Monday, August 27, 2012

KFC Cares....?????

It has been 1 week since I sent KFC an email telling them about my experience at the local store. I have not heard from them. I find it funny that their email address is because they apparently don't care!! 


  1. Post your original Thread on the KFC Face Book Page ...and tell the world they don't give a flyin ****! :-)

    Eat more Cow.........

    1. I went back to their FB page and told them that KFC DOESN'T CARE!!! I also told them that Colonel Sanders is rolling over in his grave. As I was trying to find my original post to add this to I seen where other people are not happy with KFC and have emailed also with no answer in return!!

  2. I also e-mailed them over a week ago about some truly horrific food at our local store which we paid hard earned money for, but could not eat. Did I hear anything yet? Hell no, of course not!
