Hello out there in Bloggerville!! I have been on the busy side with the holiday weekend and all. Here it is already Wednesday, my how time flies. The holiday weekend gave me the time to sit on my @ss and watch the new episodes of 2 of my favorite shows. Dexter & Boardwalk Empire. My daughter, who also likes these shows, bought the new seasons of both that have just come out on DVD. :) Season 6 of Dexter and season 2 of Boardwalk Empire. Since we had to tighten our belts since I had to stop working, we no longer get Showtime & HBO which is where these shows air. Thankfully they put them on DVD. A year later then they air, but at least we get to still see the shows. :) They were killer for sure!!!
As you know I recently had Sugar, our cat, declawed in the front. She has been keeping me busy taking care of her. They used a laser and then instead of stitches they used surgerical glue. I would have preferred they had just used the stitches. Why you ask? I shall tell you. Cats lick, that is how they bathe. Vet says don't get paws wet, don't let her lick, bite, chew, etc. Oh yea, right, lol sure...Sugar is not the first cat that I have had declawed, but she is the first that was glued. Trying to keep her from licking has been a full time job. With stitches they dissolve rather quickly, the glue, not so much. Then there was the problem of the cat litter. You have to use shredded paper, which has never been a problem before with other cats. Sugar on the other hand didn't like the recycled paper pellets that we first tried. She refused to use it and did her business next to the box. So I got rid of that and put in just shredded newspaper. Sugar seemed to think that was just something to lay and curl up on. So I got rid of that and put her regular "sand" litter back in. Sugar was happy, but I was concerned that it was going to hurt her. Thankfully it hasn't and she seems to be doing alright. I do however catch her once in a while walking gingerly, but she is back to jumping up to high places as you can see. She weighed 13.6 at the vet.

Yesterday I had to catch up with laundry after the long weekend and today I had to take Brian to doctor for his regular 3 month visit. Tomorrow I have to get started on painting the door frames that Sugar has all clawed up. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day. :)