Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Yesterday on Facebook I felt that I had to respond to a woman that had posted what I thought was a stupid comment. She said that she didn't believe that there was children going hungry in the USA. I usually don't comment when someone posts something that is stupid. I don't like to argue, it is their page. However I couldn't stop myself when I seen that and I told her how wrong she was and yes many children are going hungry in this country. Well today I get online and the first news story I see on AOL is a story about a woman that is going to be fined for turning her driveway into a dining room in the summer to feed hungry children. The story said that she fed up to 60 children a day!! I posted this story on Facebook, couldn't help myself. If she seen it or not I do not know, but she sure didn't comment about it.

In other news my squirrel friend is back :)


  1. What a nice neighbor hood. Fine the lady for feeding hungry kids. Guess her neighbors are like the dumb bimbo who told you there are no hungry kids. What a shame that Stupidity Reigns.

    1. I like that....dumb bimbo...comment...fits her I think. lol :)

  2. She obviously has no clue about the real world!!! Some people live in their own bubble. Good for you!!
