Friday, September 28, 2012

Half A Million Dollars

Have you ever wondered what a half a million dollars looks like?....Well here is what it looks like to a farmer.

This combine with the head on it cost a half of a million dollars. It has GPS, radar, etc. It also has some kind of a leveling thing that moves up and down with the ground, so as you can see, when they are done the field looks like it has been mowed. There is nothing left but smooth ground. Never have seen a field cut this close....


  1. Wow, that's a lot of money!! I guess that would only be cost effective to large-scale farmers.

    1. It sure is!! I would guess so too....I found out today that it also has a small microwave and a small fridge in it!!

  2. I echo Mitchy - that's a lot of money. I hope he can get many years of use from it.

    1. It sure is a lot of money. I don't know how long they last for but I sure do hope it is a long time.

  3. So how many of those babies do you have in Your Garage? :)
