at work. Not sure if the heat got to me or just down right not feeling good. Had a lot of aches and pains today, my shoulder is acting up again.
Blog EntryJun 8, '08 11:10 AM
for Carealot's contacts
Lots of heat and sunshine here. Maybe a little too much. I really do not want to complain because I remember how cold I was over the winter. It is hot though, when I get into my car at work the temp in the car tells me that it is 104. Inside of cars in a parking lot get very hot. To think that people leave children & pets in them is outrageous!! The girls have been enjoying the swimming pool. We have been working to get daughter's air conditioner running. Had to run around yesterday for insulation for the tubes. Should be ready to flip the switch on shortly. Promised the girls a trip to Burgar King for lunch today. While we are out have to stop at Wal-Mart and get some bug killer stuff. Will have to spread it around the yard, the ticks are awful. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I hate the thought that it is almost over already and it will be back to work in the morning.
I watched Hillary's exit speech yesterday also. I admit I did cry. I so wanted her to win. She asked all of her supporters to back Obama, but I will not. As I am sure that many will not. I listened last night on CNN to what McCain & Obama had to say on some of the issues. I was not very impressed with either of them. I have a lot of thinking and listening to do before the November election, trying to decide if I should even vote at all. I hate the thought of not voting but the choices make me cringe.
Blog EntryJun 4, '08 9:06 PM
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This is our swimming pool. Funny how it looks unlevel in the picture, but trust me the pool is level now. The side nearest to the camera is sitting into the ground where we dug. I took this from my back steps.In other news, it seems that someone has dropped off a mother cat and her kitten. They are half starved to death. They showed up yesterday. I have been feeding them. I will let them stay outside, can't bring them in because I already have a houseful of pets. Makes me angry that people dump off unwanted pets like this. Since we have lived here there have been 2 dogs and now the cats.The kitten is very small and is mostly gray in color. They are both cute. Will try to get a picture of them later.
Blog EntryJun 2, '08 9:47 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Had to drain the pool today. I hated wasting all that water. Problem with pool not being level. Oh so not level. Our backyard slopes a lot, more than we thought. So we had to get out the shovels and start digging. It is a foot difference from one side to the other. We dug all afternoon and finally stopped at 7:00 tonight. It is still not totally finished. Hauling the dirt to front yard where we need some for low spots there. Such hard work on my day off from work.
Blog EntryMay 31, '08 8:42 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Yep, all the fishermen checked out today. I had 12 rooms and 11 of them were checkouts. I made 21 beds today. My back is broke, or so it feels. I had some pretty bad rooms today, the worst one was what we call a puke room. I am sure you can figure that one out. Oh what fun, NOT!!!! I am exhausted and my feet hurt. Going soon as I have to get up earlier since I have to be at work earlier in the morning. Have a great Sunday everyone.
Blog EntryMay 30, '08 9:43 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Hard day at work, all 12 rooms plus a convention center. I have a lot of fishermen in my rooms so most of them were staying over. With the heat and the humidity we had today it is a good thing that most stayed over. Otherwise I might still be there cleaning rooms, lol. Yep the heat is on. Went to dinner, I was starved. Then went to Lowe's and bought the last of the skirting needed for my daughter's mobile home. Next stop was Wal-Mart. Bought a new swimming pool and swimsuits for the girls. Of course had to get new pool toys, etc. too. Hopefully this pool will last at least as long as the last one did. Made 5 years with it. Probably would have made a few more with it if we hadn't moved in the winter time. Better half went to load the pool and when he grabbed it and pulled on it, the plastic just broke like glass. It was too cold I guess. Tomorrow he will start setting up the new one. It is going to take longer to fill since now we have a well and not city water. Maybe sometime next week it will be ready to go, if the water warms up enough by then. Well it is time for me to hit the hay, have to work this weekend. I wish you all a wonderful weekend. Hmmm, I wonder if all those fishermen will be checking out on the same day, yikes!!! :)
Blog EntryMay 29, '08 7:52 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I took this picture from Tabitha's bedroom window this morning, right after she told us that she had seen a deer. At first we didn't know what she was talking about. Then she told us she had seen it out her bedroom window. We looked and sure enough there it was. So I ran and grabbed my camera. I wish I had a better camera, as the place where the deer was is way back towards the woods. It is the closest that a deer has come to our house though. At least that we have seen. It is not a good picture but I wanted to post it anyway. The deer was a doe and she put her head down just as I snapped the picture. I took several but this was the best one. Maybe if you click on the picture you can see it better.
Blog EntryMay 28, '08 7:30 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Once upon a time there was a bear and a rabbit in the woods. The bear asked the rabbit, " Does poop stick to your fur?" The rabbit answered "No." The bear reached over and picked up the rabbit and proceeded to wipe his butt with the rabbit. Talk about a bad day! Hope you enjoyed the joke.
Blog EntryMay 27, '08 7:41 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Ever wish you had a crystal ball that could tell you the future? Or ever wish that you were a genie or a witch? I sure wish for one of them, any one of them would do. I feel like I need eyes in the back of my head. I always feel like I need to be one step ahead, but it always seems like I am two steps behind.
Blog EntryMay 26, '08 9:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Those who have fought for our country.
God Bless

Blog EntryMay 19, '08 7:09 PM
for Carealot's contacts
What Your Taste in Music Says About You
Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.
You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way.

You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.
In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.

You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.
You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you.
Blog EntryMay 13, '08 7:50 PM
for Carealot's contacts
High gas prices hurt everyone. They have affected my work. We have been very slow and it doesn't look like it will pick up any time soon. in the last 2 days, I have only worked 10 1/2 hours. My bills don't change, still have to pay them, somehow. Food prices keep going higher & higher due to increase in gas prices. Someone has to pay for the extra cost of getting the products to market. Oil reserves? Gov rebates? Gov spending money on oil reserves when oil prices are at peak levels? New oil found in U.S.? Horizontal drilling? Sounds like it is worth more investigating, especially when they say it could hold enough oil for the U.S. for 110 years.
Blog EntryMay 12, '08 7:22 PM
for Carealot's contacts
We have had our share of rain and storms as oflate. Seems like that is all we have had. We have been very lucky to not have been hit by tornadoes. Many others have been devasted by them. We had just came home from taking the girls to the Strawberry Festival Saturday when we heard a very loud noise. Sounded like something had hit our home. It had been raining, but the wind wasn't really blowing that hard, or so we thought. We looked out the doors and the windows trying to see what had made the noise, but we didn't see a thing. That is until yesterday. With daylight upon us we found out what the bump in the night was. The wind was blowing harder than we thought apparently, as a piece of our tree in the front yard was shot like an arrow into the corner molding of our home. It made a pretty good sized hole in it. Strange how this happened when the wind really wasn't blowing anything like it has blown many times before during storms. Just goes to show you that it doesn't take much wind to do damage.
Blog EntryMay 7, '08 6:37 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Sorry I have been MIA for the week. It has just been crazy around here. It all started with my dreadful cold. Not only did I have a cold, but I think I have a bit of allergies. It's spring and the pollen is bad. It is so bad every spring here that at work we have to constantly wipe it off the doors and the windows. The rags are green by the time we are thru. Only to have to do it again the next day. I had to work last weekend. The owner's grandson got married and the reception was held at one of the convention centers. The rooms were full mostly with their wedding guests. One of my co-workers called in both weekend days. This caused myself & one other co-worker to have 14 rooms both days. So Sunday I ended up working 10 1/2 hours, since most of them were checkouts that day. On the homefront, our lawn tractor had a serious problem. The deck of it rusted thru and made the bearing fall out. So we had to run here and there looking for a used deck, but had no luck finding one. They wanted $200.00 for a new one, that was out of the question. So better half bought a piece of metal and repaired it the best he could. It also needed new blades, which cost us over $60.00. Finally the grass or weeds, whatever you want to call it got cut today. The mower lives on for a while longer. Also had to buy some skirting for my daughter's mobile home, not sure if what we bought will be enough yet. That stuff is expensive, you would think it was made of gold. Then there is the little voice in the back of my head asking if I am just wasting more money. I guess only time will tell. I called the auction house the other day. I am going to take the stuff that I have in storage to the auction Saturday morning. I will let them sell it for me, I have no time or energy for a yard sale. Should have done that a long time ago, it would have saved me the money on the storage building, which is getting up there in money spent. I have this coming weekend off, and I am suppose to take the girls to the Strawberry Festival carnival. That is if it doesn't rain, like it is doing today. So has you can see I have had a lot going on since May day. Hope all of you have had better days. :)
Blog EntryMay 1, '08 10:51 AM
for Carealot's contacts
May is a wonderful month. Happy May day everyone!
Blog EntryApr 28, '08 7:43 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My day started as a normal work day. That is until the iron fell out of the closet in one of my rooms. It hit me right in the forehead. OUCH is right. Thankfully it didn't cut me, but it did give me a bump & a headache. After that little incident the day just sucked. I told my boss that the iron fell and hit me in the head and some how she makes it my fault. Tells me that if us girls would put the irons up right that they wouldn't fall out like that. Well this instantly P.O.ed me. For one thing I was not the one who put it up like that, the guest that used it did. I told her so too. I explained to her that the cord was wrapped around the ironing board and when I went to take the ironing board off it's perch to fix it all, the iron fell and hit me. She only repeats what she said previously. Never even asked if I was ok!!! Then after work when I got home, I took Benji out. It had rained and it was wet & slippery. I twisted my foot on a little tree branch and soon found myself falling down in the mud. Hurt my bad shoulder & my pride. Yep it's Monday alright!! LOL :)
Blog EntryApr 27, '08 2:49 PM
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Blog EntryApr 27, '08 2:22 PM
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Blog EntryApr 25, '08 10:47 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It's my weekend off so I get to sleep in tomorrow morning!!!! LOL
Blog EntryApr 23, '08 10:27 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Well the World's Biggest Fish Fry has begun. We took the girls to the carnival last night. They rode some rides and had lots of fun. Here are some pictures I took with my cell phone.

