They say you can't go home again and in my case that is true. All of my childhood homes are gone, torn down. I don't remember living in the house I was born in, but I remember seeing it when we would drive by it in later years. It is gone. The house I lived in from ages 2 thru 9 is now gone. This is the house that this blog is about. This is the house where these pictures were taken.
My mom & dad
This is the house where I played on the front porch, rode my bicycle on the front sidewalk, and built snow forts in the front yard. We had a Collie named Spot (who mom always called Pumpkin). This is the house where my dad left my mom and us 3 kids. This is the house where my mom struggled to make ends meet. This is the house we left behind when my mom remarried. This is the house that is now gone. My sister had found out that they were going to tear this house down and she went and took pictures and she was kind enough to send me copies. So sad this house was. A far cry from what it was when we lived in it. It had been a very nice house but years of neglect left it looking like this.
Here is the side view
That was my bedroom, the double window on the second floor. Played with a lot of baby dolls in there. Now they tear it down. I cried like a baby when I seen these pictures just as I cry now. A time I can't go back to, a home I can't go back to, and memories of my dear mom come flooding in.
An empty lot is all that is left. Funny how it seems so small without the big ol' house sitting on it. WAIT!! There is one thing left after all, somewhere, someone has our old bathtub. Yes it is the very same one that I took a bath in from ages 2 thru 9!!