The weather has warmed up nicely here, down right hot in the afternoons. We have even turned on the air. In other news, the earthquake woke me up the other day. My first thought was a tornado was bearing down on us. I realized what it was when I looked out the window and there was no wind or rain. My mobile home felt like it was on a boat in the water. My shower door was banging in the frame. Nothing fell off of my walls though. We only felt the first one, none of the aftershocks. Thank you for all of your dear comments while I have been absent. They helped me a lot. Hugs :)
Blog EntryApr 17, '08 1:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I guess it is true. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. I feel I have done all that I can do for my situation and yet nothing much has changed. It may never change and that is what hurts me so much. Makes me feel like I have a knot in the bottom of my stomach. You can give birth to a child and then raise them the best you know how, but in the true end they are going to do or not do as they please. No matter what. No matter how old they get. Something along the lines of cutting off your nose to spite your face I guess. Maybe it is just to spite me. They say a mother's job is never done. This may be true, but a mother can only do and take so much.
Blog EntryApr 13, '08 12:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Things are going somewhat better now, but still too much going on right now. I want to thank all who have left me comments to brighten my spirits. Take care and I hope to see you all again soon. Hugs, Mary
Blog EntryApr 3, '08 11:57 AM
for Carealot's contacts
I am sorry for not being around very much lately. At this time doesn't look like much will be changing either. I am having some personal problems and it is taking all of my energy to deal with it. As of now I am not dealing with it very well. I will be back on at some point though. The rain keeps coming down here and we are flooded once again. Take care all. Hugs
Blog EntryApr 1, '08 8:40 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Ok so what do floods bring??? Showers are one thing but we had over 8 inches of rain in March. Now comes April and they are calling for rain most of this week. I may need to go buy a boat at this rate!
Blog EntryMar 27, '08 9:06 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Hello everyone! Work has picked up a little and this means longer working days for me. I am glad cause that means more of a paycheck. Tomorrow is Sammy Jo's 8th birthday and I have been busy getting things ready for that. I thought I had better make the time to get on here for a bit tonight, cause I won't have any time over the next few days. Last night was filled with grocery shopping. After work today had to go buy presents for the birthday girl. Taking her for a birthday dinner tomorrow night. She has asked me to bake her cake this year instead of buying one. So will have to do that after the dinner. On Saturday taking her to Chuck E Cheese for a little birthday fun. Afterwards she will have her cake & ice cream, and open her presents. As you can see busy, busy, busy!!! Have a great weekend everyone! :)
Blog EntryMar 25, '08 8:45 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It started out cold this morning but warmed up, although with the March wind couldn't tell it. The wind gave me a headache today. Blowing stuff off of my cart not too mention blowing my hair to kingdom come. The rest of the week is suppose to be very warm. With rain possible several days. Hope everyone had a nice Easter. :)
Blog EntryMar 22, '08 9:04 PM
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Last night I helped the girls dye eggs and then they used some water paint on them tonight. They went to an Easter egg hunt this morning with their mom. They said they didn't have much fun though. They only got a few eggs. Tonight after they go to bed I have to fill up the plastic eggs that they will hunt for tomorrow, while I work. Happy Easter :)
Blog EntryMar 21, '08 10:15 PM
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Blog EntryMar 19, '08 8:28 PM
for Carealot's contacts
They call it a training effect, when a storm system keeps moving over a certain area. This is what happened yesterday that caused so much rain to fall in Missouri. In some places they got over 13 inches of rain. Water everywhere. We didn't come close to that amount, thankfully. Not sure what our end total is, I guess somewhere around 3 inches though. It was a long sleepless night for me. I finally decided that I would go to bed at 1:00AM since the tornado watch would end at 2:00AM. I was back up at 2:00AM with the rain & wind pounding the house. I had barely made it to the kitchen when here came Sammy Jo, crying. The storm had woke her up and she was scared. So we sat on the couch together and watched for weather reports in between the dish going out. They had extended the tornado watch until 4:00AM and at the time we were under a severe thunderstorm warning. At one point I thought I heard a tornado, the sound was like a rumbling train with a full head of steam. I heard today that we had up to 70 mph winds. Sammy Jo and I sat it out and cuddled with a blanket & Benji. Tabitha slept thru it all. At 3:30AM the warnings had been canceled and I put Sammy Jo back to bed. I also headed to bed. I had to get up at 6:00AM and go to work. It was still raining and did so the entire day. It was still windy but not as strong. I cleaned 11 rooms on 2 hours of sleep and I am beat. Thankfully there was no tornadoes but the flooding is bad in a few places. How does that saying go? March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb? I am still waiting for the lamb part. :)
Blog EntryMar 18, '08 9:05 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Windy all day and now the storms are getting closer. I am not hiding in closet yet, but with tornado watches out until 2:00 AM I could be at some point tonight. Just got on for a quick hello before the storms get here. Take care everyone and have a good night. :)

Blog EntryMar 17, '08 10:07 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Like I have said before with warmer weather comes severe storms. We are expecting just that tomorrow evening. I truly hate bad weather like this, normally brings tornadoes. If I am not around tomorrow evening you can bet your bippy that I am hiding somewhere from the bad weather. Hope you all have a good Tuesday. I am getting to the point where I dread Tuesdays, it seems that is always the day we get bad weather.
Blog EntryMar 16, '08 8:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha got her pins taken out on Friday. They put her under and she did fine. She is back in a cast until the March 24, when she goes back to the doctor. The girls are off for spring break this week. Thursday I take better half back to the doctor for his heart test, that will be my day off this week. I have to work Easter weekend so most likely won't do anything fancy. The girls will hunt for eggs which I won't get to see. The weather will be rainy on and off this week. I am not feeling real good this weekend. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Wishing you all a Happy St. Patty's Day :)
Blog EntryMar 13, '08 9:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts
We have had a couple of nice warm days and now comes the rain & storms that go hand in hand with warm weather for the next 2 days. I am hoping that there will be a break in the rain on Saturday so I can get pictures of the daffodills, what is left of them anyway. Tabitha decided to pick flowers today! I came home to find that she had plucked the unopened blooms off of quite a few of them. We caught 2 mice under the house, bought 4 more traps tonight, since you can't reuse them. I am hoping that there isn't anymore. I haven't heard any noises lately. Nifty little mouse traps those round ones that actually tell you when you have a mouse caught. You never have to see or touch the mouse. Nice!!! LOL
Blog EntryMar 11, '08 8:24 PM
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The temps have come up except for early morning. It is still cold when I go to work. It does warm up as the day goes on. I do believe that spring has come. Work was alright today, but I can't wait for the weekend, this one is mine off. Suppose to rain Saturday though. Think we will finally get some gravel tomorrow, hope so anyway, tired of parking in mud.
Blog EntryMar 10, '08 9:00 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Today was a day off for me. Had to take better half to the doctor's office for a test. So before the appointment went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items, then washed the salt off the car. When we arrived at the doctor's office was told that the woman that does the test was out sick and the test would ahve to be rescheduled again. This test was suppose to have been done last Thursday. I asked why they didn't call us before we drove all the way there. We were told that they did call. They called my cell phone Thursday when they cancelled, today they called his cell phone. His cell phone was at home so we didn't get the call. Needless to say I was very upset. I had just drove 30 miles and wasted gas for nothing! I told them that the next day I was available to bring him for the test was a week from this Thursday. The woman got a little nasty with me. Asking did I have to bring him, couldn't he drive himself. I informed her no he doesn't drive. Then she asked if someone else could bring him. I informed her no there was no one else. She finally gave him the appointment for a week from Thursday. She was acting like it was life or death. I still think they are just running up the insurance with all these tests, that had nothing to do with why he went to the doctor in the first place. In other news, Tabitha got her cast off this afternoon. The pins will come out on Friday. They have her arm wrapped with an ace bandage over some kind of a splint. Sammy Jo's counseling session was cancelled due to her counselor being sick still. The girls are having an Easter egg hunt at school on Wednesday. I had to fill the plastic eggs with goodies today. I am glad that they are having it on Wednesday and not tomorrow with Sammy Jo having to miss school tomorrow. She is already upset that she has to miss a day of school, if she had to miss the egg hunt too...........I don't even want to think about it.
Blog EntryMar 9, '08 8:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
By the time the snow ended early Saturday morning we had 6 inches. I left for work early so as to have plenty of time to get there. I seen 2 vehicles in the ditch on the way. I made it there fine. 2 of my co-workers didn't come in. Temperature rose up to 40 and most of the snow was melted by the time I got off of work. The girls had tried to build a snowman but the snow was not good for snowman making. It would not hold together and what little balls they did manage to make crumpled. They were very upset that it didn't work. So I had no snowman or snow to take a picture of when I came home from work. The trees were pretty I must admit all covered with snow. Today the temp made it to 50 and there is only a little snow hanging around in shaded places. Saturday morning I had snowdrifts up to a foot in my front yard. Since I have no boots, my shoes were soaked after my trek to the car. Hopefully last night will be our last cold night. My hands have paid the price the last 2 days. Looking forward to the warmer weather they say we will be having this week, in the 60's. I survived the Hoop Shooters, barely. With having to change the time forward one hour last night and having to be at work an hour early this morning, seems like I had no sleep. I am tired tonight. I honestly believe that spring has finally sprung here. :)
Blog EntryMar 7, '08 9:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Still snowing here. Storm arrived later than they said. A lot later. Of course now they say we could get 5 to 8 inches. Work tomorrow is going to be so bad. I just know that a lot are going to call in because of the snow. On top of that we have The Hoop Shooters there this weekend. They are a bunch of children that have a basketball tournament that come every year. I don't know what is worse all the children or their parents, who make it a great big party. The rooms get trashed real bad. So if you don't hear from me for the rest of the weekend it's because I will be so wore out. Hope you all have a great weekend. :)
Blog EntryMar 7, '08 9:38 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Never lend money to family!
Blog EntryMar 6, '08 7:31 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Winter storm coming our way. Looks like we are going to get 4 to 6 inches of snow, after we get some rain. I am not expecting the girls to have school tomorrow. If we do get that much snow everything around here will come to a stand still. There is hardly anyone here that can drive in snow. I will attempt to drive into work, should be able to make it considering I have driven in a lot more snow than that. I just worry about the ones that think they can drive in it and can't. They drive too fast & think that the brake is the answer. Getting to work in the morning shouldn't be a problem at all. It will be the drive home after it has been snowing all day. Since I have lived here this will be the most snow that we have had here. I bet the stores are sold out of a lot things by now. Good thing I went earlier today. Wish me luck! :)
Blog EntryMar 4, '08 9:37 PM
for Carealot's contacts
testing this out
Attachment: sunny dayMA10150124-0076.jpg
Blog EntryMar 4, '08 9:02 PM
for Carealot's contacts

Found it, thought it was animated so I was looking in wrong folder, LOL

Blog EntryMar 3, '08 8:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It is storming here, raining cats & dogs. I just popped on to give a quick hi. Got to go now, see you hopefully tomorrow night. Have a good Tuesday everyone. :)
Blog EntryMar 2, '08 12:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A wish for my friends in England, a Happy Mother's Day!
Blog EntryMar 2, '08 12:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts

I have been having a wonderful weekend. It has been just what I have been needing. The weather has been wonderful. Today in the 70's, oh the sunshine is wonderful!! Yesterday I cleaned house, did laundry, cleaned the car out, and gave Benji a bath, and a few other chores. I wanted to get everything out of the way so I would have today to do nothing at all. I am going to grill out today though. It is that nice. Yesterday while outside I discovered some flowers growing. I didn't even know were here. I think they are daffadils. I went outside earlier today and took some pictures of them. I am hoping that they are daffadils, I think they are so pretty. Here are the pictures, maybe some of you that know more about flowers can tell me what they are

I know that it is not going to stay this warm but I am going to enjoy while it is. They are calling for snow showers on Tuesday. Yuck.
Blog EntryFeb 28, '08 9:04 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Ok had to take better half to the doctor today. His first visit to see a doctor in years. Was unable to get in to see a doctor after he lost his insurance when he lost his job. So now he finally has his disability and along with that comes insurance. He has been sick with a bad cold so I called his appointed doctor and got him an appointment. They did blood work, X-rays, and listened to his heart & lungs. Looked in his ears & throat. Gave him prescriptions for this and that. Want to see him again in a month. Also want to do a sleep study on him. 2 hours later we were able to leave. I am not sure that all of this is necessary, could be that they are just running up the bill because he has insurance. The main complaint he has is that he is having trouble breathing, gets short of breath easily. He gets this way every winter. The doctor said they didn't see anything wrong with his lungs. Strange. Since he is overweight, I thought that this would be brought up as one of the reasons he has trouble breathing, but nothing was said about that at all.
Without insurance, if you are lucky to be seen by a doctor, you are in and out in 10 minutes. They barely take the time to look you over.
Blog EntryFeb 26, '08 8:33 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I watched the news tonight and I am outraged at what I saw. It seems that here in Tennessee, there have been numerous children that have been sexually attacked on school buses. Including rape. Nothing seems to be done to stop this from happening. The bus drivers didn't do anything, but I do understand that they might not have known it was happening, they do have to watch the roads and make sure that they drive safe. The other children on the buses didn't do anything either. I do not understand why school buses don't have a monitor that rides the bus, to keep watch on what the children are doing. They certainly need them! How dare they allow this to happen to any child let alone mentally handicapped children!!! The other thing that was on the news that has outraged me is a school here in Tennessee had a student arrested for criminal theft. Seems he took a lunch without paying for it. The reason this outrages me so much is this.... He was eligible for a reduced price lunch, which means he only had to pay .40 cents for his lunch. His mother had forgotten to give him his .40 cents that day. The student was hungry and told the lunchroom staff that he didn't have his .40 cents. They told him that he couldn't get a lunch then. He went and took one anyway. He was hungry. They had him arrested for this. The student also has something wrong in his brain, but that shouldn't make a difference really. A hungry student is a hungry student no matter what. This student had to go to court over this. Over a .40 cent lunch!! What is this country coming to??? The school says that they have a problem with lunch theft. This country can give free medical help to all kinds of people from other countries, not to mention a lot more stuff this country gives out, but don't you dare take a .40 cent school lunch!!! My God the student was hungry!!! Feed Him!!!!!! Send a note home to his mother asking for the money, if you must. Good God don't have him arrested!!!! Charity begins at home. Apparently not in this country!!! This country would rather take care of other countries children before they feed one of their own! Not to mention all the free medical help they give out, while there are millions dying right here in this country because they can't afford to go see a doctor!!!! In my opinion they should be the ones arrested for allowing all of this to go on!!!
Blog EntryFeb 25, '08 9:43 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Well another day off that didn't go like I wanted it to. Started off with having to strip Tabitha's sheets off her bed and wash them. She had an accident. Not sure why she had it. Then got the girls ready for school and got them on the bus. Television was acting up again. The color tracking has been on the blink for several months now. It will not lock in and so sometimes you see the separate colors and the picture jumps. We had been leaving it on 24/7 because it acted up everytime we turned it off then back on. Well this morning it was acting up and wouldn't stop at all. I had to make a trip to the store to get a few things. We were hoping that it would lock back in by the time we came home. Of course it didn't and had just gotten worse. So we called to see about a repairman. They told us that it would cost us over $400 to fix it and they couldn't come out until Thursday. So we decided that we would go see about getting a new one. We had a projection big screen and the price they quoted us to fix it is half of the cost to buy a new flat screen television. Problem being that we didn't have the money to buy a new one. So we decided to see about renting to own. I hate to do that but didn't have any other choice. Finished doing the laundry, making dessert for supper. They delivered the new television. Helped the girls with homework, then we planted some seeds in flower pots. The girls are interested in watching things grow. Made supper and ate. Got the girls ready for bed, did dishes. I am beat once again.
Blog EntryFeb 23, '08 8:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
It is looking more and more like Clinton will not win the nomination. This disappoints me very much. If she doesn't win it then I will have to decide what to do, not vote at all or vote for the other side. I will not vote for Obama. I feel he doesn't have enough experience to handle the job. Will have to really think about this.
Blog EntryFeb 21, '08 9:18 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Went to work yesterday, we were short 2 people. We had 96 rooms. Thankfully most of them were stayovers. Still we had to work our tails off to get them all done. I don't mind hard work but I do hate the rushing that has to be done on days like yesterday. Makes me very tired. I didn't even get on computer last night.
Blog EntryFeb 19, '08 9:12 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha went to the doctor yesterday. They put more casting wrap around her arm. So now you can't see the cut in the cast. She requested the color orange, it is a very bright orange. We all signed it. She will miss the rest of this week of school. They will take an exray on March 10. She is doing great. Now for the other stuff. Last night just as I was getting ready for bed, something happened. We seen a truck pulling another truck with a chain down the road, in front of the house. Better half was outside with Benji. I didn't think nothing of the 2 trucks. Shortly after I seen the 2 trucks pass the house, better half came inside and told me to call the sheriff. While outside with Benji he seen the 2 trucks stop and they unchained the one that they were pulling. Then they backed up the other truck behind it. They turned the steering wheel all the way to the left and then pushed the truck right into our woods and crashed it into the creek, hitting several small trees on the way. Then they stood in the road and laughed about it. Better half said well that was brilliant!!! They heard him and they took off in the other truck. We didn't know if it was stolen or what. Then a few minutes later they came back and were trying to get it out. I called the sheriff and told them what we had seen. They said they were sending out a car. In the meantime, the men in the truck must have called for some help. All of a sudden we have an SUV in our driveway. It is one of the men with a woman. They get out and come to the door. Trying to tell us that he had an accident while pulling his truck. Wanted to know if they could use our phone. We told them that the sheriff had already been called. The man looked very angry. I called the sheriff back again and explained that they had come to our door and all. The sheriff's car finally arrived at the point of the crash. Better half went outside and could hear them talking and laughing. Then the tow truck came and got the truck out. The sheriff called us to let us know that it had been taken care of and that it was nothing like we thought. That they had swerved to miss a deer and had crashed. I told the sheriff, well thats not what happened but that was up to them. So it wasn't stolen, but the way it looks to us is an insurance scam. So if you ever wonder why your insurance rates keep going up, it could be because of people like this and the sheriff that believed their story, even after an eyewitness told them the truth. So much for the quite of the country.

Blog EntryFeb 17, '08 6:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha was released from the hospital this afternoon. The doctor didn't get in to check her out until 11:00 this morning. Then it took 2 hours for the nurses to make out the discharge papers. She is home and resting as best as she can. She would much rather be up and playing but we have to keep ice packs on the elbow. I don't see how the ice is getting thru the cast, but that was the doctor's orders. She is getting better at wiggling her fingers and touching her thumb and index finger together. She has to go see the doctor tomorrow afternoon, I think they will be recasting it, the one she has on now is cut, for the swelling. Last night at the hospital she did get sick and threw up. When we got her home she had to get a shower and her hair washed. I am tired. I am going to have to make her a makeshift bed on the floor, because she is not going to be able to climb the bunkbed. I think that I am going to stop wishing for a good weekend off. Also an update on Benji's tail, it is better and he is holding it up now.
Blog EntryFeb 16, '08 10:23 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Tabitha fell off of her quad this afternoon and broke her right elbow. It is broke at the top of her elbow. They had to put pins in, and have her in a cast. They have kept her at the hospital overnight. She should get to come home tomorrow. Her mother is spending the night at the hospital with her.
Blog EntryFeb 15, '08 9:27 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Cleaning hotel rooms the day after Valentine's Day is no picnic. We only had 46 rooms today but it turned out to be a long day. One co-worker called in, one took a few vacation days, and another one had to leave early this morning. I thought the day would never get over with! Of course it finally did. Thank goodness I have the weekend off!! :)
Blog EntryFeb 14, '08 8:54 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Seen the sun again today!! It was very nice & bright. On the warmer side, that was great! Went to dinner, pleasant time. Not sure what tomorrow will bring weather wise, but today was a delight. One more day of work, just can't wait to have 2 off!! Electric man came today and finished the wiring on daughter's home. Paid for the inspection, hookup & big deposit after work. Inspection man comes on Monday. I pray it passes so electric lines can be ran & service turned on. Hope they don't give me problems, don't want to pay for inspection again. :)
Blog EntryFeb 13, '08 8:37 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Cold, snow & ice. Artic wind blowing through my bones. Depression. Longing for spring. Flowers blooming, green grass and warm, soft breezes. Winter has been too long, will not let go.
Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day.
Blog EntryFeb 12, '08 9:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Something is wrong with Benji's tail. He isn't holding it up. I think that one of the girls hurt him, by accident. If he doesn't start holding it up in the next couple of days, I will have to take him to the vet. I sure hope that it isn't broke. He was fine until sometime after the girls came in from school this afternoon. He does try to wag it, just not holding it up. He is acting like it is bothering him too.
Blog EntryFeb 10, '08 7:57 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Sounds strange I know, but I am glad the weekend is over. I had to go into work early both days and I am tired and wore out. Having to get up at 4:45 AM sure did take a toll on me. Wish I could sleep in tomorrow, but I can't, have to get the girls up and off to school. Next weekend will be my chance for sleeping in, if something doesn't come up between now and then. It has gotten cold here again today. Tonight is going to be very cold. Glad I don't have to work in it. Have a good week everyone. :)
Blog EntryFeb 8, '08 8:24 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My mobile home was locally built in a factory not to far from here. This morning the factory burned flat to the ground. They employed about 230 people. I hope that the company will rebuild here. There isn't very many jobs around here to begin with. The company is out of Troy Michigan, and the plant here was the biggest. What a terrible thing to happen to this area. The people are devastated.
Blog EntryFeb 7, '08 9:45 PM
for Carealot's contacts
This is a link to a local TV station webpage about the tornadoes. They have some very good pictures in their slideshows.
Blog EntryFeb 6, '08 7:54 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I cry tears of sorrow for the families who have lost loved ones, they can't be replaced. The last I heard the death toll was at 54 throughout all the states that were hit by deadly tornadoes last night. Houses and cars can be replaced, even trees, but you can't replace human lives. I cry tears of joy for the little children who by some kind of miracle survived being ripped from their mother's arms and thrown about by the tornado. I also cry tears of joy that we were spared the worst. Last night was rough here, but it could have been a lot rougher, we know. There were tornadoes all around us and one did hit in the town that we live, damaging one house and totally destroying another. 2 mobile homes nearby were also turned over. It could have been worse, I have seen worse in past tornadoes that have hit us. We never lost power here and thankfully the wind wasn't real bad. I looked out my bedroom window and seen a funnel cloud northeast of us, the lightening lit the sky and I was able to see it. It was up and not on the ground. There was several times that I put the girls into my bedroom closet with pillows to cover them. I wanted to leave and go to Wal-Mart before the storms hit. I figured it would be better there than here. My better half wouldn't go and I didn't want to leave him here so we all stayed and I prayed that we would be safe. It was a long night, I finally went to bed at 1:00 AM and was able to sleep knowing that the storms were gone. Today the cold front has arrived and our temp was in the 40's. A big difference from the 75 of yesterday. Work was cold and wet. Tomorrow is a day off for me. Hope I am able to get some things done.
Blog EntryFeb 4, '08 8:58 PM
for Carealot's contacts
If I am not here tomorrow night, it is most likely because we will be having bad storms. I hope that we don't lose power again like last time. Hugs :)
Blog EntryFeb 3, '08 9:24 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I had a call from my brother the other day. The engine in his van blew up. He needed a vehicle right away. He has to be in Illinois for court on Tuesday. So I had to lend him $900.00 for a down payment for a used vehicle. I also had to go pick him up yesterday morning way out in the sticks where he lives and take him to look for a vehicle. By the time the papers were all signed, half the day was gone. My better half went with my brother to pick up the blown up van from the side of the road while I went and did grocery shopping. Finally went out to supper. On the way home, my brother called again. On his way home he drove across a wooden bridge and had a flat and ruined a tire on his new vehicle. He needed us to take the 2 front tires off of his van and bring them to him way out in the sticks. Which we did, and by the time we got home it was 11:00 PM. So there went one of my days off. Took the girls to a birthday party at Chuckie Cheese this morning and didn't get home until 3:30 PM. Ate supper and watched the Super Bowl. There went my last day off. I did mange to vacuum my floors before supper. Nothing else I wanted to do this weekend got done. How was your weekend? Hope it was more relaxing than mine. Hugs :)
Blog EntryJan 31, '08 8:08 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Thunderstorms, tornados, snow, sleet, rain, sleet, and back to snow. What a week it has been. One more day of work in the cold, with a cold. We had 82 rooms today, I had 12. I guess we were so busy because of the bad roads. I hate to see what awaits me in the morning weather wise and work wise. I want some sunshine waaaaa!!!!!!!! My yard is a mud pit. When you step, your shoes want to stay, sink to your ankles. I feel so bad for all the people who are getting tons of snow. Hope you all are staying as warm as you can. As for me I will be cold again tomorrow at work. Have a good night all. :)
Blog EntryJan 30, '08 7:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I was not on here last night, not because of my cold and feeling like crap. I wasn't on because we had a bit of a bad storm come thru and we lost power for 6 hours. I had barely gotten supper cooked and on the table when the power went out. We ate by candle light. I took some medicine and laid down on the couch. The girls went to bed at 7:00 because there wasn't anything else for them to do. I slepton andoff breaking my fever. Finally at almost midnight the power came back on. There was talk that a tornado touched down somewhere around here. We had hail and I prayed that the car would survive it. It seems to have. Then a cold front came in and the temp dropped way down. I froze again at work today even though it made it up to 40, it didn't seem like it. Too much breeze. Going down in temp again tonight and they are talking about the possibility of freezing rain and or snow. Old man winter still has his grip on us here. I am still sick as a dog, whatever that means, LOL 2 more days of work then the weekend off. Have a good night all. Going to try and get some rest. :)
Blog EntryJan 28, '08 7:05 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Nothing going on here except that I have gotten a cold today. I did manage to take a picture of the pets all on the bed. I put it in the Felines & Canines album. Still cold here or it feels like it is. Didn't feel like it was in the 40's today. No sunshine.
Blog EntryJan 27, '08 8:39 PM
for Carealot's contacts
For only having 49 rooms today, it sure was a long day. We had a convention center to clean, had to go in a hour early for that this morning. I only had 3 rooms. It seems that no one wanted to leave this morning. So we had to clean windows and the balcony rails. Do you know how cold a wet rag gets on your hands when it is 30 degrees out? I do, LOL By the time we got the rooms done, we had been there almost 8 hours. It makes for a real long day when you are trying to find something to do to keep busy while you are waiting for the guests to leave so the rooms can get cleaned. Hope you all have a great Monday. :)
Blog EntryJan 26, '08 9:42 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I came home from work today and found out that Tabitha had threw up in her bed. That isn't the worse part though. She didn't tell anyone, that is until I came home. So I had to strip her bed of everything and wash it all. Not sure what made her sick, but think it might be the Chinese we had for supper last night. So I guess she won't be eating Chinese anymore. I also had the rest of my laundry to do on top of her bedding. Gave the girls their baths, fixed supper, did dishes, took Benji out, and remade Tabitha's bed. Oh those bunk beds are a pain to make. I fell asleep on the couch for a little while. I was so tired. Have to go in early to work again tomorrow. Have a great Sunday. :)
Blog EntryJan 25, '08 8:43 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I found this beautiful winter poem and thought it might be a comfort to you.
It was to me and it's very well written and I hope that you enjoy it too .
by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre
Shit It's Cold
The End
Blog EntryJan 25, '08 8:40 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I had a hard day at work. I had 10 rooms and the hotel inspector was here today. We did pass with a high score. That is good. I am tired and hurt everywhere. Had Chinese for supper, too tired to cook. Very cold today, I wish spring would hurry and come. Don't you? :)
Blog EntryJan 24, '08 9:16 PM
for Carealot's contacts
As I was leaving in my car tonight, I seen 5 deer come out of the woods mext to our property. One by one they came out and stood by the road. One by one they crossed the road, all the time looking around, watching for danger. One by one they walked thru the field in single file to the woods on the other side. Every so often they would stop and look around. I wanted to take their picture so bad but of course I didn't have my camera. I never seem to have it when I see them. They continued on into the woods. Upon my return home here they came again going back the other way. One by one. I will always be amazed at how beautiful deer are. So graceful. I could never kill one. I have tasted deer meat and don't like the taste of it. I would rather watch them walk one by one. I have yet to try and talk to these deer like I did the ones in town. One day I will. I am curious if these deer will stand and look at me like they know what I am saying like the ones in town did. I will let you know the outcome.

Blog EntryJan 23, '08 10:28 PM
for Carealot's contacts
History of the middle finger

The History of the Middle Finger
Well, now......here's something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified. Isn't history more fun when you know something about it?
Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew").
Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentals fricative F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as "giving the bird."
And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing.
Blog EntryJan 23, '08 10:24 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Had a long day at work. This is suppose to be our slow period. Yes, we were slow right after the holidays, but really haven't been that slow since. We had almost 100 rooms today. I had all 12 of mine. We also had a convention center to clean. I think this is the busiest I have seen it in January since I have worked there. It was cold here this morning in the low 20's and I froze for a while. It did manage to warm up to high 30's this afternoon. Tonight will get down into the teens and tomorrow's high will only be in the mid 20's. Warm up is on the way, they say it will be around 60 by Monday. Rain of course with that. Couldn't stand seeing my car all dirty like it was, so took it thru the car wash tonight. I sure hope my doors don't freeze shut. :)
Blog EntryJan 22, '08 8:20 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Well so much for my 2 vacation days and getting to relax. That didn't happen. I spent all of today driving. Left at 7:20 AM and didn't get home until 4:30 PM. My poor new car is dirty from all the driving in the rain. Then there is all of the miles that have been put on it. Only had it for a week and 4 days and already put over 1100 miles on it. The reason for all the driving today was I received a phone call from my brother the other night. His driver's license had been suspended and he needed me to drive him to get them reinstated. He lives way out in the sticks, and I had to go pick him up and then drive about 100 more miles so he could get his DL reinstated. Then turn around and drive back another 100 miles to take him home. Then drove myself home which is about 30 more miles. Got home and had to hurry and get supper on the table, give baths to the girls, & get dishes done. Some day off I tell you. I was my brother's keeper today for sure. If he didn't make his living driving, I might not have done it. Hope you all have had a good start to your week. Hugs :)
Blog EntryJan 20, '08 9:48 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Soon it will be Super Bowl Sunday. Shortly after that Nascar season begins. Boy has time flew by. Maybe it feels like that because I have been so busy these past few months, but it seems like the months are going by so fast. Not to mention how fast my 4 days off are going. Only 2 left and I have a ton of things to do that I really didn't plan on doing when I took 2 of my vacation days. Well maybe next time I will have more time for relaxation, I won't count on it though, LOL
Blog EntryJan 20, '08 10:32 AM
for Carealot's contacts
Well it has warmed up to a whole 14 degrees here. Have some chores to do today, then taking the girls to McDonald's for lunch. I think they want to play in the playland more than they want to eat there. Stay warm everyone. :)
Blog EntryJan 19, '08 10:53 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I just spent the better part of my evening trying to get online. My first attempt got me online, but then my AOL froze up and I had to shut my computer down. When I restarted it and tried to get back online, my wireless computer connection kept giving me an error message. After several futile attempts, I called Verizon tech. After one hour of phone time he was able to get me back online. Of course I have no idea why it wasn't working in the first place. Once back online, my AOL froze up again and had to shut down again! Finally after several tries I have managed to get back online.
It is cold here and that alone makes me cranky. Not being able to get online makes me furious, lol. But I am here to give you all hugs :) FINALLY!!!
Almost forgot, even multiply gave me hell tonight. It kept having me sign on over and over. Must be gremlins, lol.
Blog EntryJan 18, '08 8:48 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My 4 day weekend is finally here. I will need it to recuperate after today. As I figured it was a rough one. Having 2 convention centers & 3 limos on top of our rooms. I had 12 rooms today. I knew I was going to have a bad day when a co-worker hit me in the forehead with one of the limo doors. Almost knocked me out cold. I have a bump and a bruise, not to mention the headache. My hands are very dried out, cracked and bleeding. My ankle is killing me, what a day it has been. I am thankful that I have 4 days off. I am beat from one end to the other. I just watched a Tony Stewart racecar get auctioned off for charity, it went for $300,000. Have a great weekend everyone. Hugs :)
Blog EntryJan 17, '08 7:45 PM
for Carealot's contacts
So near, yet so far. One more day before my extended weekend begins. And what a day it will be. We will have 2 convention centers & 3 limos to clean, plus our rooms. Could turn into a very long day. Today was another busy day. Seen snow on the ground last night before I turned in. It was all gone when I awoke this morning. Did nothing but rain today. So dreary. Staying true to my word still have not smoked in the new car.
Blog EntryJan 15, '08 9:44 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Nothing much happening here. Just working for the weekend, will have 4 days off. YES!!!
Blog EntryJan 12, '08 11:21 PM
for Carealot's contacts
We bought a new car. The first brand new car I have had since 1987. It is a 2008 Chevy ( of course) HHR, bright red. It reminds me of the gangsters cars back in the 30's. On the outside that is. The inside is another story. They tell me that a woman designed this car and I just thought to myself, what was she thinking??? I didn't like it at first, but it is growing on me I guess. My better half is the one who wanted this car. I would have been happy with the Chevy Cobalt, which by the way I felt so much more comfortable in. Once my better half gets something in his mind he won't let go of it and this was the only car that he had in mind. So of course we ended up with the HHR. I am sure that most of you have seen one of these vehicles. It is totally loaded, I think that is the only way it comes, not sure. At least all that we looked at did. It comes with On Star, free for one year. It has XM radio free for 3 months. Don't think we will be keeping that though. I usually just listen to CD's. The car comes with a cell phone number, it is basically a giant cell phone, LOL. 30 minutes for free. Another thing that we will not be keeping. Funny story about the On Star. When we were test driving one of these cars, my better half was adjusting the rearview mirror and accidently pushed the red emergency button. The car starts talking to us, telling us that it is dialing, connecting and whatnot. I am telling him to shut it off and he is telling me that he doesn't know what he pushed to get it to start. LOL Then this man starts talking to us saying that we have reached the On Star emergency service How may he help us. We explained that we were test driving the car and trying to adjust the mirror and hit the button by accident. I wonder how many times that has happened!! The man was very nice and said ok he would disconnect. This car has more buttons than Carter's has liver pills!! It has power windows, door locks, rear window defogger, which this I do love!! I hate scraping frost & ice. It has a compass so now I know which direction I am going at all times, LOL The CD/radio player even tells you the date. It has been a long time since I have been in a new car and they sure are different. I am having trouble getting use to the wipers being on the right side instead of the left. It has cruise and rear window wiper/washer too. Also comes with remote control that locks, unlocks, starts the car, and has an alarm. The thing that really freaked me out and the salesman forgot to tell me about, is that the radio keeps playing even when you take the key out. Here I am trying to figure out how to shut it off and wondering why it is still on when I ahve the key in my hand!! I opened the door to tell better half that I couldn't figure out how to get it turned off when it shut off as soon as I opened the door. Also has the auto headlights that come on everytime you start the car. The woman that designed this car must have been a little lazy, LOL Then there is this little light that comes on inside that shines on all of the buttons, every time you start the car and it stays on. I smoke so I was a little upset that it doesn't have an ashtray in. Neither did the Colbalt. My better half doesn't like me smoking and since the car doesn't have an ashtray I have decided not to smoke in the car, he is happy about that. Like I said the car has to grow on you and I am not totally there yet but with time I am sure that I will come to love it. It also is suppose to get 30 highway/28 city MPG. With the extra miles I am now having to drive to work I will love that!! Hugs :)
Blog EntryJan 10, '08 10:12 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A few weeks back we went to see Alvin & The Chipmunks. If you haven't seen it and you get the chance, take it. It is a really good movie. The kids loved it and so did we. Tabitha does a great impression of the chickawowwow bit that is in the movie. Makes me laugh. Hugs :)
Blog EntryJan 9, '08 8:24 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Whoever said that playing hooky from work was fun, didn't have a day like I just had. I think I am more tired than if I had went to work. I spent all day long in my car, driving here and there taking care of business stuff for the old house. At least I can say now gone with the old and bring on the new. Things should get back to what I call normal now. I had to stop by the Verizon store again. With the move I didn't get my bill and it was due. While I was there dealing with that, I asked them about my connection. I thought that the woman had told me that they had 2 different kinds like slow & fast. It turns out that it was 2 different brands of what they call the card. I did however find out that in a couple of months they will have broadband service and so my connection will be faster. This was good news to me. I thought that is what they have now considering that it says broadband on it when it comes up. I can't ait until they get it now so hopefully some of the problems I have been having will disappear. :)
Blog EntryJan 8, '08 8:24 PM
for Carealot's contacts
We are having some rough weather here today. Been under a tornado watch most of the day and night. I think that it is about over now though. It rained so much this evening that my yard looks like a mud pit again. The thunder & lightening was something. I guess everything looks different in the country. I am scared to death of tornados and now that I am living in a mobile home out in the country, I am even more scared, but I guess if it is my time to go nothing no one can do about it. No matter where I am. It is going to start cooling down again now and by the weekend the highs will only be in the 40's. I was really getting to like the temps in the 70's. Hugs :)
Blog EntryJan 7, '08 9:09 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Came home from work today to find that my better half had opened some of the windows since it was so warm today. This would not have been a problem if only he had mowed the dirt before he opened the windows! It was windy here today, mowing dirt and open windows do not mix. I came home to find dirt and a few pieces of grass everywhere. So much for my housecleaning over the weekend. Benji had a wet accident on my brand new carpet, looked like he had not been taken out all day. Although my better half swears up and down that he had him out twice. It is not like Benji to have accidents, he hasn't had one in a very long time, so this makes me doubt that he was taken out. All my better half wants to do today is complain about the cats not getting the mouse, which I don't think they can get to in the first place. If we can't get to it how can they? Now he is complaining about Benji having the accident, which I believe is his doing in the first place. I think he got carried away mowing the dirt and forgot to take him out. It has not been a marvelous Monday here. How about yours?
Blog EntryJan 6, '08 5:17 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Had planned on making meatloaf for supper tonight but hungry children have no patience for meatloaf making and baking. So had chicken nuggets instead, put the meatloaf off until tomorrow. I have enjoyed my day off today so much. Tomorrow it's back to work. The sun came out just in time for it to set and I took a picture of it.
Took one of Benji looking out the door too.

Blog EntryJan 6, '08 12:08 AM
for Carealot's contacts
Although I managed to sleep in a bit this morning, that is about all of the relaxing I did today. Took Benji to the vet to get his nails trimmed. I am too scared to do it myself, afraid that I will hurt him. This was a chore by itself! Benji, for some reason does not like dogs. I mean he really doesn't like other dogs! Every time he sees another dog, he tries to attack them. He barks, he lunges and carries on something terrible. With me at the other end of the leash, trying to hold him back while he is pulling my arm out of the socket. This wears me out to no end. I end up feeling like I just wrestled an alligator. Any other time Benji is the sweetest dog there is, quiet, content and just plain adorable. After I was done at the vet, I proceeded to go to the Verizon store. I wanted to find out about getting another cell phone just like the one Sammy Jo has for my better half. Her phone is easy for him to use. I went to Verizon before Christmas and got him a phone, but he doesn't like it. I can't say I blame him, after I brought it home I didn't like it either. Everytime you touch the darn thing the volume turns down, because of where the buttons are postioned on the sides. Also the speaker phone on it keeps getting turned on. I got the phone for free so not out any money that way. So anyway I asked about trying to get a phone like Sammy Jo's today and the woman told me that I couldn't upgrade yet and that to get a phone like I wanted I would have to buy it outright for $160.00. Well without saying I walked out without the phone. Had planned on taking better half to eye doctor but had to take Benji home first. So I had to drive all the way home, 15 miles, then drive all the way back. On the way back I got to thinking about this phone again. When I got the phone before Christmas, the woman told me that I was still able to add an additional line to my account. So I went back to the Verizon store and asked about doing that with a phone like Sammy Jo's. I wanted to know what it would cost me that way. I was very happy with the answer, the phone was free!! I told them I wish I had known that before I got the other one before Christmas. I was told when they have that one(the bad one) that the phone like Sammy Jo's isn't free. Well to make a very long story shorter, I got him the phone like Sammy Jo's and got it for free! Left the Verizon store to go to the eye doctor, only to find out that Medicare doesn't pay unless it is for some medical reason, like cataracts. So that was put off for a time. After that finished getting things that I forgot to get my last 2 trips to the store. Had lunch at Subway and came home. Cleaned house, changed linens on beds and did all the laundry. You know something? I never once thought about how I was going to change the sheets on the upper bunks of the girls beds when I bought the new beds. Here I am climbing the ladder and having to crawl around on them to put the sheets on. What a site to see! Just something else to wear me out. Good Grief!! Maybe tomorrow I can rest??
Blog EntryJan 5, '08 11:25 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I give up trying to add music using the add music section on my page. Besides everything that I have read on here about it tells me that unless it is something that you yourself have recorded, is illegal to add anyway. So I will just add a song to my blog with a snapdrive player.

Get your own playlist at snapdrive.net!
Blog EntryJan 4, '08 11:50 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Hello everyone! Hope this finds you all well and warm. It has been a cold week here, but relief is in site. Had my dinner out last night for my birthday, only a day late. The girls first day back to school at their new school went fairly good. They got on the bus that they were told to, only to be told that they were on the wrong bus. A little confusion there, but it was taken care of. The girls like the new school very much. Sammy Jo's teacher is taking over for another teacher and had her first day yesterday also. Had to go buy a few school supplies that they needed for the new school. Also had to buy them gym shoes. Their old school didn't require a pair to be left at school. A few more days and I think everything will get settled down. I have this weekend off and will be running around again getting things taken care of that have been put off during the move. Work has slowed down which can be nice but hurts the pocketbook. Can't have everything. Have a great weekend.
Blog EntryJan 4, '08 11:34 PM
for Carealot's contacts
If some of you are leaving me comments and not getting an answer from me, it's not because I am trying to be rude. I try to answer you all, but some of your pages have too many graphics for my slow connection and my computer freezes. Some days are better than others and I am able to get to your pages, but please don't think that I am blowing you off. Hugs to you all. :)
Blog EntryJan 2, '08 8:55 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The long Christmas break is over for the girls. They return to school tomorrow. They are very excited about going to a new school. They will also be riding the school bus soon. Tomorrow they have to be taken to school with it being their first day there, after that they will be able to ride the bus. I hope that they will be able to make new friends and be happy. Still cold here for at least one more day. I wish the weekend would hurry and get here, because it is suppose to be around 60 again. Hugs :)

Blog EntryJan 1, '08 8:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
My new years eve turned sad when my sister called to tell me that my mom was admitted to the hospital last night. She had been dizzy & throwing up. They kept her overnight and released her today. They think it had something to do with her blood pressure. In other words, they did some tests and really don't know what was wrong. She is better tonight and she didn't have to spend all of New Years in the hospital. She was able to go home and eat her blackeyed peas. (even if they were from a can) I had to work 8 1/2 hours on this cold & windy day. Saw some snow flurries but they didn't last long at the hotel though I was told it snowed enough at home to cover the ground. Of course it didn't stay long. For this I am grateful. I only hope that the wind dies down before I have to go to work in the morning. I hate having to fight the wind to keep the stuff on my cart, lol. Not to mention that it cuts through you like a knife. Happy 2008 everyone!!!
P.S. Tabitha lost another tooth today. Sammy Jo got to play dentist today, what troopers they are.
Blog EntryDec 31, '07 6:44 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Yeah!! We finished moving everything today. It took most of the day. 2 truckloads, and they were packed full. I did manage to get to the places I had to go today also. So everything is finished. I am so glad! Just in time for the new year. I have to finish my laundry yet, but will be done with that in a while. It has gotten very windy here the last hour or so. Lost power just a few minutes ago, but it came right back on. We haven't purchased a generator yet and so that scared me quite a bit. We are all electric here and have a well. So no electric, no nothing. The next few days a cold front will be here, the coldest weather that we will have had so far this season. It is only suppose to last a few days but I know that I will freeze at work until it warms back up. I will be staying in tonight as I always do on this night. I have to work tomorrow so no drinks for me either. I wish you all a very Happy New Year and best wishes for a wonderful 2008!!! I wish that the new year will bring me happiness in my new home. Happy 2008 everyone!!!
Blog EntryDec 30, '07 7:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
They moved 2 trucks & trailer loads today. The old International truck made it here today along with a lot of other things. Tomorrow will move the last truck load. I have a lot of things to take care of tomorrow also. Hopefully the places I have to go will be open so I can get all of it taken care of. I also have to do laundry tomorrow because my family believes that you don't do laundry on New Years Day. If you do then someone will die in your family that year. Could be just an old tale, but one year my sister forgot and she did laundry on New Years, one of my aunts died that Feb. So I never do laundry on New Years. We also eat black eyed peas on New Years Day, suppose to mean that you have money all year. One year I didn't eat them and had a terrible year with money problems, so always eat them now. Could be just silliness, but I am not going to take the chance of it happening again! :)
Blog EntryDec 29, '07 8:42 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A nice hot bath after a cold days work was the ticket today. I used my new BIG bathtub for the first time today. Oh how I love this tub! It is one of those real deep tubs. It is almost the size of one of our jacuzzis at work. It doesn't have the jets though. That is ok though because I still love it. I am usually a shower person, but I think I will be using this tub a lot. Bath oil & a candle was so relaxing. In other news, they moved 3 truck & trailer loads today. Have about 2 more they are going to move tomorrow. That should be about it I think, I hope. He sure has a lot of stuff, mostly tools and things like that. They did manage to get the pool table moved today, without removing the legs. Looks like we will not be selling it after all. Going to try and keep it. Plans are to build a big garage and set it up in there. For now it is in the small garage building we have that got moved here the other day. You never know how much stuff you really have until you go to move it, LOL
Blog EntryDec 28, '07 8:46 PM
for Carealot's contacts
The tooth fairy will come to our house tonight. I came home from work to have to play dentist. Tabitha had a very loose front tooth. Came out with no problem. She was the complete opposite of her older sister, didn't cry one tear! Not even a bit upset over the whole matter. What a trooper! :)
Blog EntryDec 27, '07 10:59 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A tribute to a beloved member of our family. Our '67 Chevelle may not belong to us anymore, but will remain in our hearts forever. This car has now become the land that our new home sits on. You will be missed but we can't live in a car. I know that you understand why we had to trade you for the land. May your new owners take care of you as well as we did.
Blog EntryDec 26, '07 8:58 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Finally got the garage building moved to new house today. Just in time too, because it's raining again! have about 2 more trips to make moving things. The stuff that we had in the garage, carport & shed. Then I can finally say it's over. Hope you all had a very nice Christmas
Penguins Hugs.jpg
Blog EntryDec 24, '07 11:28 PM
for Carealot's contacts
and all through the house, nothing was stirring, not even a mouse. Just 2 cats & the dog. Finally was able to get the girls in bed. This was not an easy task. They have been so excited with anticipation of Santa Claus' arrival. I had to work today but we did manage to get off very early. I have tomorrow off thankfully. Our first Christmas in our new house. I was so worried that we wouldn't get moved before Christmas. Barely made it. Seems strange though, I have always been one to really decorate my yard for the holiday. Not this year though. I don't have any decorations outside. I just managed to get the Christmas tree up on Friday night. I usually put it up the day after Thanksgiving. Well at least we got to sleep here one night before I had to make the first house payment, LOL The weather just killed us. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!! HO! HO! HO!
Blog EntryDec 23, '07 5:03 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have a request of all that leave comments in my guestbook. It is not that I don't like the GIF'S (animations), because I do love them, but with the slow connection I have it takes forever to load the larger ones. Sometimes they may even lock my computer and I have to shut it down. So please if you are leaving me a GIF, please make it a smaller one. Thank you for understanding. Hugs :)
Blog EntryDec 22, '07 11:51 PM
for Carealot's contacts
We moved into our new mobile home on Dec. 14. It has been a long road and we haven't reached the end of it yet. Still have some things to move. I thought that it was never going to really happen, with all the obstacles that we have had to face. If it wasn't one thing it was another! The weather has not been very helpful either. So much rain! As for our new home, we are loving it, especially the country. The view out my living room window is wonderful. I can't wait to try and get some pictures of it to show you. Would look better though if we had some grass! LOL Have a lot of work to do around here, if it ever stops raining long enough. I guess I should be thankful that it isn't snow. Well I should stop writing now and see what else I can get figured out on multiply. Hugs :)
Blog EntrySep 11, '07 11:26 PM
for Carealot's contacts
) NUDITY I was driving with my three young children one warm
summer evening when a woman in the convertible

ahead of us stood up and waved. She was stark

naked! As I was reeling from the shock, I heard my

5-year-old shout from the back seat, 'Mom! That lady

isn't wearing a seat belt!'

On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his

teacher a note from his mother. The note read, 'The

opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily

those of his parents.'

A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup out of

the jar. During her struggle the phone rang so she

asked her 4-year-old daughter to answer the phone.

'Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you right

now. She's hitting the bottle.'

A little boy got lost at the YMCA and found himself

in the women's locker room. When he was spotted,

the room burst into shrieks, with ladies grabbing

towels and running for cover. The little boy watched

in amazement and then asked, 'What's the matter,

haven't you ever seen a little boy before?'

5) POLICE # 1
While taking a routine vandalism report at an
elementary school, I was interrupted by a little
girl about 6 years old. Looking up and down at

my uniform, she asked, 'Are you a cop?'

'Yes,' I answered and continued writing the report.

'My mother said if I ever needed help I should ask

the police. Is that right?' 'Yes, that's right,' I told her.

'Well, then,' she said as she extended her foot toward

me, 'would you please tie my shoe?'

6) POLICE # 2
It was the end of the day when I parked my police van

in front of the station. As I gathered my equipment, my

K-9 partner, Jake, was barking, and I saw a little boy

staring in at me 'Is that a dog you got back there?' he

asked. 'It sure is,' I replied. Puzzled, the boy looked

at me and then towards the back of the van. Finally he

said, 'What'd he do?'

While working for an organization that delivers lunches

to elderly shut-ins, I used to take my 4-year-old daughteron my afternoon rounds. She was unfailingly intrigued bythe various appliances of old age, particularly the canes,walkers and wheelchairs. One day I found her staring at apair of false teeth soaking in a glass. As I braced myselfforthe inevitable barrage of questions, she merely turned andwhispered, 'The tooth fairy will never believe this!'

A little girl was watching her parents dress for a party.
When she saw her dad donning his tuxedo, she warned,
'Daddy, you shouldn't wear that suit.' 'And why not,
darling?' 'You know that it always gives you a headache the next morning.'

While walking along the sidewalk in front of his church,

our minister heard the intoning of a prayer that nearly
made his collar wilt. Apparently, his 5-year-old son and
his playmates had found a dead robin. Feeling that proper burial should be performed, they had secured a small boxand cotton batting, then dug a hole and made ready for thedisposal of the deceased. The minister's son was chosen tosay the appropriate prayers and with sonorous dignity intonedhis version of what he thought his father always said:

'Glory be unto the Faaather, and unto the Sonnn, and intothe hole he goooes.'

A little girl had just finished her first week of school.

'I'm just wasting my time,' she said to her mother.

'I can't read, I can't write and they won't let me talk!'

A little boy opened the big family bible. He was

fascinated as he fingered through the old pages.

Suddenly, something fell out of the Bible. He picked

up the object and looked at it. What he saw was an

old leaf that had been pressed in between the pages.

'Mama, look what I found,' the boy called out.

'What have you got there, dear?' With astonishment in

the young boy's voice, he answered, 'I think it's Adam's

Blog EntrySep 10, '07 11:24 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I wasn't feeling well that day, and was in bed asleep. I thought I was dreaming. My daughter was telling me that we were under attack. I managed to wake up and she repeated that we were under attack. I asked her what in the world she was talking about. She told me that the White House had been attacked. I stumbled to my kitchen, to where the nearest T.V. was. I stood there in shock as I listened to the newscaster. The Trade Center towers, & The Pentagon had been hit by airplanes. They were showing the footage. I felt the tears rolling down my face. I couldn't move, I just stood there, thinking about all those people. My daughter had thought it was the White House, because she had heard them say that the airplane that crashed in PA., they thought was heading for the White House. For months after 9-11, I had trouble sleeping and all I watched on T.V. was CNN. I will always remember that day and how it made me feel.
Blog EntrySep 1, '07 11:29 PM
for Carealot's contacts
Have a great Sunday
Blog EntryAug 29, '07 11:54 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A woman went to her Health Maintenance Organization. After about 15
minutes with one of the new doctors, she went screaming down the hall.
Another doctor stopped
and asked her what the problem was and she explained.

The second doctor went back to the first and said, "What's
the matter with you? Mrs. Terry is 63 years old. She has
four grown children and seven grandchildren and you told
her she was pregnant?"

The new doctor simply smiled and said,
"Cured her hiccups though, didn't it?"
Blog EntryAug 27, '07 11:01 PM
for Carealot's contacts
There was a young woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live. So as she was getting her things "in order," she contacted her Pastor and had him come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her final wishes.

She told him which songs she wanted sung at the service, what scriptures she would like read, and what outfit she wanted to be buried in.

Everything was in order and the Pastor was preparing to leave when the young woman suddenly remembered something very important to her.

"There's one more thing," she said excitedly.

"What's that?" came the Pastor's reply.

"This is very important," the young woman continued. "I want to be buried wi th a fork in my right hand."

The Pastor stood looking at the young woman, not knowing quite what to say.

That surprises you, doesn't it?" the young woman asked.

"Well, to be honest, I'm puzzled by the request," said the Pastor.

The young woman explained. "My grandmother once told me this story, and from that time on I have always tried to pass along its message to those I love and those who are in need of encouragement. In all my years of attending socials and dinners, I always remember that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and say, 'Keep your fork.' It was my favorite part because I knew that something better was coming...like velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie. Something wonderful, and with substance!'

So, I just want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder "What's with the fork?" Then I want you to tell them: "Keep your for k , the best is yet to come."

The Pastor's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he hugged the young woman good-bye. He knew this would be one of the last times he would see her before her death. But he also knew that the young woman had a better grasp of heaven than he did. She had a better grasp of what heaven would be like than many people twice her age, with twice as much experience and knowledge. She KNEW that something better was coming.

At the funeral people were walking by the young woman's casket and
they saw the cloak she was wearing and the fork placed in her right hand. Over and over, the Pastor heard the question, "What's with the fork?" And over and over he smiled.

During his message , t he Pastor told the people of the conversation he had with the young woman shortly before she died. He also told them about the fork and about what it symbolized to her. He told the people how he could not stop thinking about the fork and told them that they probably would

not be able to stop thinking about it either.

He was right. So the next time you reach down for your fork let it remind you, ever so gently, that the best is yet to come.
Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of prais e, and they always want to open their hearts to us.
Show your friends how much you care. Remember to always be there for them, even when you need them more. For you never know when it may be their time to "Keep your fork."

Cherish the time you have
, and the memories you share .
being friends with someone is not an opportunity but a sweet responsibility.
Blog EntryAug 26, '07 11:00 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I rear ended a car this morning...
I could tell it was going to be a REALLY bad day!
The driver got out of the other car, and he was a DWARF.
He looked up at me and said "I am NOT happy!"
So I said, "Well, which one ARE you then?"
And,That's how the fight started...
Blog EntryAug 23, '07 11:33 PM
for Carealot's contacts
I have to work this weekend, so if you don't hear from me you will know why. I will get in touch with you on Monday if I don't have the time to get on this weekend. Hope you all have a joyful weekend. It is still very hot here and looks like it will be for at least another week. Now we are having brush fires because everything is so dry. 1000 acres burned up the other day. Take care and talk to you when I get the chance. Hugs :)
Blog EntryAug 22, '07 11:18 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, "Father, I have a
problem. I have two female parrots, but they only know how to say one thing."
What do they say?" the priest inquired.
They say, "Hi, we're hookers! Do you want to have some fun?"

"That's obscene!" the priest exclaimed; then he thought for a moment.
"You know," he said, "I may have a solution to your problem. I have two
male talking parrots, which I have taught to pray and read the Bible.
Bring your two parrots over to my house, and we'll put them in the cage
with Frank and Jacob. My parrots can teach your parrots to pray and
worship, and your parrots are sure to stop saying that phrase in no

"Thank you," the woman responded, "this may very well be the solution."

The next day, she brought her female parrots to the priest's house. As
he ushered her in, she saw that his two male parrots were inside their
cage, holding rosary beads and praying. Impressed, she walked over and
placed her parrots in with them.

After a few minutes, the female parrots cried out in unison: "Hi, we're
hookers! Do you want to have some fun?"

There was stunned silence.

Shocked, one male parrot looked over at the other male parrot and
"Put the beads away, Frank, our prayers have been answered."
Blog EntryAug 21, '07 11:02 PM
for Carealot's contacts
A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike
English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.
"House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa."
"Pencil," however; is masculine: "el lapiz."

A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?"

Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two
groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves
whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun.
Each group was sked to give four reasons for its recommendation.

The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the
feminine gender ("la computadora"), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is
incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for
possible later retrieval;
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending
half your paycheck on accessories for it.


The women's group, however; concluded that computers should be Masculine
("el computador"), because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time
they ARE the problem;
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a
little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

The women won !!
Blog EntryAug 20, '07 11:56 PM
for Carealot's contacts
This blog was inspired by bennett, my friend. She said some things to me that reminded me of something that I read once before. I read an email once that said, "before you type, remember that there is a real person with real feelings behind the monitor." I have always tried to do just that. Oh I am not perfect, there have been times when I lost control because of something that someone typed to me. For the most part though I have thought before I typed. I have real friends in this computer, I do not consider them cyber friends. They are real people with real feelings who just happen to be miles away from me. Sure it is true that I have never met them in person, I would like to, but don't need to, to know that they are real friends. I have some friends on this computer that I consider to be more of a friend than the ones I have that I know in person. Ok, I have rambled on long enough, LOL Hugs :)

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